HomeMy WebLinkAbout05092000• • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. V,� Y �'� ,: ;,.� 'y� V� ���> Z �`�i/�P �'�4 5� City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (Sblj 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2000 3:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: ANNOUNCEMENTS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 25, 2000 OLD BUSINESS: A. Member reports — banners, essay contest, high school concert, clock tower, time capsule, purchase of baseball caps B. Progress of letter to Businesses C. Report on plans for Open House at City NEW BUSINESS: CHAIRMAN MATTERS: MEMBERS MATTERS: STAFF MATTERS: ATTORNEY MATTERS: ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. � � C� � � CITY QF SEBASTIAN 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 9, 20U0 Chmn. Coniglio called the meeting to order at 3:10 pm. The Pledge af Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: VC Kautenburg Adrina Davis Inez Fielding JoAnn Osmundson ALSO PRESENT: Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Terry Hill, Public Works Director Ann Brack, Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Kautenburg/Davis f move that we accept the minutes as presented. A voice vote was taken. 7-0 motian carried. OLD BUSINESS: A. MEMBER REPORTS: Julianne Barrett Betsy Connelly Chmn. Coniglio Jayne Barczyk(a) ':""J r � y.,�a.a�.:..�,.,�er..zaw,..,y,<mr f�"'n ! k y,., y ���/ V^%d „%%! . � � �-� �, o f�,- � �.°� ��?���.. � ' �r� ��.�.,„�...�� Banners — Nancy Veidt reported that she abtained one quate fram Signs for Tomarrow (Mesa Park). Banners wc�uld be $80.00 each and the hardware is $86.00 each, far a total of $8,300 for fifty (50) banners. She explained that the brackets are af a permanent quality to last for many years, and the banners are 2' x 4' print�d on b�th sides with pockets top and bottom. She then indicated that a written quote is needed fram Mr. Vitrano of A-Flag & Flagpole Co., Inc. of Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Julianne Barrett noted that she will contact Mr. Vitrano for a written quote. Essay Contes# — Jayne Barczyk(a) reported that she notified six (6) schools and the response was very positive, but they require a letter from the City. She also suggested to the school personnel that the essays should be in this Committee's passessian by November so a presentation can be made for the Time Capsule. She also mentianed the Committee's theme, and nated that one school suggested that the students could participate in some art work. She then mentioned th� River School on Rosefand Road. . . 75rH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINIJTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 9, 2000 L. J There was discussion on including schools other than the public schools. Louise K. suggested that a formal invitation could be sent to every school within the boundaries of the city, and an open invitation via the newspap�r to all students who live in the City of Sebastian by way of a mail-in. There was more discussion and Jayne will get together with the Secretary and write the letter to the schools to include the theme, "Honor the Past, Imagine the Future", maximum of three hundred (300) words, deadline of November 1, 2000, and request a list of names of participan#s from the schools. They will be informed that the three top choices from each grade level will be determined by the teachers and forwarded to the Anniuersary Committee far judging. Winners wilt be notified and announced, and awards presented in December, and their names will be contained in the Time Capsule. Certificates will be awarded ta every entrant, and information about the award ceremony will be provided at a later date. Jayne will be listed as the cantact person. Since Chmn. Coniglio has been in contact with Disney, he will draw up a letter to be sent ta them, and contact will be made to request that a representativ� be present for the judging and award ceremany in December. There was discussion on how to coordinate participation by home-school students and resident students who attend schools outside the local Sebastian area. • There was discussion about the award certificates and Betsy Cannelly volunteered to create these items if the paper and ink cartndge are provided by the Committee. There was discussion about a December date for the street party and it was determined to be the first week-end in December. (The earlier selection of Dec. 9 is in conflict with the City employee Christmas party.} It was nated that "light-up nighY' is also the first week-end in December, and it was cancluded that all events of that week-end should blend well. Charles Cardinale wha is writing articles for the Sebastian Sun was present and plans to mention some af the Committee's plans in his next article. There was a brief discussion about Disney's traditional involvement with "children" functions. MOTION by Coniglio/Davis I'd like to make a motion that we allow Ann ta write a letter, with Jayne's help, a letter stating the items that she just cov�red, and that cowld be mailed out as soon as possible to the schools. A voice vote was taken. 7— 0, motion carried. � � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY C�MMITTEE MINUTES O� REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 9, 20QQ High 5chool Concert — C� Chmn. Coniglio noted that the plan is to request a concert by the High School marching band to be held at their football field, sometime during the Fall Semester. He will make this contact. Cl�ck Tower — Betsy Connelly reparted that after exploring the intemet, there were no other sources for clock towers other than The Verdin Company. There was discussion on several issues pertaining to this subject. Possible locations were discussed. Terry Hill gave same information an the City owned property at the intersection of Main Street and Indian River Drive which includes all faur comer properties. This area was accepted by the majority of the Committee members as a good central lacation with good visibility. Betsy Connelly agreed to contact The Verdin Company to set up a presentation from their representative. The idea of selling paver bricks as a fund raiser was suggested in addition to the "Sponsor" program. � From the Verdin brochure, the Committee selected as an example Model 4M/ST, and 4K, Howard Replica, and will request pricing on a 2-sided and 4-sided clock face. Time Capsule — No report. Baseball Caps — Julianne Barrett reported that Randy is waiting for a purchase order. Nancy Veidt responded that she had been on sick leave, but that she would get the purchase arder to Randy promptly. At this point, Betsy Connelly and Jayne Barczyk nated that they will not be present for the next meeting, maybe two. Terry Hill also noted that he will not be present at the next meeting. B. Progress of letter to businesses �- The Spansor Program page was discussed and changed as follows: Platinum Sponsor - $10,Op0 and name on 20 banners; Bronze Sponsor -$500 and name on one (1) banner, (no advertising). There was discussion on the subject of spansars. i � L_ J � • � 75'h ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 9, 2Q00 MOTION by Davis/Fielding � I make a motion we accept the letter as read and changed, and proceed with mailing to businesses. Roll call: Betsy Connelly - yes Chmn. Coniglia - yes Julianne Barrett - yes Adrina Davis - yes The vote was 7— 0, mation carried. Inez Fielding - yes JoAnn Osmundson - yes Lauise Kautenburg - yes C. Report on plans for Open House at the City — Terry Hill reported that plans are under way for an npen house in July and the choice was made to designate July 25 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm. Terry Hill will plan the aftemoan and Committee members will be presen# ta act as tour guides, and Louise K. volunteered to pravide lemonade and cookies. Terry commented that he will have some Public Works equipment on display. Chmn. Caniglio volunteered to arrange for a write- up to appear in the Press Joumal. NEW BUSINESS: The Secretary reported information and suggestions by Mr. Wayne Kroegle, as he requested. Joanne Osmundson reported that at least $1,000 -- maybe a little more — will be coming to this Committee. She will find aut tonight just how much will be donated from the Lions Club. She noted that in retum, the Lions Club would like to have their name on an Anniversary banner in the Rivertront. Mr. Jae Barczyk, City Councilman, reminded the Committee #hat the unveiling of the new welcome sign at the south end of the City will take place the following marning at 10:00 am. (Betsy Connelly left the meeting.) Jayne Barczyk(a) will vote in her place. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: In r�sponse #a a question from Chmn. Coniglio, Nancy Veidt gave a financial report with a balance of approximately $�L25.QQ. She noted that another written quote is needed for the purchase of the banners. Jaanne Osmundson noted that the L.ions Club is providing a Fourth of July booth to this Committee free of charge. It was noted that the existing T-shirts are not selling well, and it was suggested that something difFerent be designed and ather colors be selected. The "Great Cities of the 4 � � r� � � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING �F MAY 9, 2000 � �J World" theme with Sebastian listed last was discussed for T-shirts. It was also sugges#ed that a flyer might be designed to provide information abaut the Committee. Bruce Bennett's offer of the us� of the parking lot at Wal Mart was mentioned again. Joanne Osmundson suggested that this Committee needs more publicity in the newspaper about the availability of the shirts and the activities of the Committee. There was more discussion on various issues. MEMBERS MATTERS: AI Davis reminded the Cammittee of the Homeowners Association barbecue this weekend and he arranged to sell T-shirts at this event. It was noted that Julianne Barrett can reorder T-shirts as long as the order does not exceed $200A0, otherwise she will need a purchase order. M�TION by Osmundson/Fielding I make a m�tion we give Jules permission to see about ordering new T- shirts on her own, as needed, after checking with Finance for available funds. Roll call: Inez Fielding JaAnn Osmundson Louise Kautenburg Adrina Davis The vote was 7— 0. Motinn carried. STAFF MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: - yes - yes - yes - yes None Chmn. Coniglio adjaurned the meeting at 5:12 pm. 5 Chmn. Coniglio Jayne Barczyk(a) Julianne Barrett (5/15/00 A8) - yes - yes - yes