HomeMy WebLinkAbout11091953Special Meeting October 29,1953. ~eeting called account of repair of Louisiana Ave and other unfini~ ed business, ~,~eeting called to order by President Frotem ~ash. ~'hose present were ~ayor Shaffer and ~ouncilmen Pro,em ~ash and ~embler,~llingsen and ~aylor. ~ouncllman ~weatt absent. mr ~o'berts appeared 0efor the ~ouncil to ge~ permission to erect sign 32 ~ 4 ft across the highway from the hotel which use is for advertising his own business. After some discussion it was moved by ~ouncilman ~aylor and seconded by ~ou~cilman ~llingsen to refer same to Dne Attorney for advise. ~arried. ~ ~ennings ~up't of Public ~orks was present and presented bid fron the Indian niver ~aving ~o also bid from Mr ~ames Pi Moore from ~elbourne. Indian niver ~aving ~ bid was 17~ cents per square yard and Mr ~oore's bid was 18 cents. Indian ~lver Paving ~o being low bid was awarded to them on motion by ~ouncilman Sembler which was seconded by ~ouncilman ~'aylor.If there is any patching to be done in other sections of the City lnding niver Faring Oo will take care of that also I'or ~he same cost of 17~ cents per square yard.Garried. ~ Jennings salary for the overseeing of the repair of the ~ity Streets will be ,200.00 same was authorized by motion ~y ~ouncilman Sembler and seconded by ~ouncilman mllingsen and carried. ~'here being no more business to come before the ~ouncil meeting was duly adjourned. ulerk ~/~res. ~oun~il Hegular Meeting ~ovem0er 9,19~3. Meeting ~alled to order by President Sweatt. 'A'hose present were ~ayor Shaffer,~resident Sweatt,Oouncilmen Sembler,Ellingsen, Nash and Taylor.Olty Attorney Walker also present. ~lnutes of regular meeting of october 2Dth and ~pecial meeting of October 29th were approved as read. ~llls amount%ng to ,311.6§ approved by the finance Committee were authorized to be paid on motion by ~ouncilman mlllngsen and seconded ~y ~ouncilman Eash.~arried. Oouncilman Sem~ler introduced A~ 0~$INA~ REGULATING THE USE OF THE CITY DUMP OF THE CITY 0~' SEBAST 1AN, ~'LORIDA, PROHIBITING THE DUMPING OR DISPOSAL OF TRASH, GARBAGE, OR OTHER REFUSE WITHIN THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN,FLORIDA,EXCEPT AT SAID CITY DUMP AND PROVID- lNG PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEMEOF. AND MOVED ITS ADOPTION. Upon motion made by ~ouncllman ~embler and seconded by ~ouncllman Taylor and unanimously carried,said Ordinance was read the first time in full. Mpon motion made ~y ~ouncilman Sembler and seconded by_ ~ouncllman ~'aylo~ and unanimously carried,said Ordinance was read the second time by title only;there being no amendments offered upon motion made ~y Oouncilman Sembler secohded by Oouncilman ~'ayl¢ said Ordinance was read the third time by title only and placed upon its final passage. The roll being called upon the final passage of said Ordinance the result was as follows: Ayes: Councilman Sweatt, Sembler, EllinEsen~Nash and TaElor Nays: None 'X'hereupon said Ordinance having received an affirmative vote of three-fifths of all members of the Council was declared duly adopted and upon b~lng presented to the ~ayor and having received his ~approval was numbered as Chapter 137 of the Ordinances of said City and was thereupon duly posted at the door of the Gity hall of the City of Sebastian in beingaccordance the oharterWith the of provisions said City. of Section 85 of Chapter 16683 of the laws of ~'lorlda, Ellingsen ~ Councilman ~$~ then moved that the City have signs made directing the use of the city dump,which was seconded by oouncilman ~'ash and carried. Mr Ketchum of, She Southern ~ell 'x'elephone Company explained to gathering of a~out 80 telephone users the rates proposed for the Sebastian Area which would allow all telephone owners in this area to call Yero Oeach and Melbourne at a flat rate with no additional charges for calls.Also anyone in either Yero ~each and ~elbourne could call anyone in the Sebastian Area without additional charge. Councilman ~Se~h~e~ moved a resolution be dopted recomending ~he new rates of the '£elephone Company for the Sebastian Exchange which was seconded by Councilman Ellingsen and carried. It was moved by ~ouncilman Oem~ler and seconded that ~ir Daley Certified Public Accounted be retained for ~he ~lty Audit and Clerk was instructed to notify him.The cost being the same aS last year,~265.00.carried. Hesolutlon covering the coming election.of the city of Sebastian reading as follows continue~ Whereas?as provided by the charter and Ordinance of the oity of ~ebastian,~ a general Election will be held in the ~ity on the second Monday in 0ecember,namely December ,1953 for the purpose of electing a mayor and two(2) members of the city uouncil,to serve for the two years next thereafter;therefore, oE IT ~ESOLVE.~D that the 0ity ulerk of said 0ity is herewith authorized and instructed to cause to be preps, red the necessary ballots for the holding of such election and to have p'~ printed thereon the names of all persons who shall be nominated as candidates for said offices by Petition signed bY not less than fifteen~lS) qualified voters of such City and filed with sa said Clerk not later than Nhtember 14th,19§3 and said City clerk is herewith instructed to do any and all acts necessary to the lawful conduct of said election. ~E IT FURTHER SESOLVED that the building in said 0ity now designated and used as the City mall of said 0ity be and it is h~erewith designated as ~he polling place for the holding of such election and that the polls for such election shall ~pen on the day thereof from the hour of 7:00 o'clock A.M. until 7:00o'clock ~.M. of said oity.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Mrs A.Foster,~amma Lawsom and P.P.Lawson be and the same ar are appointed as inspectors and ~.l~.~ennington be and he is appointed as Clerk of said election to conduct the same and the olty ~lerk is herewith directed to notify said persons of their appointment as such election officials.Motion by 0ouncilman Sembler mh~ch was seconded by Councilman mllingsen passed said resolution~ which carried. '~he question arose as to whether the ~ity employee n.C.Garner should get a raise in wages,the question was discussed and Councilmen gave their objections on. raise at this time and it was mentioned to ex~end time another month.No motion was offered. ~he ~lerk was instructed to write letter to Warren *~ Eeuch Insurance Co and the ~uckingham-Wheeler Agency to attend the next ~ouncil meeting and instruct the' city Oouncil rates covering both Police and ~ire ~epartment. The Sebastian Volunteer ~'ire ~epartment asked permission to use the ballot box to ive the ballots cast for the new officers to be elected.Motion oy oouncilman 'zaylor which was seconded by ~ouncilman mllingsen authorized same.~arried. ~here being no more business to come ~efore the ~ouncil meeting was duly adjourned. Clerk Hegular ~'~eeting November 2J,195J.. Meeting ualled to order by President Sweatt. Those presort: were ~ayor Shaffer.Presldent ~weatt and ~ouncilman ,:lllngsen,~aylor and. Nash. ? Minutes of the last meeting w~re approved as read. -. olll for $43.88 authorizedto be paid on motion by ~ouncilman Nash and seconded by mllingsen. ~arr ied. '£he following nesolution offered by councilman Nash for acceptance was seconded ~y uoun- cllman 'z'&ylor and carried. RESOLUTION reads, as follows Whereas,as provided by the Charter and Ordinance of the ~lty of Sebastian,~lorlda, a general election will be held in said U~ty on the 14th day of uecember,1953, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and Two (2) members of the Olty 0ouncil to serve for the two (2) years next thereafter; and, WHEREAS,petitions for the nomination of candidates havevbeen filed with th&s City Council and have been considered and have been found in proper form and of proper content as provided by law whereby the following persons have been nominated as candidates at said Election as follows: ~'o r May or John R.Middleton A. G. Shaf for For members of the uity uouncil Meta ~hesser Adolf ~llingsen John ~.Nash ~ugene Waltermlre therefore, Be it resolved,that the olty ~lerk of this city is herewith instructed to cause to be prepared the necessary bmllots for the holding of such election and to have printed thereon the natures of the above designated persons as candidacies fc~ the respective offices for which ~hey have been nominated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, that the city Hall of ~he City of Sebastian,~'lorida is herewith designated as the polling place for ~he holding of such election '~nd that the polls will open on such election day from 7:00 O'clock a.M. until &:00 0'cloc~ P.M.