HomeMy WebLinkAbout12151958SPECIAL ~ETING D~uFAi~ 15, 1958 '~'hese present we e ~ayer S+evensen, O,uncilman ~embler, Ohesser, Denshep, ~aXter, and ~rehme r. The purpose of ~his meeting was t. discuss Civil 'ue~ense. Ceurcilman ~ax~er made a me~i®n te appoint R. E. Turlingten as director .f this de~'ense program. Second by C®u~cilman Chesser. Carried. Therefore the City hereby appoints a director ef ~ivil det°ense for the City .f Sebastf.an, who will immedfa ely u:-dert,ke te set up and rermul_~te dlsasDer Ceunc~.l and a disaste~ plan f®r th~.s City accerdfn~ te the 0ta~utes .f ~he Sta~e ef ~lerida. ~rs. ~hesser ind~ ordi~&~e entitled: An erdianance vacating, abolishing, abandoning ~nd discentinuin~ all. that portion ef Park Avmnue lyin,~ e~st ef lets 1 and 22, ~lk. 8, and let S ~lk. 7, ~cean ~eeze ~eights ~ubdivisien, according to Pl~t ~iled in the cfi'ice ef the Clerk ef the ~ir~uit Court ef indian River Ceunty, =lorida in Flat ~eok 2 page 7 and e~st ef the Westerly n/W ef llneef the new us highway ~l, said l%nd now lying and being in Oity ef Sebasti~u, Andian nivor Oeun~y, ~lerida. Mrs. ~hesser made a me, ion th.~t said erdiance be road for the first time in full, second by ~euncilman oenschep, nell was called vetings ~s fellows was: Ayes: ~eun cilman comb ler " ~he sser " ~ e ns ch e p " Da xt er " ~rehmer ~ays: None Mrs. Chesser made a m~ion that said Ordiance be read for the second time by title en±y. Second by Oeuncilman oenschop. R®ll was called and voting was as follows: Ayes: C.urci lnmn Sembler " Che sss r " Bensch~l~ " Baxter " Brehmer Nays: N~ne ~.~rs. Chesser made a mot ion that said ~rdianauce be read for the th~.rd and finial time by title .nly an:~ phce~ uoo~ t~,-s~final passage . Sec.nd by ~euncilman ~,~nschop, Roll w~s called and vot~n,2 was as fol.!...ows: Ayes: Ceuncilman Oem~:~l~ r " Oho s se r " ~enschop " Daxt e r " Brehmer ~ays: None Thereupon sai~ erdianance having received an affirm~'uive v~te eft. hree fifths ef all the members ®f the ~.unil, was declared duly adopted and upon being presen%ed te the ~ayor and having receivodhis approval was numbered as ~hapter 168 of the urdimance ~f said Ulty and Dhereupon duly posted a~ Dhe doer ef the City hiall ef the uity ef ~ebas~ian lnacc~rdance with pr~visien el' Section 85 ef ~hap~er 1668~ ef the lav..~s ~f · lerida being the ~hapter ~f ~id ~ity. Pres. Sembler ap?oinked ~euncilman ~axter en ~he ~treeDs, Parks, 0emen~ry, u~mmittee Pres. Sembler appointed C~uncilman ~rehme~' en the Lights mhd ~'lre Copt. uemmittee. Pres. Sembler appointed C~uncilman ~enschop en the Sat .C~mmittee. deuncilman Baxter made a mot.ion t~ .adjourn. Second by C~uncilman ~enschep. City Clerk Pres. Council