HomeMy WebLinkAbout09241936 Regular ~f. eeting August 3, 1936.
· ~(eeting was called to order by Chairman the roll c'~lled with the following members
present: ~',ayor Geo. T. Badger, Councilmen, Hardee, Vickers, Baughman. Atty. ~tcB~l~
~¥1mutes of ~eetings of July, 6, 13, and 20th were read and adopted.
Councilman Vickers moved that Chairman appoint a committee of one to engage a
surveyor to survey and su0divide the property formerly belonging to G. H. Fields
and others..Sec. Baughman. Carried. Chairman f~pp~inted City Clerk.
Councilman Vickers introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolution {~, o
~hereas, L. F. Chesser has offered to purchase from the City of Sebastian, Florida,
Block 6 in ~.J~dgewater Park subdivision in and to the City of Sebastian, Florida,
and being located in S.6, ?ownship 31 S. , ?ange 39 East, and to pay to the said
city as the total purchase price for said property the sum of two hundred fifty
dollars cash and as afurt er consideration to assume all state and county taxes
heretofore, now or hereafter assesSed and the city taxes thereon for the year 1936
and thereafter: and
Whereas, the City Council of said City of Sebastian deems said offer to be a just
and reasonable price for said property and deems it to tho best interest of said
city that sald offer be accepted; therefore,
?~e it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, that the said
offer of the said ~. F. Che~ser be, and the same is, hereby ~cceptod and that the
officers of said City be, and they are, hereby directed and authorized to execute,
in the name of and on 0oh~lf of said city ~nd attesD by its Corporate seal, a
special warranty deed to the said L. ?. Chesser conveying to hir'~ tho above described
l~nd and to d~..liw~r it to him upon roc~ipt o~ thc purchase price th~reof.
Th~ motion for 'the adoption of the resolution being duly s<~,condod it was adopted
upon roll ~:.~ll by the followin~ vote, Do~..' it:
Ayes: Hardee. Vickers, Bau%~?nnan. Nays: No'~'J~e.
A?~er discussion of ~he ba~,"~ki, n~ situation Councilma~ B~u~h~.an mow~d that ~he
~ndl~o River Citrus Bauk be made City depository. Sec. Councilman Vickers. Carried.
Councilman Vickers mov~_~d to ~djourn. Sec. Bau~hman. C~rried.
Chairman Clerk
Special ~{eeting Au~ust 24, 1956.
Seba::~tian, Fla.
Au~c. 24, l~.,J6.
City Councilmen City of Seb~stian
Sebastian, Fla.
I hereby call a special meeting of your Honorable oodv to meet at
noon Aug. 24, 1736. for ~he purpose of instructing City Attornev to take ~ction
o~ the W. P. Sloar~ property, and to hire a city En~i~eer.
Yours truly.
(sl~.ned) Geo. T. Badger. 5~ayor.
Meeting vJ'as called ~o orderer by Chairmsn the roll called wi~'~ the follo-in~ members
~rese?~t: Mayor Geo. T. B~er, Councilman Hardee, Bau~lman,
Councilm~n ~ys made a motion that the City ~ttor~ey be instructed to have
receiver appointed for theW.~' P. Sloa~'~ property. Sec. Bau~:l,mau. Carried.
Councilman Hays moved ~ha~ H' G. Deppe= be employed ~s City Engineer for year 1936
at a salary of $1.00 Der year. Sec. Bau~l~nan. Carried.
Councilman Baughman moved to adJouru. Sec. Mays. Carried.
Cha irman Cler~
Re~ul~A~eetin~ Sept. ?, 1936.
B~~m present.~oun~it
~d journed.
__.;__- .... ~_ ............. ~,___
Sebastian, Fla.
City Councilmen
City of Sebastia~, Fla.
I Hereby call a special meeting of your honorable body Thursday Sent.
24 at 9 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of passing resolution authorizing
sale of Block 7 Ed~ewater Park S/D.
Yours truly,
(si~ned) Geo. T, Badger, Mayor.
Special Meeting Sept. 24, 1936.
Meeting was c'~lled to order b'~ Chairm~-~ the roll called with the following members
pres.emt: Mayor Geo. T. Bad~Ner, Councilmen,, R. G. Hardee, L. 0. Bau~nnan. G. K. ~urdock.
The Mayor read the call,
Councilman Bau~hman offered ~he following resolutlo~.) a~d moved its adoptio~'~:
Resolution ~ ~
Whereas, ~e~.Schwerman has offered to purchase fro~ the City of SebaStian, Flori~,
Bleek 7 in Ed~e~wter Park subdivision 1~ and to ~he City of Sebas$i~ Florida,
and being loca~d In Seetlo~ 6 Township 31 South. RaBge 39 East, and ~o pay to the
said City as the ~o~al ~urchas~ price for said property the sum of $1750.00 cash
and as a further consideration to assume all taxes for ~he year 1736 and thereafter;
~Jheress, the City Council of said City of Sebastian deems said offer to be a just
and reasonable price for s~id property and deems it ~o the tho best lnteres~ of
· said City ~hat said offer be accepted; there.~ore,
Be l~ Resolved by The City Council of the Cltv of Sebastian,. Florida, ~hat the said
offer of the said ~e:~ Schwerman be, and the s~e is, herewith accepted and that the
officers of said City '0e, and. they are, her~y directed and authorized ~o execute,
in ~he name of and on behalf of said City and at~es~ by i~s corporate seal, a
special warranty de~d to the said Ben Schwer~n co~.veyin~ to hi~ the above described
land and to deliver its to him upon receipt of the purchase price thereof.
The motion for the adoption of ~he Resolution being duly seconded it was adopted
upon roll call by the following vo~e, to-wl~:
Ayes: Hardee. Bau~h~n, Murdock. Nays: NOne.
Cou~.cil~n Murdock ~oved ~o adjourn which was seconded Oy Councl~n Bau~n.
Chair~n. Clerk
~..Re~ular meetinm Oct. 5. 1936.
~ee~ing was called to order by Ghairma~ the roll called wi~h the follo~'i~.~ members
present: Mayor Geo. T. Bad~er, Councilmen: R. G. Hardee, E,W. Vickers, L. 0.
Bau~hazan, G. K. Murdock. Attv Vocelle.
Minutes of m~etin~s of Au~. 3~ ~ug. 24, Se.mt. 7 and S~.pt. 24 were read and adopted.
Councilman Vlckers offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Be i~ Resolved, that the budmet of expenditures a~d disbursements of the City of
Sebastian, Florida. for the fiscal year 1936-1937 be, and ~he same is hereby
fixed as follo~s:
Street llRhting-l--ll-Z ~-~-$300.00
Mis~ellaneous ........... $1§0.00
Attorney's fees ................ $300.00
Streets,Parks and drainage ..... $408.14
Clerk ........................... $600.00
Office expemse ................. ~.100.00
Retlremem. t principal a~d i~terest out~tandin~ iDdebtedness$2096,23
Total ....... $395~.37
Be it Further Resolved, 'that the ~'gy Council of the City of Sebastian does
determine that the amount to be raised for all municioal purposes for the fiscal
year 1936-19~? Oy taxation for the year 1936, is the sum of ~3954.37 and that in
order to provide necessary funds for .this purpose the rate of taxatio~ for the said
city for the year 1956 shall be 20 mills on the dollar assessed value of the taxable
property within said city; l0 mills of said 20 mills bcin~ for the puroose of pro-
viding funds for.the ~eneral fund; l0 mills of said 20 mills being for the purpose of
re~irin~ principal and interest on the outstandi~ indebtedness of said City.
Be it Further Resolved, that the City Attorney of said Citv be. and he is, hereby
instructed to ~repare tax ordinance in accordance herewith.
Said resolution being put to a vote, Oy roll c~ll wa~ adopted as follows:
Ayes: Hsrdee, Vickers, Bau~hman, Murdock. Nays: No~e.
Councilman Vickers introduced a~ ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE
'0e read for the first time in full. Motion seconded by Councilman Bau~tnna~. Motion
carried. Ordinance being read in full Councilman Murdock move~ that it be read the
second time by title only. Seconded by CouRcilman Vickers. Carried. 0rdina~ce beln~
read the second time by title CounciLman Bau~hnnan moved that it be read the third time
by title onlyand put upon its ~assage. Motion seconded by Councilman Vickers. Motion
carriedand o~d~n~nce was read t:Lird time b~. title and upon roll call was adopted
by the following vote: Ayes: Hardee, Vickers, Ba~hman, ~rdock. Nqvs: None.
Councilman Vlckers made a motion that the Citv o~ Sebsstlan authorize the Florida
Power & Li?~t Co. to add E street lights a~'~d that a conumittee :~e appointed to
designate their location. See. Cou~cilman Ba~.~hma~. Carried. Chair aOpointed the
following Committee: Councilmen. Vickers, Bau~hman, Murdock.