HomeMy WebLinkAbout11241958SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 1958
~eeting was called to order by Chairm~n Pro- rem Chooser.
Those present were May~r otevenscn, Councilman ~hesser, ~enschop, Ellingsen,
amd ~rehmer. Councilman Sembler absent. Att~y Yecelle and City mngineer ~'lip Lloyd
also present.
l~he Lion's,Club ~ask permission to have a turkey shoot. ~ouncilm~m ~llingsan
made a motion, s~con~ by Co~ncilm~n oenschop to grant permission for same.
~r. Joe ~arman spmke to the G.uncil en ~ivil uefense.
Councilman Ellingsen made a motion te remove the following ~anes fr~m the
registra~ on book:
Grace Boyd
S. C. Boyd
George Enders
~ar & 1 i n e E nd er s
F. O. ~amrick
~0. ~i. ~kirkland
~'red ~lolive
W. C. Re,ers
Wm. L. Snowden
~lrs. Wm. L. Snowden
~eco~d by OouDcilman oenschop.
N!r. Lem orumel" spode to the Council en Etipervised Orag naces.
appointed ~yor Steve.~'~son to work w'!th l~r. Gruff±eykon th~s project.
~'he ~ouncil
Councilman ~llingsen m~de a motion thaz permission be granted ::o the ~ackage
~tore to relocate in Edgewa~er z.ark~ Oubdivision. ~econd by Councilman Bensc.hop.
~euncllman ~llingseomde a motion that the Uity Purchase three tires for
the ~ity trucks, oec~nd by ?~uncitman oenschop.
Mrs. Mary wickers a~ked the council to lilac, the ±argo ~hristmas Tree this year,
the council dec:Lsien on ~ais ma~ter was as follow: ~ouncilman ~llingsen made a motion
that 'Ghe uity furnish the lig~ting and ~ndy for the uhrisDmas 'x'ree and the Uhris~mam
~ree uommittee is to furnish all ~her expense.
Att'y ,ocelle present the following Quick ~laim ueeds te the u~uncil, mamely
~rnest and Mary Seeley t~ nuth and '~'homas walters, ~dna and ~arl u. ~eterson to nuth
and '£homas ~ater$, nedney aroegal to nuth and ~homas Waters, uity ef Sebastian ~® ~uth
and ~homas ,aters, als~ quick claim deeds, I'rom ,~uth and 'l'homas to all ef the adore
mentioned property owners inv~l, in z~act l, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the oraddocK S/O.
in the Uity .f Oebastian, after and explantion oI' these deeds t® the for mentions
property ovmers, wit~ the exception cf ~emes~ and Mary oeeley, all mgreed t® pay their
separtar partsof the survey by Lloyd and Ass®ciates ®f ~racts l, 2, 3, 4, and 5,
in Dra~d~ck S/D in the uity ®f oebas~ian.
~euncilman Ellingsen m~de a motion that ~bebastlan ~reve ,:state section be excepted
· n the Att 'y three suggestion. 1. ~eads be inspected by the ,,cad in~pect®r
2. ~,t~. l~t ~300 clause (include) 3. ~a~tical lease by %blk. anm lo'D) mete-bounds,
(free *'rom mt~.) Second by Councilman oensc~ep.
~.uncilman ~'ll~r~sen m~de a motion t® a~journ, second by c®un~lman ~enschop.
~ lty Clerk
~res. ~®uncil