HomeMy WebLinkAbout08081993City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 u SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 MINUTES SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING SUNDAY, AUGUST Il, 1993 - 1:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL PROPOSED ORDINANCES AND INFORMATION ON ITEMS BELOW MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA. Mayor Powell called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. Present: Mayor Lonnie Powell Vice Mayor Frank Oberbeck Mrs. Carolyn Corum Mrs. Norma Damp Mr. Robert Freeland Also Present: City Clerk, Acting City Manager, Kathryn M. O'Halloran Finance Director, Marilyn Swichkow Staff Accountant, Chris Moore Deputy city Clerk, Sally Maio Finance Director, Marilyn Swlchkow, CPA Finance Department (Page 10 Budget - Page 119 Backup) The Finance Director advised City Council relative to proposed salary increase percentages for union and unlimited time status employees and noted that city Council had been given a list of all unlimited time status salaries to refer to. The Finance Director said if City Council were to consider the 3.5% and step for each employee it would cost the city nearly $200,000. Mr. Oberbeck noted that the figure does not include benefits. The Finance Director referred to her letter in the budget backup book on page 119. She explained her intent to utilize a fully automated purchase order and encumbrance accounting accounting system purchased in February 1992 and never utilized. She stated that several software packets were purchased and never used. She said health and accident insurance has been increased $100 per month for every employee as reflected in this budget. Mr. Oberbeck asked if the city is obligated to the plan and the Finance Director said the city has until August 15, 1993 to state its intent to remain in the plan. Mr. Oberbeck asked her to contact Florida League of cities for other numbers. The Finance Director said she had already done that and it would be brought up under Personnel. The Finance Director explained item 513.318 computer technical support and service agreements; item 513.321 franchise audits/rate analysis; item 513.462 repair/maintenance computers; discussion took place on the increase of item 513.510 office supplies and item 513.520 operating supplies. Mrs. Corum inquired about 513.316 other professional services and GDU, item 513.340 contractural services; item 513.400 travel and per diem; item 513.470 printing and binding to which the Finance Director stated it was her intent to submit a comparative financial report to GFOA annually as Vero Beach and Indian River County does. Ite~ 513.470 printing and blnding was reduced to $1800. Mrs. Corum questioned 513.490 other current charges. Item $13.490 other current charges was changed to $400. TAPE I - SIDE II (2:25 p.m.) (2) Finance Capital Improvements (Page 5_/7 Budget Pa~e 12--6 Backup The Finance Director recommended that the Acting City Manager appoint a committee to look at long term computer needs and then went on to explain her capital improvements needs. Mrs. Corum inquired whether a line item will be reduced if the copier is purchased. The Finance Director said other contractural services will be reduced. Discussion took place on the abandonment of a capital items inventory in City Hall over the last several years which will be re-established. City Council concurred with the capital purchases which reduced line item 513.340 other contractural services to $2000. Mr. Oberbeck inquired about the $95,000 appropriated last year for computers and the Finance Director responded that that equipment is being utilized in her office and the Police Department. (3) Legal Department (Page 12 Budget) It was the consensus of City Council to add $8000 for labor relations attorney to make it $16,000. (4) Debt Servic~ ~Page 5--0 Budget This is debt service on CAVCORP property. (5) Health an~ Accident (Page 8--2 Budgetl Again it was noted that it will cost an additional $100 per employee. It was noted that staff was looking at other options for Health Insurance. The Personnel Director said FLC prices will be similar to McCreary. (6) Workers' Compensation (Page 84 Budgeti The Finance Director expressed concerns regarding the TRICO agreement. She said she would like to get back to City Council on this. Mr. Oberbeck offered to drop his workers compensation as a legislator. The Finance Director said Florida law requires coverage, however, she will look into it. city ClerkL Kathryn M__. O'Halloran& CMC (1) Legislative (Page ~ Budget) No changes were made. (2) city Clerk ~Page 2__0 Budget - Page 12__7 Backup) Mrs. Corum inquired about 519.316 other professional services. Item 519.400 travel and per diem was increased to $2500. TAPE II - SIDE I (3:24 p.m.) Mr. Freeland inquired about employees making personal calls. The Finance Director said it was expected that two new phone lines will be put in. Item 519.410 telephones was increased to $13,000. Mr. Oberbeck was excused from 3:32 p.m. to 3:34 p.m. 3 Mr. Oberbeck inquired what copiers are leased and what are owned. Staff was directed to locate the leased copy machine that was previously in the City Clerk's office and determine how it is being charged. Item 519.440 equipment leases was reduced to $2500; item 519.464 repair/maintenance other was deleted; item 519.470 printing and binding was reduced to $5000; item 519.481 fireworks was reduced to $5000; item 519.482 holiday decorations was deleted; item 519.483 employee incentive was decreased to $500; ite~ 519.491 electlon costs was increased to $5500; item 519.510 was reduced to $6000; item 519.541 dues and memberships was redu=ed to $?00. TAPE II - SIDE II (4:10 p.m.) Item 519.542 educational costs was reduced to $1500. (3) City Clerk Capital Improvements Ail requested funds were approved as recommended. It was noted that the City Clerk's office will determine what is the best fix for the Chambers sound system. Mayor Powell called recess at 4:30 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 4:55 p.m. Ail members were present. Golf Course~ Joseph E. O'Rourke~Chrls McCarthy (1) Golf Course Revenues (Page 60 Budget ~ Page 142 Backup) The Golf Course Manager reported on recommendations made at a meeting with Golf Course members on August 3, 1993 and reiterated in a memo from him to City Council dated August 6, 1993 (see attached). The Golf Course Manager recommended proposal B. The Finance Director said this recommendation is not reflected in the proposed budget. She advised that the debt service requirement will not be met even with any changes resulting from proposal B. She recommended a new revised proposed budget reflecting any directions Council gives to the Golf Course Manager. Mr. Freeland said he had asked for a forecast of revenues. Discussion took place on how to best proceed with the proposed Golf Course budget. It was the consensus of City Council to direct the Finance Director and Golf Course Manager to meet and present a new proposal to city council. It was the consensus of Council to tentatively schedule a special meeting for Friday, August 20, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. 4 City Manaqer/Personnel~ Wend¥ Wi~mann (1) ~ity Manage=/PersoRnel (Page ~ Budget - PaGe ~ Backup) Mrs. Corum asked that Council consider requesting the return of the City Manager's city keys. Mr. Oberbeck asked if Council would be within its rights by taking this action at a budget workshop or if this should be an administrative action. The Finance Director said it was not illegal unless challenged, since Council is not taking action on any administrative process of city government. The Personnel Director said normally the last paycheck is withheld pending return of city property. The City Clerk read an excerpt from a letter from Attorney Torpy. MOTION by Oberbeck/Freeland I make a motion to put it on this agenda. ROLL CALL: Mr. Oberbeck - aye Mrs. Corum - aye Mrs. Damp - aye Mr. Freeland - aye Mayor Powell - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 MOTION by Oberbeck I would move that all items of city property currently in position of the suspended City Manager including keys to the building be returned as soon as possible also recommend that we direct the City Clerk /Acting city Manager to engage a locksmith and change the cylinders on the doors to City Hall to new keying. MOTION died for lack of a second. MOTION by Oberbeck/Freeland I would move that we direct the suspended City Manager to return any and all city property given to him during the course of employment including keys, telephones, whatever it may be. TAPE III - SIDE I (5:30 p.m.) 5 Mrs. Corum expressed concern for requesting other than keys back at this time. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Corum - nay Mrs. Damp - nay Mr. Freeland - nay Mayor Powell - aye Mr. Oberbeck - aye MOTION FAILED 2-3 (Corum, Damp, Freeland - nay) MOTION by Freeland/Corum I'd like to make a motion that we direct the City Clerk to have Mr. McClary return the keys that he has to the building and all keys that he has as well as his cellular phone that belongs to the City. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Damp - aye Mr. Freeland - aye Mayor Powell - aye Mr. Oberbeck - aye Mrs. Corum - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 Mrs. Corum inquired whether 512.316 other professional services was to update the SOP and the Personnel Director responded that there are software programs and consultants available to assist in Personnel matters. The Finance Director recommended reviewing health insurance options in-house. Item 512.510 office supplies was reduced to $1500; item 512.542 educational costs vas reduced to $1200. (2) City Manager Capital ImprQ¥~ments (Page 57 Budget - Paqe 151 Backup The fax machine ($500) was deleted, the printer was reduced to $4000 and the laser printer ($1300) was deleted. (3) Employee Compensation Mayor Powell called a dinner recess at 6:05 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:07 p.m. All members were present. Personnel evaluations were discussed. The Finance Director explained that unlimited time status employees have a step plan built in as do union employees, and recommended a plan for rank and file which rewards on merit. 6 Mr. Freeland recommended 4%. The Finance Director said the budget assumes a 5% retirement match for each employee. TAPE Iii - SIDE II (7:26 p.m.) Mr. Oberbeck stated that each employee is already receiving a $1200 increase for health insurance and recommended allocating an amount of money to distribute in merit raises at a later date. The Personnel Director said the average pay for city employees is $10.28 per hour. Mr. Freeland reiterated 4% is a reasonable amount with adjustments to department heads who have not been included in a step plan. Mrs. Corum said 4% is way out of line, said government jobs are safe and stable with excellent benefits, and concurred with the $1200 annual insurance increase being sufficient. Mrs. Damp said there has been no millage increase in a few years. The Finance Director gave estimated personnel costs as follows: current salaries 3.357 million 3.5 with step - 3.5 million ($170,901 increase) 3.5 without step - 3.474 million (115,659 increase) The Finance Director said the health insurance was not included. $109,000 plus with health insurance. Mr. Oberbeck said this will be referred to as the year of the freeze. The Personnel Director said the employees should not be penalized because the health insurance should have been better looked into last October. The Finance Director requested guidance from Council and advised them that she had submitted 6.90 mills, that it could be lowered but not increased. The Finance Director recommended the health insurance be paid by the city and that a merit pool in the amount of $100,000 be established with guidelines to be drafted by the Personnel Director, approved by the city Manager and brought back to city Council for approval. She recommended a line item for special pay in the amount of $10,000 for an Acting City Manager. The city Engineer explained his increase procedures. He said everyone has to achieve at least satisfactory in all ten categories. TAPE IV - SIDE I (8:09 p.m.) The Finance Director recommended that the merit pool system be implemented for this fiscal year for all employees. Mr. Oberbeck recommended that the Airport Manager should receive the $1200. City Councll concurred. Mr. Freeland recommended that the city Clerk and Finance Director be given raises and the $100,000 merit pool go to the City Manager for review and recommendation to City Council. Mr. Oberbeck recommended specific increases for specific unlimited time status employees. City did not concur with this idea. Mrs. Corum recommended a freeze and no merit pool and Council did not concur. Mr. Freeland recommended the $100,000 merit pool be turned over to the City Manager and Finance Director and brought back to City Council. City Council concurred. The Finance Director reiterated the addition of $10,000 for special pay in the City Manager's fund. Council concurred. The city Council concurred to give the City Clerk a salary of $40,0Z9. Discussion took place on the loan between the Mayor and city Clerk. City Council concurred to give the guaranteed SZ000 to two contract employees. The Finance Director said she did not belleve those two employees should be ellglble for the merit pool. City Councll concurred. Mayor Powell called recess at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Ail members were present. The City Manager reported on streets line item 541.464 repair/maintenance other (page 38 Budget) and recommended that it be reduced to $9000. Discussion took place on the requested $6000 in parks capital improvement for riding mower. The City Engineer said he could replace the engine for $1300. 8 The $$000 was deleted and $1500 was placed in parks expenditures under repairs equipment 541o465o The Finance Director gave a final total of cuts in the amount of $142,041 and an additional $15,000 to 20,000 from retirement line item. TAPE IV - SIDE II (9:05 p.m.) The Finance Director recommended staying with 6.9 mills to establish a contingency reserve. The City Engineer requested the position of clerical II be kept at clerical I and go to full time. City Council concurred. The City Engineer requested an Engineering Technician II position to be filled by the current Engineering Technician, upgrading the current Heavy Equipment Operator to Engineering Technician, upgrading a current Maintenance I, being paid at a Maintenance III rate, to the Heavy Equipment Operator. Mr. Freeland recommended that this be delayed to the first budget revision as well as the Police request for new personnel. It was the consensus of City Council to approve the upgrades for current employees and leave the Maintenance I position open until the first quarter budget revision. The City Engineer requested three new positions for a "culvert crew", two Maintenance I and one Maintenance Ii. Mr. Oberbeck inquired about the location of funds for a drainage engineering study. He requested that staff investigate its whereabouts. City Council concurred with the three new positions. The Acting City Manager requested an increase of $2500 per year for the Finance Director, in acknowledgment of her dedication to the city. City Councll concurred. Mr. oberbeck asked what the asterisk next to the Assistant Golf Course Superintendent signifies. The Finance Director explained that he is being proposed for unlimited time status. Mrs. Corum inquired about the funded utility position and stated that Council should not be forced to pay a higher amount than was budgeted. The Finance Director said she would request the Acting City Manager and Personnel Director to look into it. Mrs. Corum asked that the city consider a planner. Mayor Powell adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Approved at the ~ ~ .. , 1993, City Council Meeting. /~ ~ Kathr~M. O'Halloran, CMC\AAE City Clerk 10