HomeMy WebLinkAbout09211930Regular Meeting Sept. g2, 1930. Roll Call: l~yor, Councilmen Cl~rk ~ttorn Ceo. T. L, adser T. B. Hicks, fre,~ t:ro tom S. a. Park L. O. Baud;~m~n Lenora E. Park Yames. T. Focello Cou~Ycj. lik~:':i~ ]¥, ~,. ~rtin and R. G. Hardee were absent. The minutes of ti,t: r::~atar r.!oc',:~';_; o'? September 8th were r~aad a?'id ai:!pr eve d, Councilman Park, moved tfr~-t th..~, sam.:; Co:;~::_f't-tec a>l;<: !h-b(:¢l to rcpres~:~nt the City at a meetin~.~: oF ti-~;:. Inland Navigation Co~m~issioners hc!d S~ptember llth, at Saint ~.~u:ius-tine for the pur::o~.~ of having the proposed new channel in tho Indian R:(ver loca't.~:~[' on the Uest side, consult wi-th tt;.e City :.~t'torney that ho may take thc m~'ttcr 'ap v;.'l ~k Mr:::. 7k..r~tk Frd.'an Owen our Representative jn Co:',<;r~..,~_;n;; wh.~cL v;as secor!ded by Counc~lm.an Baust-m~an ~l~d curried by tho follotvin~ vote: ,lyes: CodncJ_~zon Y~r].::, D~.~ ,-~:..~il aLd Hicl~. Nays; none. ~ letter from tk.:-.~ Florida East Coast Rail;~:ay Company referr:~.'~7 to thc ~'[ain Street crossing in S~:b~:-~'ti..:~:'.~. ov~.~r ~L~:. ri:hr of wla[; and tracks raJiway Compal'!y'; ~lso the wide,hind; out of thc cros~.i~: ov,:r th~: ~r. ack to width of 30 feet and ~t a~i;recma:~:;i: "ith the Florida East Coast Raiiwa~ whereby the city is granted thc privil~.:~ie to use a easement for crossing purposes only was read. Cot, fleshy b~ d. eferr<~d until next re2~lar meet ing; v,'hlck ;'~:'a::; sec..'>~ik:~ by Counc fi;:~n I'ark and carri~:d by th.:: ,f'ollo'u:~_:C vote: ayes: Counc i ~n B~u.5~.ma:'t., ~ark ~l. J'~ks. Nays: None. Coun¢ilmari ?ark moved that the meetin;qs of the Cit;y Co~nci. 1 be 7:30 o'clock p.m., ir. stead of 8:00' o'clock p.m., until otherwise ~vkich was second~:d by Councilman Bau~J~uan and carr'i, cd by th~ following vote: ~y~s: Ccun~.:ilman i:~ud.i~:.a~, ]'~rk and Hciks. Nays: None. 1%~C"~'~7 C_~f: .raade by Councilman Park, seconded by Cou'ac :iir. ian 13au~Thman, ~hat Council ad journ. Mot ion carried. ~