HomeMy WebLinkAbout04252000• City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2000 3:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: • 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 11, 2000 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Member reports — banners, essay contest, high school concert, clock tower, time capsule, purchase of baseball caps B. Progress of letter to Businesses C. Report on plans for Open House at City 7. NEW BUSINESS: 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. . � � � � � CITY OF SEBASTIAN 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 25, Z000 Chmn. Coniglio callsd the meeting ta arder at 3:10 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance w�s said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: VC Kautenburg Adrina Davis Inez Fielding EXCUSED ABSENCE: Jayne Barczyk(a) UNEKCUSED ABSENCE: Betsy Connelly Julianne Barrett Chmn. Caniglio JoAnn Osmundson (Ar. Late) ALSO PRESENT: Nancy Veidt, Finance Dept. Representativ� Ann Brack, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (4/11/QO) MOTION by Coniglio/Davis I move that we accept the minutes as they are. A voice vote was taken. 5— 0 mvtion carried. � � ,--.� �LD BUSINESS. ' � 'X Y r. � ,. � `, � ,�-1 t„� �.w��A , ' �� '9/ A. Member Reports — �,,�'� � ✓.' �J �� '�� Banners — Juliann Barrett introduced Mr. Phil� �iJ'i��' `�i \ from /A-Flag & rr , Flagpole Co., Inc., fram Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. 7—� �� ���� Mr. Vitrano gave a presentation, recommending a size of 24" x 48" fQ�,.th�b'a' `h�ar - i lo o Id be � the Riverfront. He mdicated that the silk screenmg set up fee far'�he C ty ga w u a one-time cost between $12Q.00 and $160.00. Banner price would be appraximately $12.50 each for an order af fifty (50) nylon banners. The price for bracket hardware for each banner (securing top and battom) would be approximately $38.00. There was much discussion on calor selection of the banner, logo, and printing co�ors. A copy of the City logo with the extra wording was given to Mr. Vitrano with the request for a quote on tatal pric� for this project. It was suggested that a price quote be developed using three (3) colors, and als� for using four (4) colors. � Mr. Vitrano nated that the banners cauld be available two weeks fram the time he receives the order. : � � � • 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 25, 20QQ � Nancy Veidt reminded the Committee that three quotes will be needed if the banner order goes through the City. There was some discussion on available funds for this Committ�e's projects. Mr. Terrence Moore, City Manager, was present and explained the designation of the two $5,�QQ funding amounts available for the Fourth of July celebration. He suggested that it would be beneficial if this Cammittee would work with the Sebastian Lions Club in a partnership to utilize this funding. He also noted that this money was never allacated specifically for the Anniversary Committee. Mr. Mark Mason, Finance Director, was also present and he further clarified that when the Fourth of July activities are aver, the City will write a check ta the Lions Club fnr $10,000. This sum includes $5,000 allocated by the City, and $5,000 allocated by th� County, all for Fourth of July activities spansored by the Lions Club. JoAnn �smundsun cammented that she will be attending a Lions Club meeting tonight, and she will take this informatian to them. She noted that she would suggest to the �.ions Club that they donate $1,000 which was left nver from 1999 July 4th activities, to the 75th Anniversary Committee. She will also approach them about apprapriating funds for the Committee banners, with the understanding that the Anniversary Committee will reimburse them for the cost, and any profits from the banner project would remain with the Anniversary Committee. She then asked that if these proposals come to pass, that � the Lions Club be given a banner on the Riverfront for their cooperation efforks. Mr. Maare suggested that this Committee work with private sources far funding as much as possible. It was further clarified that if possible, the Lions Club should purchase the banners, since this removes the City inuolv�ment issue, and would remove the need for three bids. Mr. Moore also responded that this Committee is not required to use the same colors already depicted in the City logo. He invited all present to the unveiling of the new welcome sign for the sauth end of the City an May 1A, 2000 at 9:Q0 am at the site. Mr. Mason nated that for a bulk or mass mailing by this Committee, the City would expect to be reimbursed for the postage cost. Julliann reported that the baseball caps have been ordered. There was no report on the High School Concert, the Essay Contest or the Clock Tower project. Chmn. Coniglio obtained additional literature and information from a Company that provides clock towers. He noted that the prices range from $8,0�0 up. A break was taken from 4:2� to 4:30 to make copies. JoAnn Osmundson propased asking the Lions Club to turn the Anniversary Cake Contest over to the Anniversary Committee with the profit going ta this Committee. She � noted that the planning has already been done. This issue was discussed, and the consensus of this Committee was for JaAnn to proceed with this request. 2 � � � � . 75tn ANNIVERSARY C�MMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 25, 2000 There was some further discussion on the Cake Contest. B. Progress of letter to businesses. • Copies of the draft letter were passed aut to all members for comment. Typos were corrected. It was noted that for success in this praject, there must be personal contact by telephone and in person after the letters have been sent. There was discussion about the praposed Band Concert at the High School, possibly with the Marching Band. It was noted that the Street Party, Juried Art Shaw and Parade will be one event. It was suggested to add to the fifth paragraph that the banners will be displayed fram July 20QQ until January 2001. There was discussion about the Sponsor Program. It was suggested to expand the categories to encompass lesser donatian amounts, such as Bronze -$1,000, and Banner -$150.00. There was discussian of the plaque for the Clack Tower. Chmn. Coniglio commented that the business letter will be sent ta the list of names from � the Chamber of Cammerce. He also volunteered ta develap a separate Sponsor Program page for the business letter. It was strangly suggested that the Sponsor page include the Platinum, Gold, Silv�r, Bronze, and Banner categories. �J It was alsa agreed that the business letter would include a sentence on the last page to indicate that a Committee member will be in touch with all recipients. The spelling of JaAnn's name will also be corrected. Chmn. Coniglio suggested that the business letter and Sponsar page should be ready within the next week for Cammittee members to check. Chmn. Coniglio adjourned the meeting at 4:57 pm. 3 (Q/28/00 AB)