HomeMy WebLinkAbout03212000. 4 . � � L� �� LJ CITY O� SEBASTIAN 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH Z1, 2000 Chairman Coniglio called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT VC Louise Kautenburg Adrina Davis Inez Fielding EXCUSED ABSENCE: Betsy Cannelty IJNEXCIJSED ABSENCE ALSO PRESENT: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Joann Osmundson Julianne Barrett Chmn. Ray Coniglio Jayne Barczyk(a) Nancy Veidt, Finance DepaRment Ann Brack, Recording Secretary Chmn. Coniglio reminded all members #hat the County 75t" Anniversary celebration will be held in Vero Beach on Saturday (3/25/�0) from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. He also noted that he ordered a banner from Total Print. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (3/7/00) MOTION by Davis/Barrett I make a motion we apprave the minutes. A voice vote was taken. 6— 0, motion carried. OLD BU5INESS: A. PROJECT REPORTS: � --, ,M � �, �� � �� �� Julianne Barrett reported that there was technical prablem with the computer at the business where the T-Shirts and bumper stickers were ordered, but they shoutd be available by tomorrow afternoon. Chmn. Caniglio asked for signs to be printed on the computer with the prices an the T- Shirts and bumper stickers. He alsa noted that a large canopy is available and asked that the Historical Society join this Committee under this canopy at Saturday's event. � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 21, 2000 � There was discussion about ordering some children's sizes for July 4tn Ms. Kautenburg noted that the Historical Society will be in a historical tent with the County Historical Society and Fellsmere Historical group. Chmn. Coniglio volunteered to contact Ruth Stanbridge ta see if this Cammittee is included. Schedule of booth workers for March 25�h event: 8:Q0 am - Chmn. Caniglio and AI Davis 10:00 to 12:00 - Jayne and Joe Barczyk 12:00 to 2:00 - Inez Fielding 8� VC Louise Kautenburg 2:00 to 4:QQ - Julianne Barrett and Betsy Connelly Chmn. Coniglia suggested that this Committee obtain any historical information available to be viewed at their booth on Saturday. There was further discussion on this issue. The secretary agreed to contact Joanne Osmundson to give her the opportunity to volunteer for booth time. Recording the sale of T-Shirts and bumper stickers was discussed. Nancy noted that there is an empty cash box available in the Finance Department. wB. Discussian of High School Concert: Louise Kautenburg had no report as she did not have a telephone number to contact Dr. Jones. C. Committee participation in other Riverview Park activities: Chmn. Coniglio suggested writing a letter Pam Kish at Disney, asking for their participation and sponsorship in the Essay Contest. He then gave a report on a"time capsule", 6" x 24" for about $99.00. The subject of banners alang the walkway on Indian River Drive was discussed. The secre#ary noted that either Terry Hill or Tracy Hass has a book (catalog) af pole brackets. Since Terry Hill could not be at this meeting, an attempt will be made ta abtain this catalog for the next meeting. D. �iscussion and formulati�n of letter campaign to businesses: Chmn. Coniglio noted that a set price must be determined on the banner and bracket combination before letters can be sent to the businesses. Any letter created by this Committee must go through #he City Attorney for his approval. Ms. Barczyk gave a report on using medallions instead of trophies as awards. She noted that these medallions would cost $3.00 each including �ngraving and ribbon and � insert, and would need to be ordered 3 weeks in advance. There was discussian an using them for Essay Cantest winners and 5K Run winners. It was then suggested � . " � � 75TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGUL.AR MEETING O� MARCH 21, 2000 that all other Essay Contest entrants be given a certificate. She then noted that she is still in the process of contacting someone who has organized other 5K Runs. It was also suggested that T-Shirts should be provided for the entrants in the Run and Ms. Barczyk will check into this. This activity is scheduled for December 9, 2000. There was discussion af the concerts around the city. The two locations that seemed appropriate far this activity are Riverview Park and Barber Street Sports Complex. This issue was discussed further. Chmn. Coniglio cammented that the County can provide bleachers for such event. Terry Hill will be cansulted about auailable parking. There was reference to the Business and Health Expo by the Chamber of Commerce at Riverview Park on April 8t", and Chmn. Coniglio suggested setting up the same booth type activity as we are having at the County event on March 25th� including the sale af T- Shirts. Since the ne�ct meeting of this Committee is not until April 11'h, plans were made for the same members to take the same time slots at the Business Expo at Riverview Park. (See page 2) The Chairman will get a list of available dates for Riv�rview Park for the concerts, then work up a tentative schedule. He also suggested that the concerts don't necessarily � need to be held an weekends. It was also suggested to have better press coverage and advertising for these concerts. This issue will be determined at the next regular mEeting and be sent to City Council far approval. � MOTION by Kautenburg/Davis I will move that thE specific dates for the planned concerts be at the discretian of the Chairperson. Roll call: Adrina Davis - yes Inez Fielding - yes VC Louise Kautenburg - yes The vote was 6-0. Motion carried. Chmn. Coniglio - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) - yes Julianne Barrett - yes Mr. Davis volunteered to assist Mr. Coniglio in the morning on Saturday, April 8th to set up the booth, and any other activities that need to be done. There was discussion about ordering some children's size T-Shirts for the April 8'h event. It was determined ta use "Sebastian, Unfound Shangrila" on the children sizes. In response to an inquiry by Mr. Davis about a Sebastian flag, it was suggested he go to the City Manager for this request. Chmn. Coniglio explained the relationship between the SRHS cancert and this Committee. Nancy Veidt also recommended that if the High School Band is to be invited � r � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 21, 2000 � � C� to participate in a parade in December, the request should be made now, as they have a very full schedule. There was discussion on the Clack Tower brochures that was included in taday's packet. It was determined that Betsy Connelly would be c�ntacted to get more infarmation on this subject. Mr. Kroegel visited the Building Dept. last week and the secretary provided infarmation to him about the time and place of Anniversary Committee meetings. She also brought him up to date on planned activities, and provided him with minutes from previous meetings. The banners and brackets will be discussed at the next meeting. The ne�ct meeting will be April 11, 2pOp. Chmn. Coniglio adjaurned the meeting at 9:57 a.m. 4 (3/29/00 AB)