HomeMy WebLinkAbout12101956Special Meeting November 26,1956 Meeting called to order by Pres.Sembler. Those present were Mayor Taylor,Pres.Sembler and Co~cilnten Nash,Chesser, Councilman Ellingson made a motion to build new City Hall ~nd Fire Station on the No~hwest corner of City Park, seconded by Councilman Chesser. Carried. Mt. Dom Aulich agreed to draw the plans for th~ City Hall and Fire.Station and he also stated his fee would range between ~100.00 and ~l~.O0.~Z~_.~ Councilman Benschop made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Nash~'~'~ Carried. ~:-::" ~/ City Clerk Pres.Sembler · x~~' Regular l~leeting Dec .10,1956 ~eeting was called to order by President Sembler. ~'.~. Those present were Mayor Taylor,Pres.Sembler and Counclln~n Nash,°Benschop,Chesser ~&.~ Elli~gson.~tty.Walker present. .~% ~ Minutes of the last regular meeting of Nov.l£,1956 and special called meetings of N~~. 10th and Nov.26th were approved as read. Bills totaling Seven hundred eighty two dollars and forty four cents ($78E.44) was approved by the Finance committee and authorized to be paid~oD mqtio~n by Ccoun. ci. lman Nash, seconded by Councilman Ellingson.Carried. ~ ~**~ Z~ ~y~~ ~ ~~~ Clerk read returns of the Now.l~ elect~n~esults were as follows: ~ FaekBexter -- Pau i Brehmer ~ ~ ~ Adolf Ellingson ~~ Jack Nash-" ......... Charles W.Semblerm~-- ~! It was thsn ~oved by Mrs.Ches~.er to accept the followlng resolution, '~'~O,the l~spectors and Clerk of the ~en~ral City election held In the City of Sebastian, Florida on the 10th day of ~'~ec.19M~,have ~ade returns of the City election as provided by Laws and, WtiEREA$,the City Council has canvasaed the said returns and has found the same ~B proper form and has determined the results of said election to be ~s follows: Jack Baxter received t-aul Brehmer " adolf ~llingson " Jack Nash " Charles W.Semb ler ~mHnR~OR~,~E IT ~ESOLV£D,th~t it is herewith determined that Charles W.Sembler,Paul t~rehmer and adolf Ellingson were elected to be members of the CiSy Council to serve for a two ~2) year t~rm next and ensueing or until their respective successors shall be elected and qualified, said resolution was seconded by Councilman Nash and adopted. Councilman Ellingson made a motion to pay Inspectors and Clerk or.election,sec, by Mrs. Chesser.Carried. Councilman Ellimgson made a motion to ad journ,sec.by Councilman Nash.Carried · A Meeting of the new Council was called to order. Those present were l~ayor Taylor and Councilmen Chesser,Benschop and Councilmen elect Sembler,Brehmer and Elltngson. Councilmen Elect Sembler,Brehmer and Elltngson were sworn in by Mayor TaYlor. A motion was made by Mrs. Cheeser that Councilman 8embler be reappointed as Chair~an of the Council,sec.by Councilman Ellingson.Carried- t motion was ~made by Ba~cilman BrehEer that Nfs. Chesser be appointed as Chairman Pro- tern, sec. by Council,an ]~llingson.Carried. Councilman ,~]_]_in~son ~aSe ~:~ motion for Joe E.',?~rren to be ro.,~'~,,~ointed ~:':~s Cl~rk,socon. ded Counci. l~-~a'n ?l!in~son ~ade a r~otion the City give ~uit Claim 5e ds to R.E.Turlington for lots 17,15 mud 19 in aloc~ 3-of_ Hardee 2/D B,sec.by Council~a-~.~ Bensoho-p.Carried. C~,,cil~an Ell-~,n~'son made a ~tion to ad journ, sec .by Cou cilman ?enschop.Car~'ied. City Clerk Pres. C ounci 1