HomeMy WebLinkAbout04112000S 1 . � � • � CITY OF SEBASTIAN i5T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRII. 11, 2000 Chmn. Coniglio call�d the meeting to order at 8:37 pm. The Ptedge of Allegiance was said. l JJ � �: �. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Adrina Davis Julianne Barrett Inez Fielding Chmn. Coniglio Joann Osmundson Jayne Barczyk(a) EXCUSED ABSENCE: VC L.ouis� Kautenburg and Betsy Conn�lly ALSO PRESENT: Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Dan St. Andre, Public Works Ann Brack, Secretary Councilman Joseph Barczyk was present. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None APPR�VAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Barczyk/Fielding (3/21 /00) I'd like to move that we accept the minutes of March 21s' A voice vote was taken. 6— 0, mation carried. OLD BUSINES5: A. Project Reports. B. Discussion of High School Concert: There was no report from Louis Kau#enburg School today about the concert. � � � � . Q � '��v , �'*� c� Z'r � . `�'�. . C�, C� ' ���•� ^ . ��''c� Chmn. Caniglio will cantact the High � Nancy Veidt noted that the concert is scheduled for April 2ith at 7:30 pm with a dinner earlier. Chmn. Coniglio commented that he will call Dr. Jones today and attempt to get a press release indicating that this Committee is participating with the High School presenta#ion and it is open ta the public. • � 75r" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 11, 2000 C� C. Committee participation in other Riverview Park activities: There was discussian abaut sharing a booth with the Chamber of Commerce at the Fourth of July event at Riverview Park. D. Formulation of letter campaign to businesses: Chmn. Coniglio presented draft capies of a letter to be sent to area businesses in reference to participation in Anniversary activities. There was much discussion on this issue. Some members made the request to be able to hand-deliver some capies to their individual contacts. Chmn. Coniglio noted that the Press Jaurnal has stated that they wauld participate in the advertising vf the events, and also put out a special edition in December. Joanne Osmundson commented on a booklet that the Lians Club puts out selling advertising as a fund raiser. There was further discussion on the suggested sponsorship rates of: Platinum Sponsor - $10,000 Gold Sponsar - $ 5,000 Silver Sponsor - $ 2,50D � Jayne Barczyk noted that Bruce Bennett af Wal Mart has affered his parking lot far anything this Committee wants ta use it far, and he showed a desire to attend the neact Committee meeting. She also noted the importance of developing the business letter, as previously discussed, as soon as possible. Chmn. Caniglio commented on developing a plan #o proceed with the clock tower issue. He noted that the company involved in this topic shares ideas on fund raising. He noted that the prices range from $10,000 to $20,0�0. There was discussion on this issue and all present were in favor of it. Chmn. Coniglio plans to have a campany representative attend a meeting for a presentatian. There was further discussion about forming sub-committees of volunteers to help accelerate the propased activities. The importance of reporting back to this Committee was discussed. After all of the discussion on this issue, and after a brief consultation with the City Manager, there was consensus of all Committee members present to praceed with developing volunteer sub-committees as necessary, being careful to keep #his Committee fully informed and involved in all events. The subject of banners and brackets for the riverFront light pales was discussed. Joanne Osmundson explained the process of developing the fund raising ad booklet, plus some other camments about the profit. The subject of changing Committee meeting times was discussed. There was unanimous consensus to change the time to 3:00 pm, and the days will remain the Msecond and fourth Tuesday of the month. � . . � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 11, 2000 Open house at City Hall was discussed. There was a suggestion ta include a health fair at the time of the open hause. It was nated that the Human Resources Department already schedules a health fair and bloodmobile. It was alsa suggested to have a secand open house during the school year and invite civic classes to see how the City is run. Chmn. Coniglio v�lunteered to set this up. MOTION by Osmundson/Barczyk I make a motion that Ray chairs this with Dan and checks into having a couple of open houses during this next year, and also see if we could do a school day with children. A voice vote was taken. 5— 0, motion carried. There was discussian on the issue of the banners, which initiated the topic of how many light poles there are on Indian aiver Drive. The Company of Signs by Tomorrow was mentioned as having done banners at Mesa Park. Julianne Barre#t volunteered to gather information on this topic. Jayne Barczyk reported on the 5K run issue, and will continue with that, a well as the awards for the children's essay cantest. � It was determined that fireworks seem to be out of the question. Jayne Barczyk volunteered to organize the apen hause and the essay contest. The street party and art show in December remain to be organized. Councilman Barczyk commented that if thi� Committee has any budget requests, they should be submitted as soon as possible. Chmn. Coniglio commented that he understands that $5,000 is available for this, and any other money raised would go toward the Committee's end goal. There was discussion on this issue. Cauncilman Barczyk suggested that it might be better to get an amount allocated and not need it than the other way around. It was suggested that this Committee work something out with Mr. Moore for next year's budget which begins in October. Chmn. Coniglio will talk with Mr. Moore about this. At this point, the Committee worked on the business I�tter. There was a suggestion to include some wording from the Mission Statement. There was also a suggestinn to possibly honor some important past citizens af Sebastian during this anniversary year. There was discussian on what the classes of spansorship would include and what informatian would be included on a plaque on a clack tawer. It was determined that before banners can be sold, or donations for a clock tower can be accepted, the costs must be obtained. It was determined that a list of Committee members' names and phone numbers wauld � be included in the business letter, along with the propased events, and a separate page showing a sampling of the community clocks wvuld be attached. This letter will be w L. J � • C7 75�" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 11, 2000 • cleared by the City Attorney, and who will bear the cost was discussed. Chmn. Caniglia will search for a donor for the mailing, and Nancy Veidt will check with the City on whether or not they will pay for the mailing of approximately 400 letters cansisting of three (3) pages. E. Report on sale of T-shirts: Julianne Barrett reparted that T-shirt sales amounted ta $76.00 at the Business Expa. On Saturday. There was discussion on having these shirts available for sale on a regular basis. It was suggested that they cauld be sald at City Hall and at the Chamber of Commerce. There was a suggestion to sell caps and/ar visors with the logo. A break was taken at 10:3Q am, with members returning at 1 Q:40 am. MOTION by Coniglio/Barrett I'd like tn make a motion that we authorize Julianne to purchase 50 baseball caps and included on that baseball cap would be the 75'h Anniversary Committee logo, and it (the price) would include the $35.00 set-up fee. Roll call: Chmn. Coniglio - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) - yes Julianne Barrett - yes The vote was 5— Q. Motion carried. Inez Fielding - yes Adrina Davis - yes There was discussion on the color for the caps and there was consensus to use the soft, fatigue green, as was shown on a cap that Julianne had at the park on Saturday. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: MEMBERS' MATTERS: DIRECTOR MATTERS: None None None Chmn. Coniglio adjoumed the meeting at 1 p:47 am. 4 (A/13/00 AB) � � , �J � � a City of Sebastiar�. 1225 MAIN STR�Ef ❑ S�gASTiAN, FLpRIDA 32958 T�LEPMONE (S61) 589-5537 p FqX (561) 589-2566 AG�NDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAI� MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 20pp 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2• PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3• R�LL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: �• APPROVAL QF MINUTES: 6• OLD BUSINESS: �l March ��, �00� A. Praj�ct reports from members B. Discussion df High Sch4oi Concert C. Committee part�cipation in other Riverview park activities �• Formulation of letter campaign to Businesses E. Repor-t on sale of T-shirts at IRC cel�bration on 3/25/OQ NEW BUSINESS: A. Discuss Clock Tower 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: s• MEM6ERS MATTERS: 1 �. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 11. ATTQRNEY MATTERS: 12- ADJOURNMENT: IN CQMPLIANC� W�7N rHE AMERICANS WITH DISABILIl'I�S ACT (qDA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIqL ACCQMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT TH� C►T`('S ADA GOORDINATOR AT (561) 5gg-53g0 AT LEqST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. �NE OR MORE ELECTEp OFFICIALS MAY 6E PRESENT. �