HomeMy WebLinkAbout07252000• City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2000 4:15 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 11, 2000 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Accept resignation of Adrina Davis 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. Project reports: Parade Juried Art Show Business contacts for banners B. Financial report / Banners & T-shirts 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. • �� � w • V'^- v � . r �...'�;. -.a-�»u.-�: . ..,�. .,,.. _ ,:.::::..... . � �� � , . . ._ ��> f � ' S c : � ! � 41 ' ° �tY,�ll�f�.�9� .�mm � � �� CITY OF SEBASTIAN :' `- �. o. :, g'% I�, 75r" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 25, 2000 Chmn. Coniglio called the meting to order at �4:16 pm. The Pledge af Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: VC Kautenburg Inez Fielding JoAnn Osmundson UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: Betsy Connelly ALSO PRESENT: Terrence Moore, City Manager Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Ann Brack, Recording Secretary Councilman Barczyk ANNOUNCEMENTS: � � ,. . / r��c.Tro.0 � :. _ � ,.. ....., �� Julianne Barrett Chmn. Coniglia Jayne Barczyk(a) Mr. Moore congratulated the Committee members on the success of today's Open Hause, noting that he would like to see this event held annually. He then referred to the Chamber of Commerce's sale of T-shirts that used the City laga design, and the suggestion that there may be same infringement involved. He noted that a satisfactory solution to this situation has been arranged and a parkion of the profit from the sale of these shirts will came back to the 75`h Anniversary Committee. VC Kautenburg then thanked the City for providing the assistance of the employees for the Open House. Chmn. Coniglio concurred. Ms. Barczyk(a) reiterated thase sentiments and noted the positive comments by the public. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (July 11, 2000) MOTION by Kautenburg/Barczyk(a) I mave we accept the minutes as submitted. A voice vote was taken. 6— 0, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: A. Accept resignation of Adrina Davis . . 75r" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 25, 2000 MOTION by Caniglio/Kautenburg (regretfully) � I wauld like to make a mation that we accep# Mr. Davis's resignation and if we could send him a letter, from the Committee, thanking him fior all he's done, and our appreciatian, and hope we see him at events after he returns. A voice vote was taken. 6-- 0, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: A. PROJECT REPORTS: Parade — JoAnn Osmundson noted that she will have a report at the next meeting. She commented that it is still early for much af a repart. At this point, Chmn. Conigliv referred to the list of volunteers who signed up at today's Open house. H� suggested that after the 5ecretary gets this list typed up, the members might call rather quickly to line them up for projects, or just make contact and create a line of communication. Juried Art Show - Lisanne Monier was present and gave an update on plans for the Art show. She provided hand-written notes for creation of a flyer, and • asked for help on this project. She noted that with twenty (20) exhibitors, the amaunt of the awards will be covered, and she hopes to get fifty (5�) entrants. There was discussion of the physical placement of the artist's displays, and the parking issue. Chmn. Coniglio suggested providing transportation from Bealls' parking lot or Wal Mart Parking lot. Lisanne noted that the artists usually keep backup supplies in their trucks and need to park in close proximity to their stands, and if the weather turns bad, they need to be able to get their art work protected quickly. Parking on U.S. 1 was mentioned. A property on Indian River Drive that is up for sale was mentioned, as well as the First Union Parking lot. There was further discussion, and legal approval will be obtained for the information written on the flyer. JoAnn Osmundson cammented that if food vendors are going to be present, they can be charged for their spaces, which will also be a fund raiser. 5al Neglia was present and suggested that Riverview Park might be the best place to have this street party, considering the need for electricity, etc. There was discussion about measuring the portion of Indian River Drive that will be used for this event. Lisanne noted that she contacted several members of the Sebastian Art Club abaut joining the street party event, and they had very positive respons�. It was suggested that, since the Art Club has reserved the Park for their show that day, it might be a good idea if arrangements could be made to work togeth�r with the Art Club in case the Park area needs ta be used in any manner. Mr. Hill indicated that the Juried Art show could be placed in the street at the Park. • Chmn. Coniglio mentioned the point of selling beer and wine, which cannot be done in � 75�" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR ME�TING OF JULY 25, 2QQp . the Park. He also noted that he has been in touch with Alice Russell from the Art Club, and she will present this invitation to her club since they have reserved the Park for that same weekend. (If they choose nat to join in our event, we will nat have access to the Park.) It was suggested that �xplicit information should be obtained pertaining to the sale of alcohol on a street before any advertising is done. JoAnn noted that space will also have to be made far the vendors. Jayne noted that some af the businesses along Indian River Drive do sell alcoholic beverages, and asked how the Committee's sale of alcohol would be received by these businesses. She suggested that maybe these businesses would handle the sale for aur Committee. Chmn. Coniglio indicated that he will personally check on all of these issues and give a report at the next m�:eting. JoAnn mentioned the issue of insurance by the City to caver these events, and Nancy indicated that the City has a blanket insurance policy for these types of events, but she didn't know about the sale of alcohol. It was noted that the vendors would sell the alcohol and a percentage of the profits would come to the Committee (City). Business contacts for banners — Jayne indicated that most of the businesses that she has contacted either can't remember receiving the 'letter' or can't � find it, and she furnished them with a new copy. She suggested that cold calling with a follow-up visit might be better than sending a letter. She noted that one problem encountered was that some businesses need to go through their corporate headquarters. She also noted that there are two or three other organizations also soliciting for donations, and it becom�s very difficult to generate enthusiasm for aur request. She expressed the opinion that it may take more time than originally planned to generate the amount needed for the City Clock/Clock Tower project. She alsa inquired abaut grants, and suggested that all the ather Clubs and organizations in town should be approached and asked to participate in this project. Chmn. Coniglio suggested that our members might speak at Club meetings. It was also suggested that the paver-brick program should get organized to be included in all of the contacts. There was discussion about Chmn. Coniglio contacting Betsy Connelly to inquire if she would continue with the Clock Tower program. Louise commented that people are interested in the paver-brick cancept far memorials or gifts or whatever. The Committee members in g�neral agreed that this issue needs to be promated since every resident can become involved in this. All of the paver brick infarmation was privided in a previous packet by Nancy Veidt. It was agreed that all members would review this information and formulate a plan at the next meeting. Several issues af design w�re discussed. The Chairman reminded members to continue with the banner project. The fact that all businesses in town did not receive a letter was mentianed. The secretary noted that she has extra copies of the business letter available at her desk in the Grown Management Department. � � �� 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTE� � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 25, 2000 Inez gave her report on contacts with medical businesses. She arranged with the Chairman to get the cantact names for these businesses. Jayne brought up the question of what would be done with the banners after December. There was discussion, and it was suggested to let them hang beyond December as long as they were in gaod shape, and then return them to the businesses when they are removed. MOTION by Osmundson/Kautenburg I make a motion that, in selling the banners, we tell the merchants or whoever purchases them, that at the time that they are removed, if they wauld like them, we would be in contact with them to return them to them. A voice vote was taken. 6— 0, mation carried. B. Financial report / Banners & T-shirts Nancy Veidt noted a donation of $50.00, plus $209.00 for T-shirts and caps received today from the �pen House sales. Since the Committee has nothing planned for the next cauple af months, it was • suggested to approach the Chamber of Commerce to request to sell T-shirts & caps at the free Concerts in the Park. The Chairman commented that he would bring a schedule of ineetings for the other Clubs and organizatians in Sebastian ta the next meeting so that Cammittee members could sign up to speak at these meetings to promote our projects and ask for assistance and solicit funds. It was also suggested to find additianal outlets for the sale of these shirts & caps. The Chairman suggested that he will inquire at Wal Mark, and Jayne noted that the VFW offered to display a couple of T-shirts which could be purchased from our Committee. The Chairman indicated that he has a system in place to send vut press releases to newspapers, radio & television every other week. JoAnn suggested that since a picture appeared of a city worker removing a banner without explanation, another picture should appear explaining the purpose of the banners. Jayne noted that she will again be communicating with the Press Journal in September or October about the essay contest in #he schools. It was nated that there are banners in for printing, and the Chairman is handling Disney's approval for the print on theirs. Cauncilman Barczyk suggested that Chmn. Coniglio inquire about asking the Disney officials if Goofy or another character could be available for pictures when their banner is � mounted on the light post. He suggested that this would be gaod press for the City as well as Disney. . ! • 75TM ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 25, 2Q00 � � JoAnn noted that the Lion's Club has a lion castume that could be utilized in the same manner. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMB�RS' MATTERS: Louise K. noted that she may not be at the next meeting on August gtn Jayne's letter to Gov. Bush's office was noted. She suggested that local government officials be invited to the December street party and celebration. A reminder was made to contact all af the small business�s along Indian River Drive. STAF� MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: Nane Chmn. Caniglio adjourned the meeting at 5:20 pm. S (7/28/00 AB)