HomeMy WebLinkAbout06132000• City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORiDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 � FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2000 3:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 9, 2000 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. City Manager, Mr. Moore, and Finance Director, Mr. Mason to speak about City Ciock project B. Discuss publicity pian 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. Detailed reports on current and planned projects for presentation to City Council on June 14, 2000: (1) Discuss new order of T-shirts (2) Coordinate volunteers for 4`h of July booth at Riverview Park (3) Discuss Anniversary Cake Contest for 4th of July (Lion's Club) (4) Discuss brackets for Banners 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABtLITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS • SPECIAI ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. • �� � c-� i b r t a y ..�.. CITY OF SEBASTIAN ��� � F �� � �'�,, �' r�"' �';. . ,�'�.� V .. �? : � iIFE re r' ...�:�� �.. � K � P��,.� ..�; fiU CITY OF SEBASTIAN Z I"R �.' � �.� i�' �, wr ..,i i � � �.. .! �.�� G... � •-6.. .,,�,� . 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE , , „�,, y� �A�.l'' ,f��.���y,. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING � . JUNE 13, 2000 Chairman Caniglio called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PR�SENT: VC Louise Kautenburg Julianne Barrett Adrina Davis Ch. Coniglio Inez Fielding Jayne Barczyk(a) Joann Osmundsan (late arrival) EXCUSED ABSENCE: Betsy Connelly ALSO PRES�NT: Mark Mason, Finance Director Terry Hill, Public Works Director Terrence Moare, City Manager Ann Brack, R�cording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ch. Coniglio welcomed Jayne Barczyk back from her European trip. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (5/23/00) MOTNON by Davis/Kautenburg I make a motian we adopt the minutes of May 23, 2000. A voice vote was taken. 5- 0, motion carried. N�W BUSINESS: (Item A. is mav�d to later in the meeting when Mr. Moore arrives.) B. Discuss publicity plan: .� ° ""� rs � -.. � � -�t � � � � N C� ^n r*1 c° -�' � rn �rn— � 3 �t�i,v n� � -r �� w � x � � A promotional newspaper from the Anniv�rsary Celebration in Cacoa B�ach was passed around for all members to see. Ch. Coniglia commented that the Press Journal has expressed their interest in . publishing information from our Committee. He then asked for a volunteer to head up a publicity pragram. � J 75r" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 13, 2000 Nomination by Mr. Davis, seconded by Ms. Barczyk CJ I nominate our Chairman, Ray C. fvr publicity chairman for the 75t" Anniversary Committee. There were no other nominations. Chmn. Coniglio is chairman of Publicity. OLD BUSINESS: A. Detailed reports an current and planned projects: Ch. Coniglio reminded Committee members of the Council meeting the following night and invited all members to attend for his presentation, and to wear their Committee shirts. 1. Open House - July 25, 2000, fram 1:00 to 4:30 pm. AI Davis, Jayne Barczyk and Louise Kautenburg with Terry Hill -"apen hause" banner or flags outside Cauncil Chambers on that day were suggested - discuss with Jan King in the Growth Management Dept. - Louise Kautenburg will check on this issue. Refreshments; building and department tours; Public Works equipment display; informational hand-outs; Anniversary T-shirts & caps on sale; display of "Clock Tower" rendering; Histarical Saciety to join event with display; publicity for event. • 2, Banners - At this point, Mr. Moore arrived, and proceeded to discuss the Anniversary banners for the riverfront light poles. He suggested that this Committee authorize the Finance Dept. to order the banners as time is running short. Brackets were discussed and it appears that the Public Works Dept. is going to cr�ate these brackets. Julianne B. presented her design for the banners, which was accept�d. The colors of royal blue, silver and white were agreed upon, and the size shall be 2' X 4'. MOTION by Kautenburg/Barczyk I'd like to make a mation that this Committee approve that banner design, using the background color of the rayal blue with white and silver lettering, as praposed, size to be 2' X 4'. A voice vote was taken. 7— 0, motion carried. There was discussion with Mr. Mason about the number and price of the banners as stated on three (3) quotes received in the Finance Dept. Clarificatian was made about th� manner in which the banners would hang. In consideration of the price quote, it was determined to order twenty-five (25) banners with cross-poles in the initial arder, with the stipulation that more cauld be ordered if necessary. MOTION by Kautenburg/Fielding � I make a motion that we accept the bid of A-�lag for an initial order af twenty-five (25) flags as specified in the bid quote. �� r1 U � LJ C� � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUT�S OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 13, 2000 Roll call: Inez Fielding - yes Joann Osmundsnn - yes VC Kautenburg - yes Adrina Davis - yes The vate was 7-- 0. Motion carried. L.J Chmn. Coniglio - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) - yes Julianne Barrett - yes 3. Clack Tower - Mr. Moore spoke of the Clack Tower program and noted that grant funding probably would not b� available far this program as it is presently structured. There was much discussion on this issue. It was clarified that "gifts" to the City are tax deductible, which could make this project more attractive to donors, but it was alsa noted that raising $25,000 is a major objective. In view of the fact that Sebastian has adapted the "�Id Florida Fishing Village" theme far the riverFront district, and the fact that the Clack Tower or City Clock being discussed would ideally fit into that descriptian, it was determined to request financial assistance from City Council. Consensus of the Committee was unanimous that Chmn. Coniglio should include a request for City Clock financial assistance from City Council in his presentation to them on 6/14/00. Th�re was discussion on making printed copies of the Clack Tower rendering for each Committee member for their contacts with local businesses. MOTION by Osmundson/Kautenburg I mak� a motion we have a dozen copies of this Clock done up so that all of us have one, and then for publicity purposes, there wauld be some extras. A voice vote was taken. 7— 0, motion carried. 4. High Schaol Band Concert — Chmn. Coniglio noted that he has been having a very difficult time making contact with the Band Director, and has that issue an hold far the time being. 5. Essay Contest - Jayne Barczyk reported that letters to the schools have been sent, and no further contact will be made until Fall. 6. 5-K Run - Jayne noted that at a prior meeting it was determined to abandon this praject because of the difficulty in setting it up. 7. Street Party on Indian River Drive, Parade & Juried Art Show - Chmn. Coniglio reported that Bill Dixon and Lisanne Monier, two local professional artists, have agreed to chair this event. He noted that they have the experience and knowledge to handle this project, and they are developing a plan which they will bring to this Committee very soon. u C� � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 13, 20Q0 � 8. Time Capsule - Chmn. Coniglio nated that he is still waiting for the information from Beverly Paris of Hale Groves who handled their Time Capsule project. 9. Concerts in City Parks - The Chairman noted that the prices for these bands range fram $350 up, and suggested that food sales and other types af sales wauld have ta be included to generate the money to pay these bands. He suggested that a separate committee might have to handle a project like this unless it could be worked into a fund raising event for this Cammittee's projects. There was discussion about getting publicity in the newspaper ta generate interest from residents or businesses to get involved in individual facets of the Cammittee's "wish list". There was discussion abaut the parade during the Street Party. JoAnn Osmundson reparted that the parade planner with the Lion's Club committed to help anyone wha would take on this responsibility. She noted that the entrants from the July 4t" parade could be contacted for the December parade. She also noted that if an Honar Guard is desired from Patrick Air Force Base, for example, they need to be contacted as soon as possible. There was further discussion on the parade, and a suggestion was made to adv�rtise far help. 10. Sale of custom T-shirts and Baseball Caps - Julianne Barrett reported an this praject, and asked the Committee to approv� a new d�sign for a new order. It was determined that the July 4th theme should not be incorporated into the Anniversary design. A design was selected for th� back of the shirts, with the Anniversary Iogo on the front. MOTION by Kautenburg/8arczyk I move that we adopt, for the next T-shirt production, the sign, as shown to us here, minus "welcame to", to be praduced on the wheat colared T- shirts, with the 75`h lago on the front, and the reproduction of the city's welcoming sign, minus the words "welcome to" on the back, in the colors of the sign, produced an the wheat colored T-shirts, ten (10) dozen in assorted sizes. Roll call: VC Kautenburg - yes Adrina Davis - yes Inez Fielding - yes JoAnn Osmundson - yes The vote was i— 0. Motion carried. Juliann� Barrett Chmn. Coniglio Jayne Barczyk(a) � yes - yes - yes It was noted that there are four (4) dozen hats available at a cost of $168.00 and are being sold for $10.00 each. C� � • � 757H ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 13, 2000 MOTION by Barrett/Osmundson r� � I move we charg� ten dollars ($10.00) per hat. Roll call: Julianne Barrett - yes Adrina Davis - na Chmn. Coniglio - yes Inez Fielding - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) - yes JoAnn Osmundson - yes VC Kautenburg - yes The vote was 6— I. Motion carried. Mr. Davis commented that he thought $10.00 was too much. It was noted that the next Committee meeting will be an June 27c" JoAnne suggested that this Committee check ta see what other events are scheduled for Riverview Park so that we may be able ta sell shirts and caps at other events, also. Chmn. Coniglio noted that on July 15t, Mesa Park is having a 5alute America celebration, and has invited all non-profit arganizations to share the event, providing free space for T- shirt sales and other activities. Activities begin at 10:00 am, and end at 9:00 pm. The Chairman will check to find out if a baoth will be provided. The following schedule was devised by the members: 9:Op to 12:00 noon 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm 3:00 to 6:OQ pm 6:00 to 9:00 - Ray and AI, also da set-up - Lauise and Inez - Julianne and Jayne - Julianne and JoAnne The Chairman noted that he will be there till 9:00 pm. There will also be a Historical Society display at Mesa Park. Discuss work schedule for July 4t" celebration: JoAnne gave a rundown of the apening and closing times, parade, and other special activities for this event. The fallowing schedule for volunteer Committee members was formulated: $:00 to 10:00 am - Louise K., AI Davis, Julianne B. 10:00 to 12:00 naon - Inez F., Julianne B., AI Davis 12:Oq naon to 2:00 pm - Jayne B. 2:00 to 4:00 pm - Ray C. 4:00 to 6:00 pm - Louise K. JoAnne noted that she will carry the booth sales in the afternaon, as necessary. Ray and AI will da the set-up in the marning. It was nated that any members that are in the park in the afternoon might check in at the booth in case help is needed. �7 � , r � • 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 13, 2000 Discuss Anniversary Cake Cantest far 4`h af July Lion's Club Cantest: JoAnne noted that a press releas� is ready to go to the newspaper. The judges will be from Publix Supermark�ts and will be very unbiased. Th� judging will take place at 12:00 noon in the gazebv, then cakes donated from other establishments will be raffled off at the main stag� at 1:00 pm. She noted that a variety of prizes have been donated from many sources, and a small cash prize will be recammended for first place. There is no pre-�ntry activity, entrants just bring their cakes to the gazebo priar to noon. She then spoke about a cake eating contest between local organizations. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBER'S MATTERS: Inez F. spake about a Health Fair, and at the recommendation of City staff, she will cantact Daisy Knowles at Sebastian River Hospital to organize this event. MOTION by Chmn. ConigliolKautenburg I make a motion that we have Inez set up a Health Fair far the city. A voice vote was taken. 6— p, motion carried. � The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:58 pm. �si2voo aa� �