HomeMy WebLinkAbout12141936 Re~lar ~leeting Dec. ?. 1936
Eeet:ing was called to order by~:Chalrman the roll called with the following members
present: Mayor Geo. T. BadEer~ Councilmen Hardee, Bau~hman. l~urdock, Atty. Voeelle.
Minutes of meetings of Oct. 5 and Nov. 2 were read and adopted.
Councilman Murdock made a motion that Clerk be instructed to collect ~40.00 rent
for grocery store bldg and In the event that rent ls not paid at once to lock it up.
Sec. by Councilman Baugh~n. Carried.
Councll~Bau.~r~nseeo~~ Co~ncllmanm°VedMurdock.t° adJourncarrledtO.Wednesday night Dec. 9. at ~.30 o'clock.
...... ............. .......
Ch, lr~n. Clerk
Adjourned rea~l~r meeting Dec. 9, 1936.
Meeting was called to order by Cour~cl~iman Vickers the roll called with the
following members present: Mayor Geo. T. Badger. Councilmen Vickers, ~urdock, ~ys,
The Following resolution was offered by Councilman ~,turdock:
Ro~olution I ~ 1~
Whereas,~under the ordinances and charter of the City of Sebastian, Florida, a
general City election is to be held in said City on the 14th day of Dec. 1936,
for the purpose of electing three members of the City Council of said City for a
term of two years each, and
Whereas, petitions have been.duly presented to the City Oouncil of the City of
Sebastian, Florida, in accordance with law, signed by the reeulslte number of
Qualified ~$e~ors reouesting that the names of the following persons be placed on
the ballot as candidates for the office of Councilman: G. K. Nurdock, Y. B. ~ays,
B. N. Brown.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the 0i~y Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida,
that the above an4 foregoing names be placed on the official ballot to be voted
at the election to be held in said City on the 14th day of Dec. 1936, and that
the following form of official ballot be used:
Official Ballot
No.- ....
Official Ballot
General City ~lection
City of Seoastian, Florida
December 14, 1938.
To vote for any candidate make a cross mark (X) before the name of the candidate
of your choice.
For City Councilmen: Vote for three
Be ~t further resolved that the Ci.t¥ Cler'k of said City ~e authorized and t~struc~.d
to have 200 ballots orlnted for us.. in s.~i.d electlo~ in accord~nce with the
~rovisl. ons of this resolution.
Be it further resolved that W. T. Atchley, E~:Foster ~d ~rch!e Smlth be. and they
are hereby named as inspectors and P. P. L, wso~ be. ~nd he is hereby named
Clerk to conduct the said electloo to be held in said Cltv on Dee. 14. 1936, in
~ccordance with l~w in such cases made and provided.
The Fore~oin~ resolution was duly seconded and upon bein~ put to a vote
~dopted ~s follows:
Ayes: Vlckers, N~,rdock, M, vs. Nays: No~e.
~vnr B-d~er reported that Hob Park offered $5.00 ~er month for the rental of the
house at present occupied by him, he to keep in repair.
Co-ncilman 5~ays moved that offer be accepted and that if 6 months rent be paid
in advance city would give rental contract for a period of one year. Seconded
by Councilman 51urdock, Cerrled.
Cou~cilman Nurdock moved to adjourn to Dec. 14. 1936 at ?.30 P. ~.
Seconded ~y Councilman [,ys. Carried.
Acting Chairman.
Ad.lourned regular meeting Dec. 14, 1956.?
Me~ting w~z called to order by Chatrman the roll called with the followln~ members
present: Namer Geo. T. B~d~er, Councilmen Hardee, V~_ckers, Baug~nnan, ~urdock.
Atty. Vocelle. Engineer Deppen.
The returns of the general City Elec~ion held at Sebastian, ~ndlan River County,
Florida, Qn Dec. l~, l~0, signed b~ the Clerk and a majority of the inspectors of
said elebtion were received by ~he City Council and filed by the City Clerk.
The Council proceeded to canvass the returns and the result of said election as shown
by said returns,and thereupon Councilman rickets introduced the following resolution:
Resolution ! ~
Whereas it appears from the returns of the general City election held Dec. l~, 19~8,
duly certified in duplicate by the clerk and a majority of the inspectors of said
election, and one delivered by such inspectors and clerk to the President of the City
Council and the other to the City Clerk and by him transmitted to the City Council,
that the votes'cast at said election were as follows:
For members.~of the City Council, three to be elected:
C. K. ~rdock received thirteen votes;
J. B. Nays received thirteen votes;
B. N. Brown received thirteen votes; and
Whereas, the City Council has canvassed the returns and the results as shown by the
certificate of the clerk and inspectors of the election afore~aid and has found
~he same correct; therefore,
Be it Resolved that the results of the Eeneral city election held in the City of
Sebastian, Florida, on Dec. l~, 19Z8, be ~nd the same are hereby declared to be
as fol~ows:
For Councilmen : G. K. Nurdock. J. B. ~ays,B. N. Bro~n and that ~. K. ~rdock Y. B.
E~s and S. M. Brown be, and they are hereby declared to h~ve been duly elected
Councilmen of the City of Sebastian, Florida~ for the ensuing two years.
The foregoing resolution having been put to a vote was adopted as follows:
AYes: H~rdee, Vickers. Bau~hm~n, Murdock. ~ays: None
The oath of office was administered to G. K. ~urdbck as councilman by Mayor
Geo. T. Bad~er.
The Council proceeded to reorganize for the ensuing year.
Councilman Vickers moved that Councilman Bau~hman be President of the City Council
for the e~suing year. Secondcd by Councilman Murdock. Carried.
Councilman Baughman assumed the Chair and Councilman ~urdock moved that Councl~m~an
Vickers be president Pro-rem for the ensuing year. Cerried.
Councilman Vickers made a motion tha J. T. Vocelle be employed as City Arty for
the ensuing year. carried.
Councilman Eurdock made a motion tha~ Pil. G. Doopen be employed as City E~ineer
for the ensuing year at a salary of .~l.00. Carried.
Star, ding committees were appointed as follows for the ensuing year:
Finance: E. W. Vickers,Ch~. Street and alley: G. K. ~urdock, Cb~.
G. K. Murdock J.B. Mays
B. N. Brown. B.N. Brown.
Light & J. B. Eays, Chm
Power E. ~. V~.~kers
G. K. Murdock
Sanitary: B. N. Brown, Ch~ J. B. M~ys
G. K. ~lurdock
E. ~. Vickers, Chm.
B. N. Brown
J. B. ~.~ays.
E. W. Vickers, Cbm
C. K. Murdock
J. B. Nays
Upon motion President appointed Councilman Vickers and ~rdock as a committee to
report to next meeting advislbility of opening a munlcip~l trailer camp.
The following resolution was introduced by Councilman ~rdock:
Resolution ~
Whereas, Capt. ?. G. Hardee has for many years be~n a faithful and efficient member
of the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, and has rendered unselfish
and patriotic service for the welfare and upbullding of Sebastian; and ~?~J~'~.~.~
~Vhereas, Capt Hardee has voluntarily retired from such service, due to his health
and on account of business necessities; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of ~he City of Sebastian, Flor~da, that we do
express our regret at ~he voluntary retirenent of Caot. ~iardee~as.~a. member of this
~ody, and that we do express to him on behalf of ourselves and the citizens of
Sebastian our appreciation for his untiring and unselfish work in behalf of the
City, and that a copy of this resolution be spread on the minutes of the City Council
of said City, a copy deliver~d to th~ press and a copy sent to Capt. Hardee.
Said resolution v~as duly seconded and upon being put to a vote was unanimously adopted
Councilman ~[urdock moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman ~rickers. Carried.
Chairman. [~