HomeMy WebLinkAbout10051936sale of Block 7 ~dgewa~er Park S/D. Tours truly, (si~ned) Geo. T. Badger, Mayor. Special Meeting Sept. ~°4, 1936. Meeting was called to order bi~ Chairma~-~ the roll called with the following mem0ers 'present: Mayor Geo. T. Bad~.~er, Councilmeu, R. G. Hardee, L. 0. Bau~a.o.G.K. ~urdock. The Mayor read the call. Councilman ~au~an offered ~he following resolutio~ a~.d moved its adoptions: Resolution ~ ~ ~ere~s, ~e~.Schwerman has offered to purchase fro~ the City of SebaStian, Flori~, Bleek 7 in Ed~e~wter Park subdivision in and to the City of Sebastian, Florl~,., and being localized in Sec~lo~ 6, Tow~shl~ 31 South. RaBge 39 East, a~d to pay to the said City as ~he ~o~al purchase price for said property the sum of ~1750.00 cash and ~s a further consideration to ~ssume ~ll taxes for the year 1936 and thereafter; and, Whereas. ~he City Council of said Ci~.~ of Sebastian deems said offer to be a Just and reasonable price for s.~id property and deems it ~o ~he tho best interes~ of .said City ~hat s~ld offer be acc~.~pted; there.~ore, Be l~ Resolved by The Cl~y Council of the Ci~v of Sebastian. Florida, that the said offer of the said ~eu Schwerm.~n be, a~d the same is, here?i~h accepted and ~ha~ ~he officers of said City 0e, and~hey are, herby directed and authorized ~o execute, In ~he name of and on behalf of said City ~nd at~es~ by its corporate seal, a special w~rranty deed to the said Ben Schwerman co~.veying to him the above described land and to deliver l~s ~o him upon receipt of the purchase price thereof. The me,ion for ~he adoption of ~he Resolution being duly seconded it was adopted upon roll call by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Hardee, Bau~h~n, Murdock. Nays: None. Council~n Murdock moved ~o ad.iourn which was seconded Oy Councll~n BauE~n. ~~~ed. Cha ir~n. Clerk ~eRe~ular mee~in~ Oct. 5. 1936. e~lng was called to order by Chairma~'~ the roll ~lled wish the follov~.~in2 members present: Mayor Geo. T. Bad~er, Councilmen: R. G. Hardee, E,W. Vickers, L. 0. Bau~hman, G. K. Murdock. Attv Vocelle. Minutes of ~e~in~s of Au~. 3% %ug. 24, Se~ot. 7 and S-,pt. 24 were read and adopted. Councilman Vickers offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Be i~ Resolved, that the budget of expenditures and disbursements of the City of Sebastian, Florida. for the f~sc~l year 1936-1937 0e, and the same is hereby fixed as follo~.s: Street lighting .... . $300 00 Missellaneous . -$150~00 Attorney's fees ................ ~300.00 Streets,Parks and dralnafe ..... $408 14 Clerk ......................... $600~00 Office expemse ................. $100.00 Retirement prin¢i;~al ~nd i~erest oUt~tandin~ indebtedness$2096.23 Total ....... $3954.37 Be it Further Resolved, that the ~$~y Council of the City of Sebastian does determine that the amount to be raised for all municlDal purposes for the fiscal year 1936-19'37 Oy taxation for the year 1936. is the sum of ~3954.37 and that in order to provide necessary fu~ds for',this purpose the rate of taxatio~ for the said city for the year 1936 shall be 20 mills on the dollar assessed value of the taxaOle property within said city; 10 mills of said 20 mills bein~ for the purpose of pro- riding funds for the ~eneral fund; 10 m~lls of said 20 mills being for the ourpose of rettrin~ principal and interest on the outstandin~ indebtedness of said City. Be it Further Resolved, that the City Attorney of said Citv be, and he is, hereby instructed to prepare tax ordinance in accordance herewith. Said resolution being put to a vote, Oy roll call was adopted as follows: Ayes: Herdee, Vickers. Bau~hman, Murdock. Nays: No~e. Councilman Vickers introduced an ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF TAXES IN T~ CITY OF SEBASTiAN,FLORTDA FOR THE YE~R 1936. and moved that it '0e read for the first time in full. Motion seconded by Councilman Bau~hma~. Motion carried. Ordinance being read in full Councilman Murdock moved th.at it be read the second time by title only. Seconded by Councilman Vickers. Carried. 0rdina~ce bein~ read the second time by title Councilman Bau~hman moved that it be read the third time by title onlyand put upon its passage. Motion seconded by Councilman Vickers. Motion carriedand o~d~n~nce was read t~.~ird time b~ title and upon roll call was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: He.~dee, Vickers, B~hman. Mnrdock. Nevs: None. Councilman Vlckers made a motion that the Citv o~ Seb~stia~ authorize the Florida Power & Li.!~ht Co. to add 2 street li~hts a~'~d that a contmittee ..e appointed to designate their location. Sec. Cou~cilman Bau~hlna~. Carried. Chair aOpo~.nted the following Co~ttee: Counc~.lmen. Vickers, Bau~hman, Murdock. Re~ul:~r MeetinM Oct. 5. 1936, COntd. Councilman Bau~f~an moved that plat of School Park S/D as presented be accepted. Sec. by Councilman DIurdock. Carried. Councilman ?ickers moved that rent on store buildings be $50.00 from July 8 to Nov. 1st and ¢20.00 Der month thereafter. Sec. Councilman ~.~urdock. Carried. Councilman Vickers made ~ motior~ ~hat City Clerk be ~iven a b;:u, us of ¢50.00 for extra work. Sec. Murdoc~. C,~rried. Co~,~Dcilman ~ickers made a motion %hat rent on t!.,e house mecuoied by Hob Park be $6.00 per month in advance. Sec. Councilman Bau~hnan. Carried. Co~ncilman Vickers made a motion that rent on house known as Cain house be advanced ~o ~!15.00 per month and on the house known as the Ha%ch house be advanced to ~10.00 per month beglnnln~ Oct. 13 and Citv to assume upkeep, and ~hat all houses be turned over to Geo. T. Bad~er . Realtor for rental and that he be allowed 10% commission. Sec. Bau~hman. C. rried. ~otion made by Councilman nau~tnnan That insurance of ¢§00. be taken on tho Hob Park house and $1000.00 each on store bld~s thru E. W. Vickers. See. Murdock. Carried. Councilman Murdock moved to ad3ourn. Sec. Bau~hman. Carried. Clerk Regular meeting Nov. 2, 19~6 Bein~ no Quorem Presen$ Council adjourned. / "--.,-- ~,C ~,~.~,~<~_~¢-....,.¢.,,, ~ .' _ . ~ -. _...Z-.: ._.~_~,_.-'--,:-~"_S" _' ;- '-':' '-' ~ '~ _ 2, ---.-- ..... Ch~ ~.rman Clerk