HomeMy WebLinkAbout12101951 On a motion by Cour~cil~an ~llingsen and seconded by ~ounctlman Sembler,Councl Sweatt was nominated ~s President of the ~ouncil. Nominations were closed on motion by oounoilman Ellin~sen ~nd seconded by Councilman Sembler ',ouncilman Sweatt retained his chair by unantm ouse vote. Councilman Dahlstrom was nominated for Protem on motion by Councilman Sembler which was seconded byCouncilman Ellingsen,Nomlna~ions were colsed or ~'.'~tion by Gouncilman Sembler and seconded by Councilm~n ~llingsen.Councilman Dahlstrom nominated unanimousely as protem. CouncHlman Sembler moved that the oouncil postpone reorganization of forces until.a future meeting,said motion was seconded, by ~ou~cilman Ellingsen.Carried. Motion by Gouncilman Sembler to appoint E.~'.Blomquist as acting police until further action of reorganizing forces at future meetimg,said motion seconded by ~ouncilman ~llingsen and carried. Three building permit applications presented by Mr ~enchof,$aptist ~hurch ~nd ~rchie Smith were approved on motion by CourLcilr~an Slllngsen and s~conded by ~ouncilman 8embler nnd Garried. Councilman SeEbler introduced au ordinanceregulating the sroction,construction and maintainance in the City of Sebastian,~lorida of adver~ising signs and billboards; defining billboards;imposing ~ license tax o~-~ the erection,constructioD ~nd maint~ln~cc of billboards in said City;fixing the amount th~reof;providing the manner of issuing such licenses and prescribing penalties for violations thereof, and moved its adoption, Upon motion ~de by Councilman SemDler and seconded by Council~n Ellingsen and unanimous~ ly carried,said Ordinance was read the first time in full. Upon motion by Councilman Sembler and seconded by Councilman Ellingsen and unanimousely carried,said 0rdi~nce was read the second time by title only;there being no ~mendmen~soffered upon motion made by Councilman Sembler seconded by Councilman Ellingsen said Ordinance was read he third time by title only and placed upon. its final passage.The roll being called upon the ~inal passage of said Ordinance the result was as follows: Ayes: Councilman Sweatt,Sembler,Ellingsen, Dahlstrom and Nash. Nays: Conncilman None. Thereupon said Ordinance having received an affirmative vote of htree-flfths of all members of the Council was declared duly adopted and upon being presented to the Mayor and an d having received his approval was numbered as Chapter 129 of the Ordinances of sai~ City and was thereupon duly posted at the door of the City'Hall of the City of Sebastian in accor- dance with the provisions of Section 85 of Chapter 16683 of the laws of Florida,being the charter of said City. It was moved by Councilman Sembler and seconded by Councilman Ellingsen that all persoms should be notified at the proper time and a specified time giveh to correct same when Police Officer reported to the City Clerk.Carried. It was moved by Councilman Sembler and eeconded by Councilman Dahlstrom that the Clerk be orthorized to issue a permit to move City Ice and ~el Storage building from its present location to Paul Stev. enson's property. Carried. Councilman Sembler move~ that this meeting be adjourned to Monday December 17,1951 and to convene at 7:30 P.M. same was seconded by CoUncilman Ellingsen Meet ing a d j ourne d. Cle ,k ~dJourned Meeting of Dec10th,1951 P~e~. Council Meeting called to order by Pr~esident Sweatt. '~'hose present were ~ or Shaffer,President Sweatt and Councilmen Sembler,Ellingsen, Dahlstrom and Nash. Unfinished business o~ the Fire DePartment was Saken up and it was moved by Councilman Nash that the City cancel the debt of $500.00 which the Volunteer Yiremen agreed to pay on the 2*ire Truck,said motion was seconded by Councilman Sembler and the Clerk was instructed to notify ~'iremen by letter. Carried. Two applications for the position of City Clerk were read and E.C.Peterson was appoint- ed to said position on motion by Councilman Ellingsen and seconded by Councilman ~'ahls~rom. carrie d. The City Council ordered bill of seven dollars and fifty cents paid to Indian River Citrus Bank for the printing of 1000 checks.on motion by Councilman Sambler and seconded by Councilman Nash. carrie d. One application for the position of Chief of Police was read and on motion by Councilman Ellingsen which was seconded by Councilman Sombler G.W.Adams was appointed to said position. Carried. Megular Neeting Dec.10,1951. ~!eeting called to order by President Sweatt. Those answering roll call were ~i~ or Eiddleton,President Sweatt and Coun~ lmen Sembler, Ellingsen,Shaffer and Dahlstrom and Attorney Vocelle. Minutes of regular meeting of November 12 and special meetings of November 19 and 23rd. were read and there being no objections were approved as read. · i~he ~hair asked the Mayor if he had any reco~endat~.ons to make to th® O~ty Council,and ~or Middleton. did recomend that the Gouncil take into consideration the good work the Volunteer ~ire ~epartment had done in building the present fire fighting equipment and the good work in general that the Council consider remitting" the amount of $ 500.00~ due th, City under and agreement made tewwen the City and the Volunteer ~ire Department at regular meetin~ of October 9,1950.The Mayor thanked the City Council,Glerk and all Citizens that had cooperSated with him the past 12 years he had been Gouncllman and Mayor. Under committee reports,Councilman Dahlstrom reported the Volunteer ~'iremen are to hold a fish fry on Feb.13.1952 to raise additional funds. Bills to the amount of $801.68 approved by the finance committee were ordered paid on motion by Councilman Dahlstrom and seconded bN'Councllman Ellingsen.Carried~ Councilman Sembler presented the following resolution from the Clerk and Inspectors of the election board and moved its adoption to-wit We the undersigned inspectors and clerk of the general Cl~y~'~lection held in the ~ity of Sebastian,~'lorida,on December 10th,19~l,beg to report that for the office of MaYor,the following received ~he following votes: He nry P. Lyon s A · G. Shaf fer received 47 Votes received 102 Votes We,the undersigned inspectors and clerk of the general City election held in the City of Sebastian,~'~lorlda,on December 10th,1951,beg to report that for the office of Member of the City Council (two to be elected) ,the following received the following votes: Thomas F.Connolly received 73 Votes Emil Adolf Ellingsen received 106 Votes John ~.Nash received 85 Votes Respectfully submitted, Mrs P.P.Lawson viola ~°~ste r Jan~e s H.PsnninEton Inspectors of Election P.P.Lawson Clerk of Elections '~he above resolution receiving ~o nays was passe~ unanimously. Ayes.oouncllmen Sweatt,Sem~ler,~llingsen,Shaffer and Dahlstrom. Nays. None. Mayor Mlddleton administered the oath of office to $ehnH~Nash. a nd Adolf Ellingsen the two elected coumcilmen who imeadia~ely took their place at '~e Councillor.table. Councilman A.G.Shaffer then took ~h~ oath of Office administered by ~fayor ~liddleton and took his place $ the head of the Councl.L'~table Cou~ncilman Sembler presented the following resolution and moved its adopt~On, Whereas,the inspectors and clerk of the general C~ty election held in the ~ity of Sebastian,~'lorida~ on ~ecember 10,1951 have made return of the results of said Glty election as provided by law; and, WHEREAS, this City Council has canvassed the said return and has found the same in proper form and has determined the results of said election to be as follows: For Mayor: Henry P.Lyons ~.G.Shaffer received 47 votes received 102 votes For member of the City Council(two to be electedl: Thomas F.Connolly Emil Adolf Sllingsen John M.Nash received. 73 votes received 106 votes received 85 votes The re fore, BE IT MESOLVED,that it is herewith determined that A.G.Shaffer was elected as M~ or and Emil adolf ~lltngsen and John R.Nash were elected as members of the City Council of said ~ity.all to serve for the term of Two~2} y~ars next ensuing or until their respective successors shall be elected and qualified. Adjourned Meeting Continued Motion by Councilman Ellingsen ~h~ch was seconded by Councilman Dahlstrom the City s salary to be $200.00 per month.carried. Salary for the Chief of Police to be $250.00 per month on motion by Councilman Ellingsen.~.~. and seconded by Councilman Sembler and carried. Councilman Dahlstrom told the Council that ~lss Len'ora Park has requested the City Council set a price on lots i to 8 block i of W.AoMartin S/t), which are now owned by the State of Florida and after discussing the matter it was moved by Councilman Sembler and seconded~,by Councilman Nash that the waltyand meet with Miss Park before a d~cision be nen- dered .carried. It was moved by Councilman Sembler and seconded by Councilman Ellingsen that starting with the New Year the Council hold two m~etings a month,said meetings to be held on the 2nd. and ~th Mondays of the month. First m.e~eting to be held the 14th day of January~ and~hea e?ery ~w~s ~here~-~ Carrie~. It was moved by Councilman' that the Clerk write Bad Sims a letter inviting him to meet with the City Council to discussproperty lines and Taxes,Same was seconded by Councilman Dahlstrom.Carried. The Clerk was instructed to confer to the International Safety Equipment Co Repre- senattve that the city Council is not ready to negotiate a deal at this time for the new sp~ed control machine. ~o It was moved by Councilman Sembler and seconded by Councilman ~llingsen that if Babson was at Babson Park and could be reached,Mr Middletonwould be secured to make trip see Mr Babson account of the five bonds he is still holding qf the 1939Issue. carried. T:he 'MayoP proclaimed Monday December 24~,1951 a holiday along with Christmas for all City employees. There being no more business meeting adjourned. Clerk Regular ~le et ing Ja~ uary 14,1952. Meeting called to order by President Sweatt. Those present were Mayor Shaffer,President Sweatt,Coumcllmen Sembler,Ellingsen, Dahlstrom and Nash. James T Vocelle,Attorney also present. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as corrected. ~ills payable for Oecember approved by Finance Committee were ordered paid on by Councilman Ellingsen and seconded by oouncilman Dahlstrom.Oarrled. Councilman Ellingsen reported that ~'Lrs C~niff had reported her toilet was not working right and the septic tank was also leaking. The Clerk was instructed to write letter to Mrs Huffner and report said conditions as she being the owner of said property. Councilman Dahlstrom told the Council that the 2'iremen were taking 3hours instruction each night for five nights on all phases of fire fighting and handling equipment. Fresident Sv~oatt appointed the following Comittees. S:reet,Parks & Cemetary Finance Sanitat~ion Street Lighting Fire Department ~pprai sal 'Chairman Sembler " Dahlstrom and Sembler " Ellingsen and I~ash " Nash and Ellingsen " Dahlst~om and Nash " Council Body City Clerk was instructed to have the Police uhief secure names of all the sign owners so they can be notified as to ~he restrictlon~ on same.'£he City ~ttorney was ~sked to m~ke up an amendment to exclude Church signs. It was moved by Councilman Sembler and seconded by uouncilman Ellingsen that the 'Clerk and inspectors of ~he Cl~y Elections be paid seven dollars Clerk was instructed to investigate the p0e~sibi~lties of obtaining stop signs for ~reets where they intersect the Highway. It was moved by Councilman Ellingsen a~d seconded by Councilman Sembler that Mr Royal ~lver be given ~%il~ng permit.Carried. Councilman' as~ked the Council to instruct Cl~rk to get prices from the well drillers for a three and four inch well for the Cenetary.