HomeMy WebLinkAbout07251960Regular Meeting July 25, 1960
Meetir~ was called to order by President Sembler. Those present
were Mayor Rohme, President Sembler, Councilmen Baxter, Brehmer, and
Finnegan. Councilman Nash was absent.
Councilman Brehmer read a re~]uest from Mrs. Mulchrome, a resident
Louisana Ave., for a stre~l%ight./~- Co~cilman Baxter made a motion to
give Co~.~lm~~ ~~a~t~ty~ ~ ~ ~ ~ha~l~ the.mat~r~s he sees fit.
Second by Co~cilman BreWer and carried.
Co~cilm~n Baxter reported to the Co~cil that several residents
of the City were taki~ advantage of the present "No Limit" policy and
were expecti~' the city to pick up ~reasonable amo~ts of trash.
Co~cilman B~xter reported on the completion of the culvert east
~ ~2
of the Red ~ing ouper Market. Cost of the project was ~ 83.00 plus cost
of usi~ city equipment.
Co~u~cilman P~xter reported that he and ]?resident Sembler had met
with the County Commissioners on a drainage problem on U. S. ~1 near
Church of God. Discussion was postponed ~til Co~ty E~ineer Sc~ucker
returns ~rom reception, when Commissioner McDon~ald and e~ineer will
meet with members of the 6o~mcil for discussion on this problem.
Co~.mcilman Baxter reported that E.U. Vickers objected to the
"No Truck Parki~" ban in the parki~ space directly in ffront of his
place of business. Chief Brock w~gested a loading zone
in the two eastern parking lanes on the South side of Main St. ~resident
Sembler appointed Chieff Brock and Mayor Rol~e as a committee to study
the situation and report to the Co,oil
Councilman BreWer made a move that the City advertise flor bids
Eot the furnishi~ of "Hinim~ 91.51 octane and 97 octane gasoline
together with the fu~is.hi~ off two 500 gallon tanks, two electric
pumps at the City of Sebastian garage, s~.id gas to be furnished on a
contDact of three years duration. City to rescue the right to accept
or reject a~ or all bids. Notice to be published for two weeks, and
bids to be received on or befo~ 4;30 P.M. A~;ust 19, 1960 at the City
Hall in Sebastian.
Mayor Rohme presen~:~ed to the Co~cil, figures on the costs of a
new police car, and stated that the ~olice Dept. would like to keep the
present car for another year and use this car for night patrol only.
Co~cilman Fi~egan asked for detailed reports
the police car. Finance committee will then study these reports and
make reoo~mendations to the Co,oil.
Co~cilman Baxter made a motion to adjou~, second by Councilman
Brehmer and carried.
President of Council