HomeMy WebLinkAbout05232000• City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2000 3:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: • 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 9, 2000 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Clock Tower— Mr. Damien Morano, Representative from Verdin Company will be giving a presentation 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. Member reports — banners, time capsule, purchase of baseball caps B. Set dates for High School Concerts C. Letters about the Essay Contest have been sent to area Schools D. Progress of letter to Businesses E. Report on plans for Open House at City F. Financial Report 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. • ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. � � - �� �� CITY OF SEBASTIAN 75rH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR METING MAY 23, 2U00 (This meeting took place in the City Manager's conferance room.) _.es ��a;�-, , ,-: �..� . � .F� a 1 �� o ,:.,.,�r,,,_. � � � y'ti � �, a , /,�%� I � ',�.�ar°�.. :��o -,� � r,..� . F R.J ':.y �/� � � � h.n.-. • � � � !, i +p" ••���� Vice Chairwoman Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 3:10 pm. ��,�� ROLL CALL: PRESENT VC Kautenburg Adrina Davis Inez Fielding Julianne Barrett Betsy Connelly Chmn. Coniglio (late) EXCUSED ABSENCE: Jayne Barczyk(a), JoAnn Osmundsan ALSO PRESENT: Nancy Veidt, Finance Dept. Rep. Ann Brack, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: The secretary noted the above members wha have excused absences, and that Chmn. Caniglio is expected to arrive momentarily. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (5/9/�0) MOTION by Davis/Barrett I make a mn#ian we accept the minutes. (May 9, 200p) A voice vote was taken. 5— A, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: VC Kautenburg intraduced Mr. Damian Morano from Verdin Campany. Mr. Morano proceeded ta give a history of the Verdin Company, explaining the products that they create which include street clocks and carillon bell clocks. He provided information about Nostalgia Miniatures Campany that provides replica miniature clocks ta be sold for fund raising. He then noted that street clocks g�nerally came with a three (3) year warranty, and are precise to within +- ten (10) seconds monthly. He noted that maintenance contracts are available for ap _ roximatelv_$220 for 1 yr., or $385 for 2 yrs. Without a maintenance contract, charges for a separate service call would run approximately $185 plus $6Q per hr. after the first hour. Autamatic or manual time adjustment controls may be selected. He spoke of ISTEA grants that are available for historical replicas, and noted how importan# it is to use the praper .word,inq wh�n applying for this type of grant. � J � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 23, 2000 �J Mr. Morano then informed the Committee that pric�s for the Howard Replica/Seth Thomas Model 4M/ST style are $18,OQQ ta $18,5Q0 far 2 face, and about $25,000 for 4 face, and includes installation. He indicated that Verdin Ca. wauld provide a color vision rendering depicting the project, free of charge. Paver bricks and/or landscaping could be included in this rendering, along with fund raising suggestions. Then he showed the miniature replica clock available from Nostalgia Miniatures in Dover, PA., and provided brachures and information on this Company. (Pertinent information will be on file with the secretary.) He commented on how successful these miniatures have been in fund raising activities, and noted that Verdin Co. and Nostalgia Miniatures Ca. will work closely with Committee members during the entire process an fund raising, and Nostalgia Miniatures Co. will work directly with this Committee on fund raising. He also mentioned "rewards" for substantial donors. He then noted that Verdin Co. is a full service Company and does on-site service and preventative maintenance af these "focal points" (clocks) using a factory trained, Company service representative out of Hollywaod, FL. He gave information on a master key pad and the standard manual reset system and explained the difference. Resetting the clock for time changes was discussed. � Mr. Morano consented to jain the Committee members at the Main Street boat ramp after the meeting to review that location. There was discussion on the locatian. Mr.Morano also noted that when the time cames ta install this style clock, he would ask the City to cooperate with same help. There was a brief discussion on grants available for beautificatian and historical purposes. The time frame for this praject was discussed, and a goal of December 6, 2000 was noted. Mr. Morano noted that lead time needs to be about 90 to 120 days from manufacture to installation. That time may be flexible to a certain extent. The financial part of this issue is that 50% would be needed to place the order, and 50% upon completion. Some variation on this procedure may be possible. Location and design preference need to be determined first. Mr. Morana stressed the importance of the "rendering" being complete to staR the fund raising campaign. Mr. Morana went on to explain that the clock face is made of lexan which is nearly indestructible, and these clocks have stood up to wind and weather very well in Florida. He provided infarmatian on the paint that is used, and also noted that no one can predict possible hurricane damage. There was more discussion about grants, and Mr. Morano highly recommended exploring this issue fr�m a historical point of view and a beautificatian standpaint. It was � recommended that Mr. Moore be cansulted about this issue. 2 r 1 LJ � C� 75TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 23, 2000 �� Verdin Company would need notification of 90 to 120 days with some flexibility possible. (Mr. Davis calcula#ed that the order would need to be placed in August for an early December deadline.) Mr. Morano indicated that the color rendering is very important ta begin fund raising, and this rendering cauld be supplied in approximately 2 weeks after the location is determined. Therefore, the location is vitally important at this time. Betsy Connelly noted that she will be out of town far several weeks in the near future, and Julianne Barrett agreed to take this project aver. It was recommended that Julianne get in touch with the City Manager, Mr. Moore, and set up a meeting with all pertinent parties to determine a location site, as soon as possible. MOTION by Kautenburg/Fielding I move that we select the four (�4) face clock model, the Howard Replica Seth Thomas Model #4M-ST, ta be placed on a site ta be determined, as our goal. Rall call: AI Davis - yes Inez Fielding - yes VC Kautenburg - yes The vote was 5-1. Motion carried. Betsy Cannetly - yes Chmn. Coniglio - yes Julianne Barrett - no Julianne Barrett noted that she preferred the 2-face model. The secretary noted that 113 letters went out to local businesses about a sponsar program, and letkers went out to local schools about the essay contest. Mr. Morano recommended that no further contact be made with the businesses until the color rendering is complete. He will meet with Committee members and the secretary at the Main Street area after this meeting and take photographs. Betsy Connelly and the rest af the Committee members thanked Mr. Morano for attending this meeting and giving his very informative presentation. O�.D BUSINESS: A. Member reports: Banners — Nancy Veidt noted that all the quotes have not been received yet, so a full report should be ready far the next meeting. There was discussion on this issue. Baseball caps — Julianne Barrett noted that the caps should be ready. Time Capsule — Chmn. Coniglio nated that Hale Graves will be providing � information an this subject from their similar project. � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING �F MAY 23, 2QQ0 r � LJ High School Concerts — Chmn. Caniglio noted that he's trying for a Navember date. Essay Contest Letters — Mailed to local schools. Business Letters - Mailed to 113 businesses. Open Hause at City — The date selected by th� Committee is July 25, 20Q0 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm. Financial Report — Nancy Veidt provided a budget report, and she indicated that A-Flag Ca. will discuss price after receiving a definite design. She also suggested that Public Works Department may be abl� to create brackets in-house which may save on the cost. There was more discussion on this banner subject. Nancy Veidt then asked if this Cammittee would be willing to print up T-shirts for sale for the 4'h of July Celebration at the park and she showed a sample of the ones from last year. She noted that the Special Events Committee is not doing it this year so as to not compete with this Committee. She then also noted that many people are collecting these each year and they sell quite well. It was suggested ta combine a fir�works � design along with the 75th Anniversary Committee logo. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Coniglio extended an invitation from Mesa Park for free booth space to promote this Committee's activities on Saturday, July 1, 2Q00. They need a reply by June 1, 2000. MOTION by Kautenburg/Fielding I mave that we authorize Ray to apply for the space at Mesa Park far the booth on July 1. A voice vote was taken. 6— 0 motian carried. Details of this booth will be obtained by Chmn. Coniglio. The issue of a 4'h of July boath was discussed, and it was noted that this issue had already been discussed at a previaus meeting. The Chairman adjaurned the meeting at 4:35 pm. At 5:0� pm. AI Davis, Betsy Connelly, Julianne Barrett, Ann Brack, and Damian Marana met at the intersectian af Main Street and Indian River Drive to investigate a possible � site for the City Clock. Charles Cardinale of the Sebastian Sun was also there. And Chmn. Coniglio arrived later. Pras and Cons were discussed on various lacations, and Mr. Morano taak many photographs. It was suggested ta reverse the ingress and 4 . � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 23, 2000 � � C .� egress #o the boat parking lot on the northwest corner of this intersection. It was also suggested #hat a median might be established at the eastem edge of Main Street just as it meets with �ndian River Drive. There seems to be too much interterence from poles and other items at the east side of Indian River Drive just north of the boat ramp. Julianne Barrett was encouraged to contact Mr. Terrence Maore to get staff input on locating a site for this clock. ��✓saoo,aa�