HomeMy WebLinkAbout07112000• � \ J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 `�'� Y O - �i� v+ -°- z : �> �`�/�P eq S � City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE �Sbl ) 589-5537 FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2000 3:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: ANNOUNCEMENTS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NEW BUSINESS: June 27, 2000 A. Discuss obtaining volunteer help for the Committee B. Review list of other events at Riverview Park OLD BUSINESS: A. Finalize Open House plans / Garden Host B. Financial report / Banners 8� T-shirts C. Discuss Art Show D. Update on business contacts for sponsorships 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. � . � � _ . . �.�� .. . , �N�tJ i v' . �� j .T7'C-�` CITY OF SEBASTIAN � � � v �""3!°� ,. ,. .._____� 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE '��!� s�� � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 11, 2000 Chmn. Coniglio called the meeting to ard�r at 3:03 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: VC Kautenburg Adrina Davis Inez Fielding JoAnn Osmundson ALSO PRESENT: Terrence Moare, City Manager Terry Hill, Public Works Directar Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Ann Brack, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (6/27/00) Julianne Barrett B�tsy Connelly Chmn. Coniglio Jayne 8arczyk(a) (Three members were late arriving, and Ms. Barczyk(a) voted an the following motion.) MOTION by Davis/Fielding 1 make a motion we accept the minutes (6127/00) as of July 11, 2p00. A voice vote was taken. 5— 0, motion carried. NEW BUSIN�SS: A. Discuss abtaining volunteer help for the Committee. Chmn. Caniglio stressed the importance of seeking and abtaining additional help from valunteers to help carry out the planned projects for the remainder of the year. Nancy Veidt suggested contacting the High School for same help from same of the Clubs for community service wark, and also the Scaut groups. Chmn. Coniglio suggested cantacting some of the other clubs, organizations and businesses in the city for help in fund raising. He also noted that he has contact names for the businesses listed who received the sponsor letter, and he will provide them to the members. � Jayne Barczyk suggested a sign-up list be made available at the open house on 7/25/00 � CJ • � 75th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR ME�TING OF JULY 11, 2000 � for volunteers ta sign up. She also submitted the names af twa people who volunteered at the 4th of July booth. Inez Fielding volunteered her brother. The Chairman invited th�se volunt�ers to come to a meeting. B. Review list af other events at Riverview Rark Chmn. Coniglio referred to the calendar of events listed for Riverview Park for the remainder of 2000, and suggested contacting the scheduled groups ta ask if our Committee could participate with a booth to sell the T-shirts and caps, and promate the spansarships and miniature clocks, etc. He will contact these groups. Julianne Barrett noted that na plan has been develaped far promotion of the miniature clocks as a fund raiser. MOTION by Barczyk/Barrett I make a moti�n that one of us contact the spokesman of the different events at Riverview Park and ask if we could have use of a space to sell our T-shirts, caps and whatever far the 75'" Anniversary. Dlscussion: It was suggested to participate in October and Navember since this Committee has nothing planned for that time period. Inez Fielding noted that a Health Fair will be held sometime in October at the Senior Citizens Center and this Cammittee will have a table there. Inez will represent the Anniversary Committee with a table for blood pressure, health literature, etc. Roll call: Adrina Davis - yes Inez Fielding - yes JoAnn Osmundsan - yes Julianne Barrett - yes The vate was 7— 0. Motian carried. Betsy Connelly - yes Chmn. Coniglio - y�s Jayne Barczyk - yes At this point, Chmn. Coniglio recognized Mr. Wayne Kroegle who was present. OLD BUSINESS: A. Finalize Open Hause plans / Garden Host Charles Cardinale, Chairman af the Tree Advisory Board, was present and nated that he and Ann Dann will be present during the Open House. Chmn. Coniglia noted that the Press Journal will carry either an article, or an ad, or both, this weekend about the Open House. Refreshments were arranged with Lauise, Jayne, JoAnn and Inez. � • 75th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUI.Y 11, 2000 �� Mr. Moore suggested that Committee representatives should attend the staff meeting on July 13t" at 10:30 am for a discussion about Committee ideas and events. He spoke of Press Journal coverage of the Open House event, and in-house advertising. He commented on department and office involvement in this ev�nt, including equipment display and demonstration. The Chairman requested that the City design a poster to advertise the Open House that can be placed around town. Mr. Moore suggested that this can be discussed at the management team meeting on th� 13th, along with some other ideas that staff may have. It was mentianed that some sponsor donors requested a receipt. Nancy noted that this will be taken care of. Mr. Moore then suggested that this Cammittee wark closely with staff and meet periodically t� talk about lagistics and work effectively together to accomplish various projects. He noted that this would include the Clock Tower project, the Street Party and any other projects that are proposed. He welcomed individual contact from Committee members to staff. Julianne asked if any notice would appear in the City newsletter about the Open House, and it was nated that th� next edition cames out too late. Mr. Moore commented that he will include this information in his weekly information letter to City Council, from which . the Press Journal gets a lot of its information. Louise K. noted that she contacted the Council on Arts and they will post th� Committee information on their notice board. B. Financial report / Banners 8� T-shirts Nanc�r Veidt reported that of the original order of one hundred twenty (120) T-shirts far the 4 h of July, only 83 were printed, and the remainder were cancelled because sales were slow on the 4th. She noted that only $330 was taken in at that time. She did not have a count on the breakdown between hats and shirts. She also mentioned that she needs to know who to call when she receives checks from sponsors of the banners and a plan needs to be developed on how the banners will be taken down, put back up, and who has the printing done. Julianne suggested taking 25 banners down, from the river side of the light poles, to be made available for printing for new spansors. The Chairman suggested that the sponsor names be printed as large as possible on the banners. Julianne will talk to the printer about this issue. She will alsa ask the printer ta print out a sample of his printing that will be available for approval by Disney, per their requirement. Terry Hill agr�ed to have the banners taken down tomorrow. � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR M�ETING OF JUI.Y 11, 2000 U The entire program was explained to Betsy Connelly as she has been absent for a while. She suggested that a simple form be created for the sponsor to fill out showing what name should be printed on the banner. The Secretary agreed ta print up this form. Other aspects of the sponsor contact were discussed. Jayne gave an interesting update on her contact with Governor Jeb 8ush's affice and she was encouraged to cantinue with her discourse with his oFfice. At this point, there was consensus that the sponsor name should be printed as large as possible on the banners. There was discussion about the juried art show in December, and Nancy noted that all proceeds shauld come to the finance department and checks will be issued from there for prizes. There was discussion about the parade. JoAnn will send a letter to Patrick Air Force Base to arrange for the honor guard. It was suggested ta have a"lit" evening parade at 6 pm. Terry Hill consented to work with this plan. JoAnn will make contact with parade prospects, line up City dignitaries and their families, antique car dealers, etc. It was also suggested to invite past dignitaries and residents of significance. Wayne Kroegle noted that he is a member af the Early Settlers Club of Indian River County, and will pravide a list of names from that Club. He also volunteered to assist in . any way in fundraising and setting up the parade, and offered his phone number — 589 — 1384. He ofFered to obtain a military band, if requested. He also stressed the importance of sub-committees to carry out the work. There was discussion on the composition af the parade. A sub-committee will be form�d and these details will be discussed at the next meeting. JoAnn also has two volunteers from th� Lion's Club. 5he inquired about liability insurance for this event. Terry and Nancy will check into this. D. lJpdate on business contacts for sponsorships Chmn. Coniglio suggested that this take place at the next meeting to give members a chance to make their contacts. The issue of businesses who want a banner but have not received a letter was brought up. It was noted that any business can have a banner, the letter isn't necessary. JoAnn inquired about an advertising boaklet through the Press Jaurnal. This issue has never becn discussed. The Chairman indicated that volunteers are needed to carry out projects such as this. The issue af the paver bricks was mentioned by Jayne Barczyk. JoAnn noted that other methods of fund raising need to be formulated. It was noted that individual residents want to purchase the pavers as a method af contributing. Jayne suggested giving the � sponsor donors a list of events scheduled for the rest of the year. JoAnn suggested publicizing these meetings in the paper and open it to the public. �� � �J . � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 11, 2000 r � L� Chmn. Coniglio noted that these meetings are always listed in the paper, as required by law. JoAnn suggested a publicity chairman. The Chairman noted that more people are needed to work on these projects. There was more discussion about getting volunteers and how to get word aut to the public. Julianne mentioned the clock miniatures. Chmn. Coniglio suggested that brochures be requested that have no prices. Julianne noted that a suggested news release is part of the information fram the Company. The Chairman stated that he would send a press release tomorrow. Nancy noted that Verdin Ca. sent a written quate for $24,375.00 and the price is good for thirty (30) days. Julianne noted that the other clack companies sent prices but not formal quotes. Jayne nated that she has heard that a City Clock has been installed at the Miracle Mile — Three Avenues project in Vero Beach. There was discussion on procedures for press rel�ases. MOTION by KautenburglFielding I'll m�ve that we authorize Ray to issue press releases at will. Roll call: Betsy Connelly - yes Chmn. Coniglio - yes Julianne Barrett - yes Adrina Davis - y�s The vote was 7— 0. Motion carried. In�z Fi�lding - yes JoAnn Osmundson - yes VC Kautenburg - yes Nancy indicated that additional quotes will be obtained for a City Clock. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: MEMBERS' MATTERS: STAFF MATTERS: None None None Chmn. Coniglio again spoke on the necessity of attracting volunteers to work with this Committee an all of the great projects that are lined up. He adjourned the meeting at 4:29 pm. 5 (7/14/00 AB)