HomeMy WebLinkAbout12111933(cor~tinuation from p~(se 488).
At test:
U. l.aws onj
City Clerk.
} ~',:~ y o r.
A motio]t '~,,,':~s made by tickers, secon?ied by [Jau[~hm~P., to ~iiov: }'ap/'or '2, a..l "er
~ m:-ix]mum of 20 <':.il]o: s_.. of qas per ~"~:,'-
on bell}t:;' put to a vot~.}, ~as ~uop~.'::d ss follovs~ ayes, Nard.be, 'i:.au,}~lmr~n, . .
}"otion oe'ln~t in ora~ to ~d.journ, ?-us made ~,y Vickors~to adjotl, r~ ar';til
O~,~cem.,er, Sth, motion c~rried, mcetin6 '.~ij urned.
December, 3th, 1935.
Upon r&ll c:all 'tl~c followinc members v.'~s found to 'Se presor:t~
N.ayor, Ceo. T. 3adse~.~,
' ' ~ ' ¥1 ~ · iP~ d~
Counollma~ ~
" I,. O. t3~uf~hm~.~n,
,, :~ ,-.,. trio {.0i,S .
"horeas, under the ordinances and charter of the ~ity of qeL~astian
Wlorid:~, :-~ {Nner'il city election is to uo ;~ld. in said ca. ~ on the ilth, day of
~ecem0er,_19~5, for the puri:ose of electin,-,_,:, a ~z~yor., , :.:nd two councilman of s~id
city for ~ teP~ of t~?o yet-iFs e~c~ tr!d
"hereas, petitions haw_: been duly' ':rcs.~,,t~d to the City Council of the
~ . ";~ :iocordaN. ce ¥ith 1~;, :~I.?ned Oy 'tho :rec~isit,J
uit'.' of "t~oastia:., "'loPid:t, . ._.
r',umb~r of ou:~lifiod elnc~ors reouost.~n~ that tL.o names oe th~:~ .,.ollo~,lhg p~Fsons
0e pl:.~c:~d on the ballot as c~:':di::.~ates for the office of xa:'7or:_?'z%~ T. 3ad~::.[er,~
and thc n,amos of the follo~','in p=r~ono for
L. 0. !3au,.shman arid i~:. w. ~'iokers .
'~herefore, b~ resolved by the City Council of tho Ci.t,~-~' of -~e~"~" -oastian, Flor-
ida, that the '~bove and foregoi, n~-~ names be placed
voted :~ the election to '0e held in said city, on th~ tlth, :.:ay of 7ecem0er
1{}33. and that the following form of off~.cial hallot,.:.be used:
.%eneral City Election
City of Sebastian, Florida.
December, 11, 1933.
}~o .
Oeneral,~'ity Election
City of qebastian, Florida.
~ece 'be 11', 1953
,)- ;m 'r, .
!Po vote for '~ny candid.~te make a cross mark(x) before ,the
name of the candid:'_'~te of your choice.
mot }{~yor: (Vote :_for on,:.:).
q. co. -T~. Nadger
For City Councilmen: (Vo-oe for 'two).
1',. 0. ]:~'_~U{~tlI~'~'!
(continued on next n
(continued*' ~ e,- from page
~' ~rickers
:~e it further resolved that the city clerk of ~:~ai..] city bo authorized
,~nd instructed to have five hundred ballots print,:cd for usa~ !n ,..:aid election.
in accord~ ce' ' '~ with the provisions of this resolution;
Be it further resolved -that F. '.~. Hamrick and ~'~% C. Vic~:ors an~J
~" L.~.~"~ '"~d~ock be, and they ar~ h~re~y n~mcd as i~s'~ectcrs,~ ~nd ': . .-
~oster be, and is hereby named as Clerk to conduct the said election to be
held in s~id city on December, 11, 1933, inaccordance with provisions of
L~w in such cases made and provided.
The foregoin~ resolution was duly seconded and u.pon being put to a
vo~e wasadopted as follows; Ayes, Hardee, Baughman, ~rickers, ~r~y's, none
Clerk was instructed by Council to mail out notices to those wl:o w':~s
appoi~'ted to serve as inspectors and clerk at the comini:~ ~cnerul City'
Election, December, 11, 1933.
~i'~ort was made by ~[ayor U, adgor, :~s to the progress that is bein~ made
on ?icr ~roject.
hanks w~s tendered ~'[~yor l[~adgor, for his effo~ts on behalf of ?ier
~rojoct, and the pro,zress that is b,:2in~~ towa-Td tho ,.~ttairmtont of that
!';o'tior was order to adjourn, ~'.~s made o~,r ~rick,:rs, s~_,,con_i::~d by
motion carried, meet~n~!l adjourned.
?reside'-~t of Council
December, 11, 1903.
Upon roll call the follovin~? m~mbers w~s fou_~'idi to be pre~e~+
m ~ ~rdee · 0 r:auxff~man '~ '~ ~ick~rs
..%tOo. ~n.~ye , Jas. m_. ~ocelle.
~'~nu'tes 8f '~e}:'ml~r ~"leet i.nf~ of "or. loth, :~nd :tdjourn~d ~'!cehi~.?' or Dec.
6th, wore r,~;~d arid ipj:)rove .
mhe returns of thc .... oral Ciuy Wl~cctlon h~3ld ~t ?cOustiaz:, !r:di.an 7iver
"ounty,..., '~'iorid. a, on December, ll, lgO3, si:-'nea ~,~,. 'the Cl~rk a~'~,.i a L2i.io"ity of
the ~nspec'tors of said elect.~on were recoivcd 0"? thc C~t2;.., Council, anal fi.l~{
by 'the
mhe City Council proceoded to ca,,.vass the rc',turr'~s ~nd the result of s~id
election '~nd shown oy s~id returns, and 'thereu~.on Councilman ~ickers, seconded
rl~iu?lhman, in,.roduced the follo~-ing resolution;
"~'~o"~ ~ :~.,, it apsears~ from the returns of the n,~.,,,ral City'. el:~ctioh,., held
1S33 duly c.~rtff~ed'e in duplicate b'v the "
f .... Ii-~ ,ii~d ~ ma iori. ty
of the inspectors of sa~d eloction, and one delive~by such inspectors
Clerk of the ~resia~._t o.,. the City eou~c'~l and the other to the City Clerk,
and by him transmitted to the City Council, that th~ votus c:.~s't at s'~id
?or_~:avor,~ nec. T, ~.~id,'or: .... , receiwed thirtv-thrue~ vot~s;
~or }ldnbors of_ the City, ~,~ouncll' , t~,~o to be ol.,ctcd:' ~'
. 0. ~:~iu!!_xhruin received tt'ilrty-£our vo'tes~
,,r ~rickers, rece!ved t~.~ty-five votes
si:orr: by ti'~:~ ccrtific,~te of tho Cl,Jrk and thc T:~spoctors of the .~ioct!on
:iforesa~d :ind has fou:':d tl/:.:~ s~me coP',ech; tt':er~f, re,
30 Tt ~solw-~d, ~i~'it t.i~e rosuilts of ~xi}n..:.ral city ulect!on iu.:ld in Olio City
of e._~u~sti~l'~, ?!io'~'idi, or.! Dcccrib...F, 11, 1~;53, b~;~ .llld -ti..~:~ s:ano al_pi !i~.r'..u[}~'
d. eoi,:iF2d to be "is follov,,,'s-
"o}" ';OL~ItO: ll.'ll!l: r {... ~' ,: ~' -
.it:.:] th'it ~t':o.. n:-id.loP ba, ::~.:,'~ ~s ',~:::r.sb}" .:.~.cl.u_,... d to
duly olooted counci, lnort of the (}~ts.,' of nc tis'ti:in,
The fore:::x,'~rt,i'; rcsol~' ion h,.iv!r'.C~ 'been pu,. to a vote, nas ad~i~pb,,::td as
' ~' '"-~S SCl CON ~ ,.'~ d [..~i/ ~okir',o J. 1F'].'l }k 7}Li;.: -" ' '
Counoih'iir .... - ol,', t,}' ~e ,:
--.iIu..,:.be . ..c u sid ."t of ..,~.,u: 0!1~ motion carried.
'-.' '~ :,. ~1 ~r2e;~s th'it '[JO~di!.O] [I[!.~!'l
nFOSi(iOz'.t prO tC:N. ~'otio? o'lt~ri.:5~d.
,'~ llc, ti;",F, v:fls f'i'ld~:l o[j CC)llFiC~.lltIi!i 32t:..~.([112i1~ seoo!'~{]~.~d b}~ CouNcilman !riOi{,;rS
.}ut tO a VOte vas carried xs follo~s; Ayos, l~'~rdoo, }]auCh.ma.ri, ~rickers~ ~'ay's, none.
( continued from .~)~,~ 431).
}lotion v~s ma{.e Co'uncilm~-~ }!aughnr~n that the appoi~tnent of clerk be
deferred until noxt ~ecular '~:u~t~n~;~, when Cour.:ciln. cn v.,~i~ c0nsidet'all~applic'~-
tions received up to that tim~. l.{otio~ ~rlried.
,l motion by Bau~lhman, seconded by rickets to adjourn, meeting adjourned.
December, 15, 1933.
¢'ity Councilmen,
;Honorable oi. rs:-
T hereby call a .p.cial f.;eot~nc of your ~onoraule
. e '' ~ . 1()33 for the
~o~¢.y to me t at the City P.,ll, Vrid:~,:..', D cemb~r, 15tN, ,
purpose of accepting the res~.gnation of ~oy K. ~i.::.lds, as Ccuncilman, and to
appoint another to fill his unCxpi,ea term.
~rery truly' yours,
qicned, aec. m
~ayor, City of.,u°'~Castlar~.
Upon roll c:~ll the following members was foun'.i to 'be present: .~[a:.~or,
Oeo. ~". 'Badcer, Councilmen, ~. ~ ~-::~.'.dee, Raughn.~n, ,rickets,; Nr. f. 'R. ~ay's
'beins present.
._e uusted CL~rk to ro~-~d the r~si.qnatior} of }~r. ~ields as
Councilman, which is as follows;
~i~mi, ~la. ~ece~uer, 13, 1(53.
mo the City Council of the City of gebasti,~n, ~la.
o. en t lemen: -
p.l(.:ase acco-'.t my rosi.?:F',ation us one of your number.
T do no~. kno~ just wt'~n r v-~ll ~?ct 0.icl in q~basti:-ln, and T do not
fee! it is fair to you or the City to remain on the Council.
'"ith best regards to the Council, T am Yours very truly,
ooy K. ~iel~_s.
~ motion v'as m:~de ~::/ Councilm:~n S.~u.~t~man, .... cor,~ ..... ~ u'.~ Councilman Vicke~'.s
that resi~:.ation of I.(r. ~elds be acc:3pted, :~nd v'lth r.-~:gr~ts the motion
~:, ~',~ ~ ]tam-?~ian, ~rick~rs, Nays, r:on.e,
passed as folio~:-s; Ayos, ~.~,.d~e,
A mo~ion w.:~s m..id~:; by Councilm~an ~rick~:rs, s~conded by Councilman
that Nr I. N ~[~ys ~'~e ap.7~ointed to fill the un~z~' ~ '~ '~' .
Councilm~n, motion ~'ss car'?ica :as follows; Ayes, ~ ~,~,
...... . ~ s~conded Oy Bau.qhman
Yotion being Jn o~r' to ~d~ou~.d v:~.~s made by ~H. ckers,
mot ion oarriod, meetim: ad ournod.
i::resldent of Council.
City of qeoastlan.
'R ~ ~It a 1 C oIami t C e o.
',. ' ?ick~rs,
?. !b. lq~ys,
i. O.