HomeMy WebLinkAbout0519199999.012 2. 3. 4. SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND "WISH LIST" WORKSHOP AGENDA WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL SPECIAL MEETING ITEM A. Consider Approval of Golf Professional Services Agreement Between City of Sebastian and Cerjan Golf Enterprises, Inc. and Authorize City Manager to Execute (Revised Proposed Contract Forthcoming) ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING AND CALL WISHLIST WORKSHOP TO ORDER WISH LIST ITEMS (Provides Opportunity for Council Members to Introduce "Wishes" for City) A. Mayor Wininger B. Vice Mayor Neuberger C. Mr. Barczyk (List) D. Mr. Bishop E. Mr. Majcher F. Current Pending Agenda Item List G. Updates i. 6/24/97 Council Wish List Items ii. 97/98 Quarterly Open Forum Input Items iii. Council, Manager and City Attorney Matters Directions/Inquiries 7. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE B Y THE CITY COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MA TTER CONSIDERED A T THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY N~D TO ENSURE THA T A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286. O105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE W1TH THE AMERICANS WITH DI, K4BILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOM3,1ODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THiS MEETING. Hearing Assistance Headphones are Available in Council Chambers for all Government Meetings Upcoming Meetings egular Meeting- Wednesday, 5/26/99- 7pm Regular Meeting - Wednesday, 6/9/99 - 7pm Regular Meeting - Wednesday, 6/23/99 - 7pm Public Forum- Wednesday, 6/30/99- 7pm SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCiL SPECIAL MEETING AND "WISH LIST" WORKSHOP MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor Wininger called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL CiW Council Present: Mayor Martha S. Wininger Vice Mayor Chuck Neuberger Mr. Joe Barczyk Mr. Ben A. Bishop City Council Abse~: Mr. Edward J. Majcher, Jr. (Excused) Staff Pr~ent: Interim City Manager, John Van Antwerp City Attorney, Rich Stringer Deputy City Clerk, Sally Maio Administrative Assistant, Linda Galley MPecialCouncil and Wish List City Workshop ay 19, 1999 99.012 SPECIAL MEETING ITEM A. Consider Api~roval of Golf Profe~iqlla! Services Agreement Between Cil:y of $~bastian and Celjan Golf ~oterprises, Inc. and Authorize City Manager to Execute The City Attorney reviewed the revised agreement he had distributed prior to the meeting. He then distributed two additional pages with amendments to pages 6 and 9 (see attached) Pat Cerjan requested amendment to page 3 paragraph 5 relative to the date for submittal of the budget. Mayor Wininger requested amendment to page 4 paragraph 4, suggesting there be some indication who the employee is. The City Attorney suggested adding "acceptable to the City's on-site supervisor." It was noted the on-site supervisor would be Greg Gardner. Pat Cerjan said he will provide workers comp for his employee. New language was added to pages 3 and 4 as follows: Page 3 - (5) after "budget" add "prior to leaving the State as per paragraph 3, below" Page 4 - 2nd full sentence change to "Consultant shall provide an additional employee acceptable to the City's on-site supervisor, at its expense and covered by Consultant's workers' compensation insurance, to assist the on-site supervisor during this time period." Amended pages 6 and 9 are attached to these minutes in legislative format. MOTION by Bishop/Barczyk "I'd like to make a motion to approve the contract for Pat Cerjan as amended with changes." It was noted that there were two separate agreements with Cerjan Enterprises and with Pat Cerjan within the document. Mr. Bishop then added this to his motion. The City Attorney was directed to provide a clean copy of the contract with revisions to City Council members. ROLL CALL: Mayor Wininger - aye Vice Mayor Neuberger - aye Mr. Barczyk - aye Mr. Bishop - aye Mr. Majcher - absent MOTION CARRIED 4-0 2 ~l~ pecial City Council Meeting and Wish List Workshop May 19, 1999 ?age Three The interim City Manager requested addition of a resolution supporting a Oreenway and Transit Conceptual Plan grant to the Special Meeting agenda. MOTION by Wininger/Neuberger "I'll move that we discuss the greenway and the resolution." ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor Neubcrger - aye Mr. Barczyk - aye Mr. Bishop -aye ~ ~A~./f~-"~ Mr. Majcher -aye,- Mayor Wininger ~ absent ~ '//E MOTION CARRIED 4-0 The interim City Manager explained the $100,000 conceptual planning grant and stated that if Council wished to go forward, it should send a resolution and letter supporting the grant to the Governor as soon as possible. The City Attorney read Resolution No. R-99-34 in full (see attached). It was noted that Council will select the consultant and the consultant will receive the funds. TAPE I- SIDE H- 7:47p. m. MOTION by Wininger/Neuberger "I move to approve the Resolution Mr. Stringer read on the greenway grant." ROLL CALL: Mr. Barczyk - aye Mr. Bishop - aye Mr. Majcher - absent Mayor Wininger - aye Vice Mayor Neuberger - aye MOTION CARRIED 4-0 Mr. Bishop received a consensus to place the hiring of the City Manager on the May 26, 1999 agenda. 5. ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING AND CALL WISHLIST WORKSHOP TO ORDER Mayor Wininger adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:51 p.m. and called the Wish List Workshop to order. 3 ~Speeial City Council Meeting and Wish List Workshop a aY 19, 1999 ge Four WISH LIST ITEMS (Provides Opportunity for Council Members to Introduce "Wishes" for City) A. Mayor Winirlger Mayor Wininger suggested each member list his/her wishes and get either get a consensus or not. She listed her wishes as follows: I) Refurbishing the Exterior of City Hall - painting, landscaping. There was a 4-0 consensus. 2) Base Flood Elevations. Have someone on staff go through FEMA materials and pursue. The City Attorney said there is a FEMA response that states they have already established elevations. 3) Land Development Code Revisions. Inquired about Solin and Associates' progress. The City Attorney stated the last he heard there should be a draft in June. 4) Schumann Median Landscaping with Natural Materials. Suggested this be done upon completion of Schumann drainage and paving. The interim City Manager said drainage improvements have begun and paving is ready to go out to bid. It was suggested that natural materials could be found at Filbert Street or the airport. B. Vice Mayor Neuberg~' Mr. Neuberger said these types of projects involve funding and that perhaps the City should prioritize its needs before it adds new projects. C. Mr. Barczyk (Lis0 Mr. Barczyk had provided a list of priorities but he also suggested that each City Council member submit a top ten list and those items be compiled into a top ten priority list for the City. He agreed that Council must keep within a budget unless grants can be obtained or landscaping materials can be found. D. Mr. Bishop Mr. Bishop agreed with a blend of ideas. He said his biggest wish was for Council to get along and work together and agreed that each member pick the top ten items that are pending. He said two of his priorities are a skateboard park and a place for teens to go, perhaps forming a Kids Committee. MPecial City Council Meting and Wish List Workshop ay 19, 1999 ~age Five Eo Mr Barczyk at this time listed: * Yacht Club Restroom o City Welcome Sign Refurbishing * Skateboard Park , Soccer/Softball Field - he noted they may be addressed by IRC . Uniform Speed Limit - interim City Manager said this is in progress it was the consensus of City Council for each member to submit a top twenty item list to the City Manager by June 2, 1999; have him whittle them down to a common list often top priorities, establish some kind of budget for those that need it, and bring the priority list back to Council as soon as possible. It was suggested that there may be items on the public forum input list that Council members can use, and to go through the agenda pending list and clean it up. Discussion followed on a public request for a list of work projects and a request to see complaint lists. Mr. M0jcher Absent. Current Pending Agenda Item List Updates I. 6/24/97 Council Wish List Items ii. 97/98 Quarterly Open Forum Input Items iii. Council, Manager and City Attorney Matters Directions/Inquiries 7. Being no further business, Mayor Wininger adjourned the Workshop at 8:35 p.m. Approved at Katho~ M. O'Halloran, CMC/AAE City Clerk ,1999, Regular~ City Council Meeting. Martha S. Wininger ~ :- Mayor