HomeMy WebLinkAbout1201199999.227 99.228 99.229 99.153 SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MA Y BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Individuals will address the Cffy Council with respect to agenda items immediately before deliberation of the item by the City Council - limit often minutes per speaker (R-99-21) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. MOMENT OF SILENCE 4. ROLL CALL 5. AGENI~ MODIFICATIONS (ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIOJ~ Items not on the written agenda may be added only upon a majority vote of Cffy Council members (R.99-21) 6. PROCLAMATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR PRESENTATIONS A. Proclamation - Recognition of Detective Joe Dillon - State of Florida Local Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award B. Proclamation - City of Sebastian 75th Anniversary - December 6, 1999 C. Presentation by Florida Power and Light Officials Rachel Scott and Ed Henne (City Manager Transmittal) D. Presentation by Falcon Cable Regional Manager Ken Vickers Re: Improvements (City Manager Transmittal) 99.008 9.230 99.215 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS L-'ITY MANAGER MATTERS CITY CLERK MATTERS CITy COUNCIL MATTERS A. Mr. Barnes B. Mr. Bishop C. Mr. Majcher D. Mayor Neuberger E. Mr. Barczyk ~QNSENT AGENDA ,4il items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of CiO, Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. A. Approval of Minutes - 11/17/99 Regular Meeting Formal Acceptance of Charles Barrett's Resignation from Planning and Zoning (Barrett Letter 11/15/99) Co Resolution No. R-99-59 - Request Florida Department of Transportation Expedite Four Laning of SR 60 (City Manager Transmittal 11/24/99, R-99-59) A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXPEDITE WIDENING OF STATE ROAD 60; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PUBLIC HEARING Procedures for public hearings: (R-99-21) o Mayor Opens Hearing o Attorney Reads Ordinance or Resolution ° Sta. ffPresentation · Public Input - Limit ofTen Minutes Per Speaker · StaffSummation ° Mayor Closes Hearing ° Council Action Anyone Wishing to Speak is Asked to Sign Up before the Meeting, When Called go to the Podium and State His or Iter Name for the Record A. Ordinance No. 0-99-37 - C9iltrolled Burning (City Attorney Transrnitt~ll. O-99-37) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTION 4248 CONTROL OF OPEN BURNINi~, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (lst Reading 11/3/99, Advertised Legal 11/17/99, PH 12/1/99) 99.231 99.232 99.234 99.235 99.237 99.238 99.106 13. 14. ltl. 16. 17. I~YrRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINE~;S FROM THE PUBLIC Item that has occurred or was discovered within the previous six months which is not otherwise on the agenda - sign-up required - limit often minutes for each speaker COMMITTEE REPORTSfRECOMMENDATION~ OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS Ruth Sullivan Request for Reimbursement for Legal Services Incurred While Mayor (City Manager Transmittal 11/16/99, Sullivan Letter 11/11/99) Appropriate $600 Match Funding and Approve Contract #99060 with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for Yacht Club Ramp Extension (City Engineer Transmittal 11/22/99, Agreement) Appropriate $3,650 Matching Funds and Approve Contract #SD611AA with St. Johns River Water Management District for Two Telescopes at Riverview Park Observation/Fishing Pier (City Engineer Transmittal 11/22/99, Agreement) D. Purchase of City of Sebastian Entrance Signs (Purchasing Transmittal 11/24/99, Signs) Resolution No. R-99-56 - Application for Designation into U.S. Millenium Committees Program (City Manager Transmittal 11/23/99, R-99-56) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR DESIGNATION INTO THE UNITED STATES MILLENIUM COMMUNITIES PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Resolution No. R-99-57 - Authorizing City Manager to Execute DCA Disaster Relief Agreement (Finance Director Transmittal 11/23/99, R-99-57, DCA Letter, Agreement) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DISASTER RELIEF FUNDING AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILiTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Resolution No. R-99-58 - One Way Shakespeare Street (City Manager Transmittal 11/23/99, R-99-58) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING A ONE-WAY DESIGNATION OF SHAKESPEARE STREET; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Proposed Ordinance Re: Overgrown Lots - Discussion and Direction to Staff (City Attorney Transmittal 11/18/99, Proposed Ordinance) ADJOURN (All meetings shall adjourn at lO:30 p. m. unless extended for up to one half hour by a majority vote of City Council) 3 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATEtd RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES TIlE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105F. S.) IN CO~IPLIANCE WITH THE AbtERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CiTY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. Hearing Assistance Headphones are Available in the Council Chambers for all Government Meetings. Upcoming Meetings: Regular Meeting - Wednesday, 12/15/99- 7pm Regular Meeting - Wednesday, 1/12/2000- 7pm Regular Meeting - Wednesday, 1/26/2000- 7pm 4 PUBLIC HEARING SiGN-UP SHEET DECEMBER 1, 1999 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Ordinance No. 0-99-37- CONTROLLED BURNING NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC SIGN-UP SHEI~T "New Business" as used herein, is defined as an item that has occurred or was discovered within the previous six months DECEMBER 1, 1999 REGULAR MEETING USE THIS FORM ONLY FOR INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED .AGENDA - LIMiT OF 10 MINUTES PER SPEAKER Name: Subject: Subject: Name: Subject: SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1999 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2. 3. 4. Mayor Neuberger called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. There was a moment of silence. ROLL CALL City Council Present: Mayor Chuck Neuberger Mr. Joe Barczyk Mr. Walter Barnes Mr. Ben A. Bishop Mr. Edward J. Majcher, Jr. Staff Present: City Manager, Terrence Moore City Attorney, Rich Stringer City Clerk, Kathryn O'Halloran Public Works Director, Terry Hill Chief of Police, Randy White Finance Director, Mark Mason Deputy City Clerk, Sally Maio gular City Council Meeting cember 1, 1999 Page Two 5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS {,ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIO_I~) Items not on the written agenda may be added on~ upon a majorffy vote of CRy Council members (R-99-21) The City Manager requested modifications to New Business items A, B, and C, to add authorization for the City Manager to execute contracts for items B and C; and to appropriate $525 for the reimbursement in item A. City Council concurred with the additions to recommended action on the three items. 6. PROCLAMATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR PRESENTATION~ 99.227 A. Proclamatio/t - Recognition of Detective J0~ Dillor~ - State of Florida Lo~.La,w Enforcement Officer of tll~ Year Award Mayor Neuberger read and presented the proclamation to Detective Dillon. 99.228 B. Proclamation - Cjly of Sebastian 75th AnniversaD' - December 6, 1999 Mayor Neuberger read the anniversary proclamation. 99.229 C. Presentation by Florida,Power and Light Officials Rae,~ll¢l Scott and Ed Henne (City Manager TransmittaD Florida Power and Light official Ed Henne gave a lengthy presentation on restoration efforts on the Treasure Coast by FPL following Hurricane Irene and responded to concerns and suggestions expressed by Council. TAPE I-SIDE II (7:45 p.m.) 99.153 D. The presentation continued. Mr. Majcher was asked to provide a list of residents who had contacted EMS relative to trees and tree fires. Chief White requested establishment of better communication with FPL during emergencies. Presentation I~ Falcon Cable Regional Mallager Ken Vickers Re: Improvemen[~.(,City Manager Transmittal) Ken Vickers, Regional Manager of Charter Communications (formerly Falcon Cable), updated City Council on proposed improvements to the system in accordance with its recently approved franchise agreement with the City. Mayor Neuberger called recess at 8:32 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:45 p.m. All members were present. d~egular City Council Meeting ~ember 1, 1999 Page Three 7. CITy ATTORNEY MATTEI~ None. 8. CITY MANAGER MATTERS TAPE II- SIDE I (8:48 p.m.) Announced the 11/30/99 closing on the Good Guys Property Announced that a Greyhound bus stop will be reinstated at Main and US I 9. CITY CLEF~K MATTERS None. 10. CITY COUNCIL MA~ERS A. Mr. Bartles Announced the Keep Indian River Beautiful Clean Up day contest was won by Fellsmere again Reported on resident complaints about excessive noise from a concert at a church on South Wimbrow in a residential district, said he did not think such events should be allowed in residential neighborhoods, and that staff should take a closer look at these applications Recommended that Charter officer evaluations not be conducted at a public meeting, rather to conduct individual appraisals and then confirm them and discuss salary at a public meeting Proposed that City Council conduct a workshop on the issue of whether ordinances passed by Council are being enforced. The City Manager agreed with a workshop with Charter Officers and key department heads in attendance to hear what is discussed, however, that he will communicate Council's suggestions to his staff. City Council scheduled a workshop for January 5, 2000. B. Mr. Bishop None. C. Mr. Majcher Requested that City staff set up a day for clean up of city property abutting the Barber Street fire station Inquired about the City dumping on the east side of the Golf Course and the City Manager said he will report on December 15. egular City Council Meeting ember 1, 1999 Page Four D. Mayor Neuberger Discussed dumping on the airport property. Said he would evaluate the City Clerk in private. Thanked the City Manager for his work on reinstatement of the Greyhound bus stop. Inquired about plans for the City's anniversary Expressed concern about the City's loss of the clean up day Said work at Garden Club park is progressing, however, mulch they were given is a hazard Discussed a Council of Local Governments meeting he attended in Ft. Pierce today and commended their efforts to improve the City Suggested the City Engineer contact Vero Beach about mierosurfacing test failures E. Mr, Barczyk Said he would also evaluate the City Clerk in private Thanked Keep Indian River Beautiful clean up volunteers Inquired about progress the revised Land Development Code ll. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered routine attd will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of cvgtsent agenda it,ms unles~ a member of CiO, Council so requests; in which ew'~nt, the item will be removed and acted upon separate~),. A. Approval of Minutes - 11/17/99 Regular Meeting 99.008 Formal Acceptance of Charles Barrett's Resignation from Planning and Zoning (Barrett Letter 11/15/99) 99.230 Resolution No. R-99-59 - Request Florida Department of Transportation Expedite Four Laning of SR 60 (City Manager Transmittal 11/24/99, R-99-59) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBA~qTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COLrNTY FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXPEDITE WIDENING OF STATE ROAD 60; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITtt; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Clerk read the Consent Agenda, and the City Attorney read Resolution No. R-99-59 by title. Mr. Barnes removed item B. MOTION by Bames/Barczyk "I make a motion to approve items A and C." VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 5-0. ggular City Council Meeting ember 1, 1999 Page Five Item B - Charles Barrett's Resignation from Plannitlg and Zonillg Councilmembers expressed concern that a qualified member is leaving the board due to problems with one other member. Mayor Neuberger said the City Attorney had advised that City Council could take action to remove the member; and that he had spoken to Planning and Zoning Chairman Shulke and requested that he address the matter with his board. Mr. Bishop noted that others are considering resignation for the same reason. MOTION by Bishop/Barnes "Based on input that I've had, I'd like to make a motion that we remove Mr. Pliska from the P & Z board effective immediately." Sal Neglia, suggested Mr. Pliska be given a chance to address the problem. The City Attorney advised that to take action tonight this removal would be "without cause". ROLLCALL: Mr. Barczyk - aye Mr. Barnes - aye Mr. Bishop - aye Mr. Majcher - aye Mayor Neuberger - nay MOTION CARRIED 4-1 (Neuberger - nay) MOTION by Neuberger/Majcher "I'11 make a motion to refuse Mr. Barrett's resignation." VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 5-0. 12. pUBLIC H.I~AEISG 99.215 A. Ordinance No. 0-99-37 - Controlled Burnirlg fl2ily Attorney Transmittal, O-99-37) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER cOUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CODE OF ORDINANCES SECrI~ON 4248 CONTROL OF OPEN BURNING; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (lst Reading 11/3/99, Advertised Legal 11/17/99, PH 12/1/99) Mayor Neuberger opened the public hearing at 9:22 p.m. and the City Attorney read Ordinance No. 0-99-37 by title. 5 City Council Meeting December 1, 1999 Page Six The City Attorney briefly explained the amendments. Mayor Neuberger closed the public hearing at 9:23 p.m. MOTION by Bames/Neuberger "I move to approve Ordinance O-99-37." ROLLCALL: Mr. Bishop - aye Mr. Majcher - aye Mayor Neuberger - aye Mr. Barczyk - aye Mr. Barnes - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 13, INTRODUCTIO~ OF NEW BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC Item that has occurred or was discovered within the previous six months which is not otherwise on the agenda - sign-up required - limit often minutes for each speaker Dennis O'Hara, discussed the excessive noise from the church concert, and objected to this use being allowed with a temporary use permit in a residential district. TAPE II- SIDE II (9:30 p.m.) 14. COMMITTEE Ra,F~PORT$/RF, COMMENDATIONS None. 15. OLD BUSINI~;S None. 16. NEW BUSINESS 99.231 A. Ruth Sullivan Request for Reimbursement fox Legal 5erviCes Incurred While Mayor (City Manager Transmittal 11/16/99, Sullivan Letter 11/11199) The City Attorney gave a brief explanation of law on reimbursement of legal fees in the amount of $525, responded to questions from Council and recommended approval. City Council discussion followed. MOTION by Bames/Barczyk "I'11 make a motion to approve the request from Ruth Sullivan for reimbursement of legal services and authorize the City Manager to appropriate legal reimbursement." 6 ar City Council Meeting mber 1, 1999 Page Seven ROLL CALL: Mayor Neuberger Mr. Barczyk Mr. Barnes Mr. Bishop Mr. Majcher - aye - aye -ayc - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 99.232 Appropriate $600 MatclrF~lit~g im(t Approve Contract #99060 with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Conuni~jQl~ for Yacht Club Ramp Extension (Cil~' Engineer Tr.01~SIllittal 11/22/99, Agreemen0 MOTION by Majcher/Barnes "I make a motion to appropriate $600 match funding and approve Contract #99060 with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for the Yacht Club Ramp Extension and City Manager transmittal agreement." Thc Finance Director responded to questions from Council, noting the grant amount is $74,400. ROLL CALL: Mr. Barczyk - aye Mr. Barnes - aye Mr. Bishop - aye Mr. Majcher - aye Mayor Neuberger - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 99.234 Appropriate $3,650 M. al~cbing Funds and Approve Contract #SD61 IAA with St. JOill~ River Water Management.1)i;trict for Two Telescopes at Riverview Park Ob,se, l-~atiorl/Fishing Pier (City Engineer Trall~lnitti~l 11/22/99, Agreement) MOTION by Bishop/Barczyk "I'd move to appropriate $3,650 matching funds and approve contract #SD611AA with St. Johns River Water Management District for two telescopes at Riverview Park and authorize thc City Manager to execute the grant." ROLL CALL: Mr. Barnes - aye Mr. Bishop - aye Mr. Majcher - aye Mayor Neuberger - aye Mr. Barczyk - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 7 ar City Council Meeting mber 1, 1999 Page Eight 99.235 D. 99.236 E. Purchase_of {2j, ty of Sebastian Entrance Signs (P~chasing Transmittal 11/24199. Signs) The City Manager distributed colored renderings and introduced Curt Oxford of Woodcarvers, Inc. and Mr. Oxford addressed Council. Mr. Barczyk inquired about a City seal for the Council Chambers. MOTION by Bames/Majcher "I'll make a motion to approve the purchase of City of Sebastian entrance signs for $23,400." ROLL CALL: Mr. Bishop - aye Mr. Majcher - aye Mayor Neuberger - aye Mr. Barczyk - aye Mr. Barnes - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 It was the consensus of City Council to remove the word "many' from the sign. l~esolution No. R-99-56 - Ai~Plict~tion for Designation into U.S, Millennium Committees Program (City Manager Transmittal ! 1/23/99, R-99-56) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR DESIGNATION INTO THE UNITED STATES MILLENNIUM COMMUNITIES PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read Resolution No. R-99-56 by title. The City Manager gave a brief update on a proposal for celebration of the City's anniversary and entrance into the new millennium. MOTION by Neuberger/Barnes "I move to approve Resolution R-99-56." Mr. Bishop suggested formation of a committee for the City's 75th Anniversary celebration. lar City Council Meeting mber 1, 1999 Page Nine ROLL CALL: Mr. Majcher Mayor Neuberger Mr. Barczyk Mr. Barnes Mr. Bishop - aye - aye - aye - aye - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 99.237 Resoluti0tl NO. R-99-57 - Authorizing City Manager to Ex~ut¢ DCA Disaster Relief Agreement (Finance Director Transmittal 11/2)LO9, R-99-57, DCA Letter, Agreement) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMI_rNiTY AFFAIRS DISASTER RELIEF FUNDING AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLI_rFIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read Resolution No. R-99-57 by title. MOTION by Bishop/Barczyk "I'd move to adopt Resolution No. R-99-57 authorizing the City Manager to execute the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Disaster Relief Funding Agreement." ROLLCALL: Mayor Neuberger - aye Mr. Barczyk - aye Mr. Barnes - aye Mr. Bishop - aye Mr. Majcher - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 99.238 ResolatiQr~ No~ R-99-58 - One Way Shakespeare Street (City Mmag~r Transmittal 11/23/99, R-99-58) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING A ONE-WAY DESIGNATION OF SHAKESPEARE STREET; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read Resolution No. R-99-58 by title. Some City Council members suggested ascertaining that all residents on Shakespeare Street wanted this one-way designation MOTION by Barnes/ "I'd make a motion to adopt Resolution No. R-99-58." MOTION died for lack of a second. ar City Council Meeting mber 1, 1999 Page Ten MOTION by Barczyk/Neuberger "I'll make a motion that we shelf this item to the next meeting." VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 5-0. 99.106 Proposed Ordinance Re: Ov~rgr.9.~n Lot~ - Discussion aufl Direction to Staff (City Attorney Tr~al~smittal ! 1/18/99, Proposed Ordinance) The City Attorney reviewed the proposed amendments. TAPE III- SIDE I (10:15 p.m.) It seemed to be the general consensus of Council that dumping of debris on unimproved lots should be tightened and enforced, but that proposed language relative to clearing undergrowth on unimproved lots adjacent to improved lots and maintaining it at 10 inches would be overregulation. The following individuals addressed Council on the subject. · Dennis 0'Hara · Charles Stachel ° Al Vilardi · Louise Kautenberg 17. Being no further business, Mayor Neuberger adjourned the Regular Meeting at 10:28 p.m. Approved at the ,1999, Regular City Council Meeting. ? Kathryn ]~. 0 Halloran, CMC/AAE City Clerk 10