HomeMy WebLinkAbout08131962REGULAR HI]ETING Heetinc called ~o order by i.'resident Cha~ell aS 7:00 P.ii. Those present: I%~.yor 13oone, Councilmen C.hannell, Leonardy, DeCris'~ofaro, ifitt and Stevenson. Ninll~es of July Nestings were Pood sRd approved. Counoil~aan }eCristofero moved that bills for July, in the 81tottn~ of [~}1~524.71 as indiceted in Bills !arable 3ook, be {~pproved for payment. Seconded bS Counoilmon !~e onardy. {Is. Pried. ~lotion was iu~:~de 1),'..~:~ Cm. mcml~n ifitt %o aoce.~. .... reoi-' .... hation oi' ~-ir. ~,~ ...... ~:.z~-'~'~ otokes as m<'~ber of ]3card oS .2djust;~ent. Seconded by Councilman !)eCristoi'~-iro. C~rried. ~otion was made by Co~uioilman ,_,dI lied President Channell iritPoduoed General ]}:evelo]NTlent Corfu. and Ci'h? Councilman 5eor~e. rdy ~oved to table this letter until such a time thee the Co~loil could discuss said letter. Seconded by Counci!~an DeCristofeFo. I roll coil vote wss taken with vo~ins es follows: Yeas: Councilnan Stevenson Carried. Nays: " DeCristofaro Le onardy " C~ , ~'iiU2i"i e I1 i!otion z:ade by Com:cil~an DeCristofsro that when letter fron A-htorne;I Vocolle is removed from table for Council dise~.,~ssion that said discussion be held in closed session. Seconded by Cotmcilman i, eonardy. Yeas: Carried. Roll call vote Taken with votin~i as follows: Councilman Stevenson, with permission of Councitnan I/eCris':~o£sro, moved that a repre- sentative fro~ V~ebas'hion Highlands iropez'ty Owners Associs'hion and a representative from the older part of the city be ellowed to at-bend discussion on said letter. f~c ~( bt/ Councilman Uitt o.~ led . C8 rrie d. City Clerk was iz'~,structed to take action with City i'..~ncineer to hove a deed prepared for Pir. Loudermilk, on his property fronTin{~ on U.S. 1962-63 7i~.d~'l~et was introduced. Co~ci_l~,mn !)eCrist~'~faro moved ths. t Clerk Pe~'~d budcet in {:/,econded by Co~.~]:ioil.~a]':. i, eonardy. Roll c~ll vote taken wi~h l~a~: Cou.noilman Stevenson " 'Jitt " il)eOrlst~)£a ro u i~.{D oi18 rdy Nay s: " Cha nne 11 ~iscussion was J.~eld on budget 8nd tether froze 8eb:;~sti~n .{'2}j]!lands )ropePt3~ Owners Associ,?,tion w{.'.s read. iiotion m~de b,r Couneil~,~an ~fitt o..'_'_~:, ~, it",n _~,,,)J ;,1,,z_.es in ~,ne amoturi: of 334,''''~ ~ Seconded by Councilnan DeCristofs, ro. Roll call vote taken. :iesults as ai~proved. follows: Yeas: Councili~?.n Stevenson " i'fitt " DeCristo£aro " Le onardy Nays: ' Channell ...otmon msde ,~ Councilman DeCristo£aro that iten i'or Pub]_io ':forks, in the ~ecor.tded b'i; Councilman S-hevenson. ?:otl e,l:. w:}te ts Oq.".o,O be ap'orsved off "[?, .... ,. !e,ouio,.~ ?s follows~,. Yeas: Councilman i/itt '~ ]30 ona rdy Nays: ' Channell Notion ~ade by Co~mcilm{~n 3eonardy t::at itei:~ for }~aPks and Recreation, in the amomr Seconded by Com~cili'%an D~C~.zo~ofaro ito!l c~.:ll vote ta.k~ of :}1,150.00 loe al?roved. 2e:~ults 3s follows: Yeas: gounci!::~an '..~itt I:~-I; eve !a s o~1 .... ~CP~stoi'a Po Le onardy Hotion made by Co:..:ncil::tan DeOristofaro tl.~:~'h item P!isc. Oeneral~ in %he revised amo~ of :,::,L'~ 'P3R.O0 be ,.,p, rov::,d ' "l). =. 'Seconded b3r Cour:c!lnar',. .... !,~eoJsaPd}r. Carried. Hotion made by Councilman t,,,ritt to adopt budcet as ~m~.~,:,~nd..~d Seconded b~- Co~,mcilman Stevenson. 0s. ri'ied. No%ion ~aa. de by Councilm~x}m 'fitt t~m.t City Cl.r.:.~ be authorized to accept bids to proceed to have council ehsmber air-conditioned at once without :further of council bein{f necess3ry. Seconded by Co~mcilman Leonardy. C~:~rl:'ied. ....... ' %re law. Cle~ was .,.z~-s+~,~cted to nave front doors changed to Hotion zl~:~de b3~ Councilman ll}~evenson to re jeer ofm,.P of Propane der]",, to purohase oity-owned;'oPopertv on I,ouisiana :~_,,,-~,~n~:e,,. ,. '$eoonded by Council. man ~ ~t. Carried. Clerk was instruoted to ooordinate with City Attorney and write !~t,,er to GeNeral )eve~op~aenh Corp. Fe%uestin~ meeti~ with Notion made b- Counoil~:an '?(,eo~.~a-,'dy ti%'~t" o .... .i .... .:e~,.:.~Z~ be adjourned until 7'!"'0 l"..,i. ~. ,:,,,eeo:haled by Councih~?tn l}eOrzst-:,faro. Carried Frasident of Council