HomeMy WebLinkAbout02222000• City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2000 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: � 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 21, 2000 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Project reports from members B. Discussion of High Schooi Concert C. Committee participation in other Riverview Park activities D. Formulation of letter campaign to Businesses E. Report on sale of T-shirts at IRC celebration on 3/25/00 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discuss Clock Tower 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. • ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. M .. C� • C� � �.� CITY OF SEBASTIAN 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 22, 2000 Chairman Ray Coniglio called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Louise Kautenburg Julianne Barrett Adrina Davis Betsy Connelly Inez Fielding Chmn. Coniglio Jayne Barczyk(a) (Joann Osmundson)'' ALSO PRESENT: Terry Hill, Public Works Director Jan King, Planning 8� Growth Management Directar Ann Brack, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: *(Joann Osmundson was nat present when roll call was taken, but arrived a short time later. Ms. Barczyk vnted in her ptace on the approval of minutes.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 2/$/00 MOTION by Barczyk/Davis I'd like to make a motion to accept the minutes of the 8�" of February. A voicE vate was taken. 8— 0 motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: There was discussion of the "Mission Statement" draft. Many suggestians were made to improve the wording of this statement, and a final document was created and approved, and is attached to these minutes. Presentation of Committee activities to City Council was discussed and it was determined that Chairman Coniglio would handle this presentation. MOTION by Davis/Barrett Submit a presentation ta City Council an the next City u� agen , in din _ the Mission Statement and activities in the planning. �� -_��, �•�-v A vaice vote was taken. 7-- 0 motion carried. 7��N� � v m� �°��' � =u �/7/� ����y� :: „, - � � � � �1 � 75'” ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2D0� There was discussion of when the next City Council meeting would be held. Many thanks were extended to Joann Osmundsan for creation af the Mission Statement. MOTION by Kautenburg/Fielding I would move that we adopt the Mission Statement as amended. Roll call: Betsy Connelly - yES Chmn. Coniglio - YES Julianne Barrett - yes Adrina Davis - YES The vote was 7— 0. Motion carried. Inez Fielding - Ye� Joann Osmundsan - yes VC Kautenburg - yes Julianne Barrett gave a report on the options and pricing of T-shirts and polo shirts, bumper stickers, and banners and flags. She also noted that br'ackets for the banners would have to be created, otherwise, they are very expensive. She suggested that canvas could be used for printing on b�th sides. There was a suggestion made to include smaller flags for homeowners to place in their yards. It was suggested to check with the City sign cade before progressing on this subject. • Chmn. Coniglio suggested having banners made in groups of ten (total of 100) in vinyl at a cost of about $55 per banner, and nated that several businesses have volunteer�d to contribute the cost if their business name can appear on the banner. � Terry Hill commented that his department would have to look at the lamp posts to determine the feasibility of creating a banner bracket. He also suggested only utilizing every third or fourth pole. Mr. Davis passed around examples of custam T-shirts and pola shirts. At this point, Jan King, Planning and Growkh Management Manager, was present and gave information to the committee on the City sign ordinance. She noted that at the present, banners along the riverFront with business names would be illegal. 5he alsa noted that as the Land Development Code is near completion, there was some thought ta inserting some kind of exception ctause for those lamp posts on Indian River Drive, for City use or a City sponsored event. There was discussion on banners across U.S. #1, and this would have to be handled by Florida DOT. A banner across Main Street by the Chamber of Commerce was discussed and it was determined that this issue should go before City Cauncil for approval. Jan then gave informatian an temporary event banners far businesses. She suggested that this Committee's plans shoutd be develaped rapidly so that they can be considered in the rewriting of the LDC, as it is going before City Council in early March. She then noted that flags or banners for private homes should indicate a country, state, or organizatian, otherwise it's not legal, but this cade has not been enforced. Discussian on the welcome signs in the medians on U.S. #1 was discusses. Mr. Hill noted that this issue should go before Florida DOT, and commented that it may be difficult, but not necessarily impossible. � � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 20D0 Chmn. Coniglio commented that he has met many delightFul and helpful City emplayees in recent months. Betsy Connelly presented her suggestions for a lago. (While she was setting up, Chmn. Coniglio supplied copies of the City Stationery that included the White House Millennium logo.) Betsy continued with her presentation of five designs. There was a suggestion to add "1925 to 20Q0, Millennium Community". A short break was taken at 9:40 a.m. far Committee members to closely inspect these designs. The meeting cantinued at 9:48 a.m with all previous members still present. The designs were designated numbers, 2 thraugh 5, and the Committee took a consensus as follows: In�z �ielding - #5 Chmn. Coniglio - #5 Joann Osmundson - #4 Julianne Barrett - #4 Louise Kautenburg - #4 Adrina Davis - #4 Betsy Connelly - #5 The result was that design #4 was selected. It was also agreed to increase the size of the years —1925 and 2A00, as used in this design. Betsy was congratulated on her hard work and on her results. She offered to bring a � final design to the next mesting. City Councilman Mr. Barczyk was present and suggested that a presentation might be made tomorraw night with Mr. Moore's approval under Sectian 6. Bumper stickers were also discussed. The secretary reported that this Committee may give a presentation to City Council tomorrow night, but a written list af what is going to be presented must be given to Mr. Maore, ASAP. This would include the Mission Statement, the design, and the request for funding. Chmn. Coniglia reported on his conversatian with Dr. Jones about the SRHS band, who would like to incorporate their Spring concert with the 75th Anniversary theme, and invite the public. He also suggested that a display by the Historical Society be present at every event. He then indicated that Dr. Jones was very agreeable to the essay cantest, and offered ta send the winning essays to the Cammittee for final selection. Chmn. Coniglio then gave information on cooperation by the Press Jaumal for printing items for different events. He noted that Disney would like to have a letter sent to them requesting prizes, etc. from this Committee far the essay contest. His report on a#ime capsule is not yet complete because of the intricacies invalved. He also gave information on local bands and their acceptance of involvement for concerts in Riverview Park and other parks in the City. It was noted that the issue of parking must be � considered when planning a concert in other City parks. Ms. Barczyk suggested that notification letters go to surrounding property owners when a concert is planned for any � 1� � 75�" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2000 Park other than Riverview. Ms. Kautenburg mentioned a song created years ago written by Sallydale Wimbrow in celebration of "Centennial plus Ten", and suggested that it might be utilized in some event. Chmn. Coniglio mentioned another song about the "Ashley Gang" from Sebastian. Street party and art show — suggest it be presented the week after the "Santa Sail-In" in December, with Indian River Drive being closed between Capt. Hiram's and Hurricane Harbar. Businesses in that location are in agr�ement with this concept. It was noted that parking will have to be considered. Chmn. Coniglio noted that it is requested that a juried art shaw be included with vendors and enteRainment, a parade down #o Riverview Park, and fireworks in the evening. He then suggested an extensiue letter writing campaign to solicit financial and other cooperation from residents and businesses. There was a suggestion to have a marathon run/walk in canjunction with the above event. Terry Hill gave information on this subject. Chmn. Coniglio noted that Oyster Bay/Pointe has indicated cooperation for this event, and suggested that maybe vendors could be set up in the Oyster Bay parking lot. Ms. Barczyk offered to loak into trophies for the 5K run from a fitness center. • Chmn. Coniglio again mentioned the importance of having the traveling Historical Society display present at all events. Ms. Kautenburg responded that the Historicat Society has only a few volunteers, and as much advance notice as passible wauld be appreciated. � The secretary commented that she has not yet been able to contact Wayne Kroegel far his input into this Committee's plans. Councilman Barczyk commented that Mr. Kroegel volunteered his service in the historical significance of the City, and Cauncil recommended that he be appointed as an advisor. Mr. Barczyk volunteered to try to contact a Kroegel family member for locating Wayne Kroegel. Information to be presented ta City Cauncil was discussed. Of the five items listed on the agenda, seven mare items were added, and a cansensus was taken on all of them. The consensus was overwhelmingly in favor of all issues as follows: 1. Open Hause (at City Hall — twice) - 7'-� 2. Banners - 7-0 3. High School Band Concert - 7-0 4. Time Capsule (D�c. 6, depending on cost) - 7-0 5. Essay Contest (Three levels of schoals) - 7-0 6. Letter Writing (Different form letters) - 7-0 7. Street Party - 7-� 8. Juried Art Show - 7-� 9. Parade - 7-0 r • ' . � � r 1 L J C� . 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2Q00 10. 5K Run 11. Fireworks Display 12. Concerts in City Parks - 7-Q - 7-Q - 7-0 It was then determined tha# Chmn. Coniglio would present this information ta City Council and ask for funds to get started. Mr. Davis suggested that the skydivers may be inter�sted in some involvement. He also noted that receipts for any items for sale must be kept, along with an accounting of sales, etc. It was also noted that some of the events listed above may be held at the same time. If custom shirts are abtained in time, volunteers will need to be at the County celebration on March 25tn Terry Hill suggest�d that a dollar amount be requested from City Council along with an explanation of what it will be spent for. Chmn. Coniglio nominated Betsy Connelly as Treasurer, she declined, and then Julianne Barrett was nominated. No other nominations were received, and Julianne Barrett was �lected Treasurer. It was suggested that approximately $750 would be needed for an initial investment to be requested from City Council for T-shirts and bumper stickers. It was also suggested that the Finance Directar should be consulted to get the proper pracedure for handling the money received from the sale af commemarative articles. Chmn. Coniglio invited atl Committee members to be present at the City Council tomorraw night in case he fargets any issues and answer any questions they may have. He commented that his issues shall be acceptance af the Missian Statement, get approval on the I�go, and get funds for T-shirts. The secr�tary will summarize all of these issues and get the information to the Chairman far his use at the Council meeting. Chmn. Coniglio commented that he would like to be able to meet more of the City emplayees at an open hause. The ne�ct meeting will be on March 7, 2QQ0 at 8:30 a.m. Chmn. Coniglia adjourned the meeting at 10:44 a.m. 5 (2/28/DO AB)