HomeMy WebLinkAbout12161927Dec embe.'~' 16, ~9 2~. Ups '.'-'oll call the following w, ro found to be m~ju~- T. B. a~ck~ uouncil,,.n; t,[.~'~. M,l~e,, A. ~. Eoberts, Oha;l~s -. ~m~e., -has. ~. ~U~u~t ~.~ H. ~{. 5al~ee. ~lerk L', 0. Ba~.~hm~... -.e .,~ee~i .... ~ wao _al~e~ ~o ~r=er ~y &.0oxue~ ~ocel~e, a~ he ~vis~- that tlle first ste.~ theft wa~ ...c'e~ary was to elec~ a I~IOTION i&a~e ~~ ~ouucilmau Sembler, a~:id sec~.,.~e~ ~ ~olu]cilman Sallow. Councilman oeu,.mzot, b~ ma~e -~re~i~e ..... 't~ T~,.. ~oan¢il. t~,7 lot th~ ~.o~,,i.,? ,.j~rs o~ .h. '2owu Oo~..oi. w_re .le..ea _o hold ~f~e ~o ~ou..~i~m_n for tw~ t'~; ~o~r'~ ~,~_ Mitl~z'; · he _o~1o, .... ~ ~m~r~ ~ the ~o~ Co S Beu~.~t *he mee.i~ ..~s .h~n ~o..~uc.e~ y .he _[;~e~..e~.:. u~ .he "'o~.~ uo~.~i~ . The 'followin.~ resu~_..~.. ~a~ ~z_e,.~d ~ ~ouncilmau Roberts; RESOLU~i0N NO. 1. . Whereao, he T~w~' ~_ Seba~t~a.., ~l~.~a. ha.~.~ b~e,~ _u~ ~nc~rpora~e~ -.. .' .~ ..... ~-~b~.~ a~v.~ ~.aJ~tes uf ~'.o;ida, and havin~ po~,e. '~;h.e,reas, the -o,.., uo ...... il cz ~n~ To,~ of 5ebastiau, deemi..~ .t s~viS~l. to have lefts, 1 advice itz the oo~%d'uc$ of the bus~n~=~ ~;~,-~a~.~ u~ sa~ The.~fore, ,~ i2 :,_e,~,,;1, u~ _~m. the ~i~m ~f N.s~e o.~.,~ Vo~e~l~, Attorne~rs a~ ~,,, of ~ero, ~'lorida. be and they are ~lere.. Attorueys for .he zo%~o of Sebastian, Florid~, for .he s~a~ u. one from this Be it ~,th~r re~lv_d hat sa,d A'. _: e.,_ be i3aid. ~Ae sun% o-C ~ .~.... ~ · .... ~ . , . ~WZI when %'he se.,,~ aris=c, .,ake such arran~..mef!"bs as ~o .=mu~ra~io,, .ilar will ~ ~au~ac.~. a,,- L~ile','.', seco'haled ' .... C,~'"~'~,',~'~'m.~ Sa___tr,~ th t -the Oleg, z be strthorized to p'~rch';~::e all reoo?is. Mot ion o~.~ied. l,iO2IOli made by Councilman. Roberts, seconded bl; Oouncilman Sailee, that the remzlar meet'zn..,~ of the Tov~n Council of the Tova~ of Seb~sti~'~u, be held on second and. fourth Llond?,y ni.~,ats of eocn month at 7.~O O'clock p.m. Motion carried. L~Ok'YON m~:~de bb~ Co'unoil::nan 5embler, and second~:,,d by' Councilman Miller, thc,t the annual election of officers be held on the ~econd Mond'.:~y of December of e?ch year. Motion c~rried. I,iOTIOl? made b2' Councilman Se:nbler, and seconded by OOl~Zucilman Sallee, if at arV time a vac?ncy exists ir~ either the office off Clerk or Marsr~?!. · th,: t s~zon vac~xcy be filiod bj a?poi.nt,~e'~?,t by the Mayor and confirmed bld/' the own 0 curio il. Motion carried. An Ordin:'nce providin~v for t~.~e peace and ,rood order of the Town of Seb,?s'ti,ua, prohibitin~ the commission of s'andrb' offences, providings' fo'~' the arrests and trial of any 2erson, i'irm o'~' co:~'_.,or~:Zion violatim~ axy of the provisio~ts of this Ordinance, and £ixin.~r the '.,-~en,?lty' for s~te.h violation. Was ro,'d for the first time in fall. MOTION made by Councilman Robert.s sec:.,nded b2.,,' Oouncilman ~diller, that Ordinance be read tlze second time by title onlF. Idot ion c?rried. i,£O2i0N' made by Councilman ~al!ee, seco~,ded by' OoUno£1man Idiller that Orazn~:,nce be re~.d the /second] time a~l~ P~t a,oon its ~assa~'e. Motion o?rried ,TB ~,~2 Roll call on Ordinance: Ayes: Councilman I~[iller, Roberts, Sembler, Sallee, Beum~ot. Nayes: None idO'2IOii- made by' Councilman 5allee, seconded by Councilman Miller, that Council ad j o~rn. I~[oti on c,'~rried.