HomeMy WebLinkAbout12081958~.~GULAR MEETING D~ml¥~D~ 8, 1958
'hose present were ~ayor 'tevenson, "eucnlzman oembler, ~hesser, ~ensch®p,
-illngsen, and ~rehm:r.
~ills amounting t. ~1,036.92, was ~~ approved oy ~he 'lnance ~ommittee and
authorized to 0e paid .~ motion by ~ouncllman ~llingsen, second ~y ~ouncilman mens~hop
~arrie d.
The minutes of regular meeting ~.v. 10, and Opecial calla4 meetings .f
17, and Bec. l, were approved as read.
Gouncllman Ohesser m'~de a motion t. order al adder for the Street ~ept. Semend
by Councilman mllingsen. Carried.
Oouncilman ":lllngsen made a motion te have the Clerk's Check cashing f~ind be
$650.00. Second by Oeuncilman oenschop. (;arried.
Mayor ~tevenson re'.~d the monthly Police report which si~ewed a net pr.fit of
Cour~cilman Zllio~sen m~de a motion that the Clerk and inspecte~ef the election
are te be oaid $1~.~00 each. ~econd by ~euncilEan Chesser. Carried.
Clerk read election returns of December 8, three Councilman t® be elected out of
John G. Baxter
Paul ~rehmer
Tony DeCristofare
Fro4 W. Bhome
~has. W. Sembler
74 vote s
74 votes
55 votes
43 votes
88 votes
It ~as then moved by ~rs. Uhesser to excep~ the fallowing resolution,
WHEREAS, the Inspector and ulerk of the general Oity election held in the ~ity
· f ~ebastimn, ~'leri~a .n the 8th day of Decemoer 1958, have m~de returns ef the ~ity
election as provided by Laws and,
WHEREAS~ The City Council has canvassed the ~aid rel~urns and h~s f.und the
same in proper f.rm and has de'Dermined ther~sults .f said election to ~e .as follows:
Jo~n G. ~axter
Paul orehmer
T~ny ~eCristofar.
~'red W. Rhome
Chas. W. eembler
74 v~tes
74 v.tes
5S votes
45 v~tes
88 votes
'Z?!EDE"oRE, be i~ resolved, that it is herewith determAned that Chas. W. ~embler
Paul Brehmer~ John G. Baxter were elected to be memoers o'~~ the City ~euncil to serve for
far a twa (2) year term ~ext and ensue-lng or u'til their respective sucessers shall
be elected and qualified, said resolution was se~end b.v Oouncilmn Ellingsen,and
Coucnilman Bensch®p made a motion to adjourn, second by Counc1.1Ean ~llir~sen.
A meeting o~' '~he new Council w~s called to order.
Those present were ~ayor °tevenso~, CouncilN~an ~h asset, oenschop and ~ouncilman
elect ~e~bler, orehmer, and ~axter.
Councilman elect Oemb± .r, Orehnner, and Oaxter were sworn in by ~yor Otevenson
a motion was m.~de by ~lrs. ~hesser that ~our~.cilman Oembler be reap?ointed as
~hariman of the council, second by ~ouncilman ~enschop. ~arried.
A motion w~s mJ~de by ~ounciiman ~ensc~op that ~rs. ~hesser be reappointed
as ~hairman Free,em, second by ~euncilman ~axter. ~arrie~..
~ouncilman ~rehmer made a motion that a vote ef thanks 0e giving ~'or ~r.
~llingsen mine years ef service to the cou~cil, second by ~ouncilman
~ouncilm~n ~hesser ~c~e a motion that all meetings are ~o oe.~'u01icised~en the
nadio ~d ~ul~tion ~ard, second 0y councilman ~ax~er. ~arri~.
~ounoilman ~enschop made a mo'~ion to adjourn, second 0y ~ouncllman ~ax~er.
~arr~ d.
City C;lerk
Pres. ~ouncil