HomeMy WebLinkAbout08091954Regular l~,~ieu, ting August 9. I954 Meeting called to order 0y President Taylor. Those present were ~:or Shaffer and Councilmen Sn~en, Sembler, Ellingsen,Fres. Taylor and Councilwomen Chesser. Minutes of last meeting approved as read. Pres. Taylor made following chan~es ~:n committees, Councilman Sn_~en moved from comittee on ~ire'-~ept to finance, replaceing Councilwomen Chesser, Council~.~omen Chesser moved to ~'ire Dep't. ~ Bills in the amount or ~ 234.6o was approved by the finance committee and ordered paid on motion ~y ~ouncilman ~Ellingsen and seconded by Councilman Sembler, Motion carried, Two 0uil~i~g permits was granted~on motion 0y Councilman Sembler and seconded by councilma E~&ngsen.~arried. One permi~ to Nm, Gilbert Cambell for residence on Louisiana ~Ave. estamated'cos~ ~3,500 and one permit '~o l~r. ~, W. ~rxer for residence on Loui~ana Ave. es~amated cost ~ 3,500~ There oeing no o~her ~uisiness ~o come before the Council mee~ing was duly adjoirned. pre s ldent .: - Special meeting f~ugusl~ i9~ ±9~ .~e~ting c~llem ~o order oy rresident '~'aylor. ~zhose pre~en~ were mayor ~harrer, z'res. ~z'aylor 0ouncilmen onuwden, Sembler, mllingsen, an~ Councilwomen Ohesser. ~eeting calmed $o.,de~iae wha~ ~o do aoout p~lice car whlc~ was damaged in acclden~ on August ~8, while taEeing emer:,~ncy case ~o hospital, ~t wa's moved oy ~ouncilman Se~ler to ~ame car ~o Letchworth ~otors a~ ~ero ~each ~o ~e repaired, motion seconded 0y '- ~oun¢ilman mliingsen and carried.es~amated cos~ cz repair ~6.0o covered ~y $~0.00 deductable collision insurance. zt was decided not to hold r:~gular me~:~,ting on August ~. ~here bei~g...~nothing or importance to come o~I'ore -~he Council meeting was adjourned on. motion 0y 0ouncil Sem~ler and seconded by Councilman Snowden. :-rS siden~~