HomeMy WebLinkAbout09191939 q ':!. t ;,:, ,, .l-.: r k. llpon ?.::otio:,i'-r...,u.~li ..ition mc:.,ti:.x',_ ~' .~s set for ~er)~,,'. "~." 1'.', ~c'.~;c ~ .... O_~.lL:.~i C ]:~OVu{]. '~O 'xdjo ,,:n. Cfi ~ .,.. .LO jo,,irt:cd -~4}~Rl!~r }::~ '::ti.:~{'l "ept. 19, lfS.c . }lo,sting r~s called to or,i,}-- b'v Ci~ziPmun; tl,.":~ roll *:is c:illcd, ~.Jth-t]'~.,3 follo~,.~.d.n6 }"itchell. }"inures of previous pooti~}:s ~,:}~. 'ro_~d-.~; J m}le. ?ollov..lrs' rosol~t~ol-i i.":~s J. ntroJ_~]co,i by m"}~,cih':;.~n Vic.i:.' "~s ~ who '.'--~-,'~ to-v/it: 'rhereas, it .~ppeara t~.... ~t duo ~n'] !::~S~i not~ c~.~ h.~s beon :"~von that t; ~ ~ity ~ouncil of tlu:~. ~t'v oF ~x.'~,=stixn, m~orida- , would n~,~t it thJ hoL~r of ~:30 O'clock, '~' ..... .~z.t ..... Oc:r 19'th, 1~3~, for t .... . pu?pos,:. ..c~i?i~.': c~' ~'~pl'zinta" un eou.~lizlz~ ~ind co~-~ct~.~.~,.. ~ ..... t~ assess~ent ~11 of aa~.d ~ity for t1~ -appe:-~r by proof of pubiC, cat,.on of such notice 'filod in thase n~.nutes; Where=s, s:~id ~ity Oouncil dI.~ n._:ct :xt s:l~r] tixe for such purpose and all objections n.~d,:~ to s-~id assessment ~mll t'~'~ve 'been duly considJ~d .ind acted upon, and assess- m~:~nt :roll h.~ve 'bc~n found co:~rect, ecmall and ju~t in the judgment of this council, ~nd th.it s~id council has not found It nece~aary to raise 'tl~o imount oC ~ly assess- m~nts ~ppu~ring upon sxid assessment roll; und therefore i-~;e it resolved th.~t thc City ~ouncil of the qit[~ oF ~b.~st~,~, ~loPidr~, does ~mreby find ~nd determine th:~t tho said assessment roll of s,~i~ Ol. ty fo thc y:'.xr 1939 :;~s prep'ired by tho ~ity tax "ssessor is eou~l, correct, and just, :in:~ th.it t[~ same b~', ~nJ Is ]'u.~r'o'Ov approw:~d n'id confirmed. The motion for the adoption of the resolution beinf-f seconded by Councilman ~Jurdoch, tho same was ~dopted by tho followiz~ vote: ~ye s Councilmen Daughma n, tlurdoch, ,~ickers. Nays ~fone. Councilman Vickers introduced the following resolution and moved it~, adoption, to- wit: vLH.i?].~$, City of Sebastian under its contract for refunding its oblig~tions is auth- orlzed to provide for the adjustment of delinquent t~'~xes due s~id ~ity and of del- inquent assessment liens; and R.~'ERF~:kS, the adjustments hereinafter provided are herewith determined by this Gouncll to be upon the basis designed to bring the greatest collections to said c~ty; and therefore BE F? ~E$O!VED, thit the City ~lerk and City ~'ax Collector be ~nd are authorized and directed to accept p~ym~nt of assessment liens due said ~ity on the basis of twenty percent of the principal amount thereof with interest and penalties thereon waived; That as payment in full for delinquent t~es all interest and penalties thereon be waived and there be accepted fifteen percent of the principal sum of said taxes for the yes, rs 1933~and prior thereto, and that the amount of taxes for each of said years be based upon the taxes of the various propertias an fixed by the 1933 tax assess- ment roll of said ~Ity; ~hat interest and penalties be waived ~nd twentM percent of th,a principal amount thereof be ~ccepted as payment in f~ll for taxes due said City for 't.i~e years 1~-'~4 and 1935; Theft interest and pen:~lties be waived and thirty percent of the principal amount thereof be accepted in p~ment of 'taxes due said ~Ity for the years 1938 and 1937. That t~ adjustmenl$S aforesaid be accepted to '~pril 1, 1940, mhd that on and after "prll 1, 1940, five percent penalty upon the adjusted amount be added in the coll- ection of all taxes as aforesaid; Theft. in 1938 and 1939 taxes due this '~ity be collected in cash and become delin- quent "pril 1, 19~0, and carry penalties and interest ct'arges as now provided by l~w; That the Clerk be authorized to sell tax certificates ~t the adjusted rate herein provided upon application and after 'iving fifteen days notice to the last owner of record as shown by the City tax assessment roll as to the property for which application is made to purchase certificates by mail1_n~, such notice. Bi~ TT ]E~RTH'.~ RESOLVED, that the adjusted rate herein profided m~.y be modified and the collection of the full amount of such taxes and assessments and all penalties and interest 'thereon be required by resolution of this Council effective if this Council sh'~ll deem it advisable upon ~prll l, 1940, and thereafter. ~he motion for the .adoption for the resolution being seconded by ~ouncilm~n l~,urdoch, it was declared adopted by the followin{~ vote: ~y es Nays counc il,men ~.~urdoch, Vickers and ~aughman. Councilman Murdoch introduced the following resolution and moved its :~doption, to- wit: . Be it resolved that the budget of expenditures and disbursements of the ~ y of °e- bastian, Florida, for the fiscal year of 1939-1940, be ahd the same is hereby fixed as follows: FOP ,~ C3~Ii'R&L FU,.~ OF ::~._D CITY ( .~ ~:.~ ............ ~_ 9treet 11 ~hting ............................................. City Clerk and uffice ~xpenses ................. qtreets, ,.~arks, ~,~ll¢:,?s and ~rainage $360.00 - 6oo.oo I~O00 '00 l o.oo Hiseellaneous TOT AL- ......... po.co FOR TH i2 G~Sl. sRAL FUFD OF ,:~A.T~, CITY 1939 Tax Coilect ions~- -~'--~ .... "- ......... License £'ax peo~lpts .......... ~elinquent faxes ~nd ~.iiscell~meous ~ollections ........... TOT ~-- $1590.00 370.00 ,' 420.00 223~0.00 To pay Interest Upon and Yrovide a °inkin~ Fund for City of .Sebastian Refunding Bonds, issue of 1959 Dated Yuly 1, 1939 ............... ~4376.00 ~959 Tax Collections ....... ~;~4o 76.00 P~ it further resolved th:~t; the city Oouncil of the City of Sebastian herewith de- termines th'~t th~ amount to b',:~ raised for all municipal purposes for the fiscal year 1~:39-1940 Oy taxation for the year 1939, is the ~x~X~~x~x[~x~Xx~x~~.~ sum of ~1960.00 for m~ner~l fund purposes and ~43V6.00 for interest =rtd sinkln:' fund purposes to he used exclusively for City of Seb'-',sti:in ?efunding ~onds, issue of 1939, d.,ted yuly 1, 1939; tiler ordin- ance Ue prep.ired providin6 ~ 'tax levy for such purposes in the ~moun~ of 10 mills for g..neral I~nd purposes and 25 mills for ir:te~ost _tnd sinkinc purposes. ~he notion for the :tdoption of ~he resolution, .being duely ,=ccopted, tv::~s dec!~red ~do?ted by the followi,nc vote: ~ye s Councilm:'m Vicl.:cr.~ in. troiuced the follow~n~ ord_~n~ncc and noved th-~t ~t b.~ ~ead the first t} ..... in full ~'L1ch w~s seconded b~T qouncilman ~'urdoch, Upon its boinq 'ouncilFmn Vick~rs hayed t]~-~t it b~ read the sa~cond, t~no by titl~ only soco~.'~.~, by' ..,ou.~oil:.~'~ '"urdoch. Upon its bead':f: re._~d by t~t]_~ douncil~..~"' V'ickers moved t~,,.. ~t it be ..~d t:~o t~.~~,'~ , ti.r:e b~ tftL) -..~.:~. put upon its ~, ''~'~ ..... ..~ wh~ ch was ..... o~,~cih'..':~t'~. ~,,urdoc h, '-~:'~d ,L~on~. roi1 c'.~ll was .~do~)tc,~ b~',., the follo~.',i .,n Ordi~'::~nce mrovidi:.,- for' t;:-.': ~.~:v-;~ O.g &'2XOS 51i th.~ ,qi. ty of' ~t~L~t~:.;'b~ ~n, *!ori,'~ 'for t ....."~.: .~;:; l~":l~ .-. :.' ~ .....,.~.-~ ~' .... = ~ 'r'~r.~ '~*'"' . ~' ..~0 ~~''~'~. .]~,.- ~m~r~'~,~T,~ .... .' . 0 '~ ..... , 'Tm~ r', ~ "-"j'-. ....~'~.~'"~ ' ~ '~ 't[( 01.' *.',.~ ~"~ 5 '2pO!'l '~cCt].O!', 1. m~, ~'b u2.k.~ ~'b" Of ~O~St~.~/;.~ "lO:';?'~a' ~xr'~" .- - ~c:,.~ doll.~r vxiu:~'t~o.n_, of ....... . ._~I _~,a.. ...,,mso:ul .':"o2'.-2"'tv ~ i"~in ti'.,;~j't".".. lfrti'ts of said ,~ ~.,,~ ~ ..... i .z :~ ~l :.; 3 (:~ I ....... ' ........ .dlf2~3S ~ Of '.f'OV1 ~' ' , ~. Li~'~ ~!iC~F ~1 f'dl~,.~ 0~ ~ ~ [ ; : b 1~; l,'l~.