HomeMy WebLinkAbout03072000� � �° � J � CITY pF SEBASTIAN 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINl1TES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2ppp Chairman Ray Coniglio cailed the meeting to order at 8:32 a.rn The Pledge of Allegiance was said. � ..J RO�LL• PRESENT: VC Louise Kautenburg Julianne Barre#t Jaann Osmundson Chmn. Ray Coniglio Jayne Barczyk(a) EXCLISED ABSENCE: Adrina Davis, Inez Fielding, Betsy Connelly ALSO PRESENT: Terry Hill, Public Works Directar Mark Mason, Finance Director Nancy Veidt, Computer Op�rator, Finance Department Ann Brack, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. C�niglia suggested adding the assignrrien# of project leaders under Old B' at today's meeting. usmess MOTIQN by Coniglia/Barczyk I'd like to make a motion that we coordinate proj�ct leaders today to the difFerent activities that we propnsed to Council. A voice vote was taken. 5— 0 motion carried. APPRQVAL OF MINUTES: �2�2����� MOTION by Osmundsan/Coniglio I mov� we accept the minutes as they are. A voice vote was taken. 5— p motion carried. ,. .� �� � �� � � � y �� _ °�� �� �� �y a �J . . � � %5�n ANNIVERSARY C�MMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 7, 20Q0 OLD BUSINESS: A. Projec# reports from members Ms. Barrett reported that six (6) dozen T-shirts were ordered which included two (2) dozen shawing thre� (3) different slogans that were agreed upon, "Sebastian, Unfound Shangrila", "Sebastian, Love it or Love it", and "Certified Grouch", "Happy 75�h, Sebastian Diamond Jubilee, 1925". She asked the Committee members for direc#ion about what message shauld appear on the bumper stickers and noted that all of the above will be r�ady by March 20, �aoo. A consensus of inembers agreed with the choices far the T-shirts. There was discussion on pricing the T-shirts for resale. Ms. Barrett remarked that they are made of 50°/a cotton and 50% polyester. It was determined that for any sizes over XL the price would be $12.00, and for every size XL and under, the price wauld be $10. Q0. Ms. Barrett then noted she had met with the Finance Directar, Mark Mason. It was sugg�sted that the motion should include the abili#y to change the price at the boath if conditions warranted it. MOTIUN by Coniglio/Barrett I'd like to make a motion that the sales of our T-shirts, we would charge t�n dollars ($10) for T-shirts for medium, large and extra-large; any size aver extra-large, we would charge twelve dollars ($12), that would be 1X and up, with the possibility that we would have the ability to raise or lower prices according ta what the market demands. Roll call: Chmn. Coniglia _ yes Jayne Barczyk(a) _ yes Julianne Barrett - yes The va#e was g_ 0. Motidn carri�d. Joann Osmundson - yes Louise Kautenburg _ y�s Ms. Barczyk gave a report on her research on trophies at "Thinks Remembered" and "Classic Awards". She indicated that "Classic Awards" agreed to wark with the City on 6 inch high trophies with a price of approximately $8 each with three (3) lines of printing. She then nnted that #hese trophies would be for the 5K Run in December. She also wants to check this project out with Randy's Everyday Duds. She #hen gave informatian about a contac# at the Environmental Learning Center who has experienc� setting up 5K runs. There was brief inention of essay awards and medallions. .' � � r,1 � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY CQMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 7, 2QD0 Chmn. Caniglio remarked that Disn�y will be involved with the Essay Contest. Mark Mason arrived at this meeting at this paint, and instructed the Committee members on the financial end of the fund-raising events. He introduced Nancy Veidt who will be this Committee's con#act in the Finance Department. He indicated that there will be two accounts established in the City's general ledger, and Nancy will maintain a record of all purchases, all sales, etc. ta be presented to the Committee an a regular basis yet ta be determined. If a purchase is in excess of $250 it must have a purchase order, and since he doesn't think this Committee has the power to make purchases, the Committee shauld contact Nancy and the City of Sebastian will make the purchase. He noted that sales tax (7%) must be collected on items that are resold. He noted tha# the tax-free status of the City pertains to purchases only, not on sales. He complemented Chmn. Coniglio an his presentation to City Cauncil where Council awarded this committee $1,000 to get started. He alsa noted that any donations that come from businesses or private parties should be made out ta th� City of Sebastian and it will go into this Committee's account. It was suggested tha# a purchase order be made up for the T- shirts that are on order. The issue of receipts was discussed and Mr. Mason indica#ed that receipts are easily available through his Department. He also noted that Nancy will attend all meetings. MOTION by KautenburgBarczyk I would move that we charge fifty cents ($.50) for the bumper stickers. Roll call: Joann Osmundson - yes VC Kautenburg - yes Juliann Barrett - yes The vote was 5— 0. Mation carried. Chmn. Coniglio - yes Jayne Barczyk - yes It was suggested that some bumper stickers might be placed at some differ�nt locatians for sale. Ms. Barrett volunteered to check into this and report back to the Committee, Mr. Mason feft that most businesses in Sebastian will probably danate space for sale and promotian of items pravided by this Committee. Chmn. Coniglio reminded Committ�� members that all monetary transactions, expenditures and purchases must go through the Finance Department. There was discussian of banners. Terry Hill will report back on this. There was also discussion on brackets to hold these banners, and it was suggested that the bracket price be included in the cost to the sponsoring businesses. Ms. Barczyk offered information on a couple �f good bands that she heard locally. There was discussion on a street party and juried art shaw. Chmn. Conigfio requested to spearhead this project. � . � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 7, 2000 � It was suggested that Doug Moss, Park Frankenfield, and another perFormer be lined up to da concerts in Riverview Park. Chmn. Coniglio noted that the Sebastian River High School concert will be held in May at the High Schoal celebrating the 75'h Anniversary of Sebastian. He then suggested park cancerts be held in June, August and October. MOTION by Coniglia/Kautenburg I'd like to make a motion that we propose our concerts in the park to be done in June, August and October. A voir.e vate was taken. 5— 0 motion carried. The street party, art show, 5K run, parade, and fireworks display were proposed for December 9& 10. This wauld be one week after the Santa Sail-in. There was discussion of a theme. Chmn. Caniglio commented that local newspapers have agreed ta carry advertisements for events planned by this Committee and he suggested that the December parade could be advertised in April so businesses, etc. have plenty of time to plan their entry. He also suggested that each member submit a draft letter directed to businesses informing them of the Committee's anticipated schedule for events and contact persans for sponsorships. The subject of donations for give-aways at the park concerts was tauched upon. Participation would be requested from all nan-profit organizations far volunteers far the projects and parade. There was discussion ab�ut the theme for the suggested anniversary parade. MOTION by Barrett/Barczyk I'll make a motion that the theme for tMe parade will be "Honor the Past, Imagine the Future". Roll call: Louise Kautenburg Joann Osmundson Jayne Barczyk(a) The vote was 5— 0. Motion carried. - yes Julianne Barrett - yes - yes Chmn. Coniglio - yes - yes At this paint, the members referred to the minutes of 2/22/00 and the list of events at the bottom of the page 4. There was discussion of setting a date for an "Open Hause" at the City buildings ta be held twice during 2000. Terry Hill will check into this activity. Ms. Barczyk suggESted that members of the Anniversary Committee be on hand during these events. Committee members projects are as follows: 1. Open House - Terry Hill � 2. Banners for Rivertront and other city sites - Ray Coniglia 3. Concert at Sebastian River High School - Ray Coniglio 4 � � �5r" ANNI � VERSqRy C4MMITrEE MINU7ES OF REGULqR MEETING OF MARCH 7, �pOp 4. Time 6. 8. 70. 11. 72. Essa c� psule - Ray Coniglio Y ontest . Louise K Letter writing cam �utenburg and R Street Part p�ign #o business - ambersglio (Ck. Exchange Club 5K run _ y� luried art show all rrie � J�yne Bar � and p��p�� _ Ray Coniglio Firewarks dis la �yk Musical conCert$ �n �oanne psmundson �rdering and sale ap� rks in city - Ray Coniglio Birthday C�k� Contestustorn T s�i�$ _ Juliann� B The issue of a time (�-1°ns Club) Jo�n�� arret# capsule �$mundson was discussec�. Ms. Osmundson noted $�,�0�. She then ex #h�t a minimum fireWOrks or birthday dis ►� p�a�n�d that if this Com disp�ay Woulq c�5t p y at the Jw�y q,tn �lebrationm���e Wants to includ� apprpX�mately Mr. Hill su a display 6�. a SP�cial anniversary 99�sted that a ���h Would run abo the booth at the Caun m�mber of this ut ��,A00. ty celebration in V �ammitt�� n��d$ tQ be Infor �rO BeaCh Qn March 251n. �r�sent at all times in mation to be pr�nted o selected with the t��m « n a banner Honor the P Imag n� �h� F d� �n� of the MOTION b ast - T-shirt Io �s Y Kautenbur � uture" gas w g Barret# � W��� move #hat we authorix� ��go along vyith our them� R�y #° �btain a banner for a cost nat to ex��d '��H°nor the Past � Which shall $12S 00 Ima i have o - 9 ne the Future" �r Roll call: Julianne B made� up Chmn. arrett - yes Ja n� B������Q Joann Osrriundson Y arczyk(a) y�s Louis - yes The vote w � yeS Kautenburg - y�s as 5— 0. Motian carried. �t was no#ep that Mr, psmundson and Mr. pn Ma�' �5�h� Barcz k Y have volunteered to work at the boath Ch, Conig�io adjoumed the me�t��� at 1Q � 2 �. m. (3/20/00 q� j �7