HomeMy WebLinkAbout08082000� City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2000 3:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 25, 2000 • 6. NEW BUSINESS: Welcome new member, Charles Cardinale 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. Project reports B. Financial report 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPL�ANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. • • �J u CITY QF SEBASTIAN 75T" ANNNERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 8, 2000 �����T� ��! ,. �� .. �/ � � ' Y r . _ d w (�.���'-��,�„ ,�' ,..�.�,.,_. � Acting Chairman, Julianne Barrett called th� meeting to order at 3:17 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Inez Fielding (late ar.) Betsy Connelly Julianne Barrett Jayne Barczyk(a) Charles Cardinale EXCUSED ABSENCE: Chmn. Coniglio and JaAnn Osmundson UNEXCUSED A65ENCE: VC Louise Kautenburg ALSO PRESENT: T�rry Hill, Public Works Director Ann Brack, S�cretary ANNOUNCEM�NTS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (7/25/00) The Secretary noted that a correction will be mad� to indicate an excused absence for Betsy Connelly. MOTION by Barczyk(a)/Cardinale I move we accept the minutes of July 25 as submitted with the correction of th� unexcused absence of Betsy Connelly. A voic� vot� was taken. 4— p, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Acting Chmn. 8arrett welcomed Charles Cardinale to the Committ��. Jayne Barczyk noted that she is going to send a fax to Mr. McGraw, General Manager and Program Director of 97.1 OCEAN & WPAW FM Radio station, listing the �vents being planned by this Committ�e. He is very interested in getting the word out, and we will keep him updated when definite dates are set. Jayn�: also wants to send him an outline of th� Clock Tawer project, and the names of the Committee members. MOTION by Barczyk(a)/Cardinale I mave that I cauld send that infarmation by fax to Mr. McGraw. • � 75th ANNIV�RSARY COMMITT�E MINUTES OF R�GULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 8, 20Q0 • Discussion: Jayne noted that Mr. McGraw may even want ta interview a Committee member on the air. She also noted that this would be good publicity for our City. Charl�s Cardinale noted that this Committee needs some publicity to keep these issues in front of the public eye on an ongoing basis. He also stressed that publicity needs to go out in advance of the events. Jayne reminded the members that once an offer such as Mr. McGraw's is made, it is up to the Committee to keep that contact active and provide updated information on a timely basis, and remember ta say "Thank you". Charles also suggested that Jayne might include a call for volunteers. There was more discussian about fund raising ideas and publicity. A voic� vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. Charles suggested that some advertising could be done on the City web page. He was advised to check it out at the City Clerk's offic�. ��.D BUSINESS: � A. Project reports: Paver Brick proqram — There was much discussion on the information that was provided by Nancy Veidt from the internet. Location of the source was analyzed and it was suggested that thos� available from the state of Florida could cost less for shipping fe�s. The members settled on a selection of Sign Masters from the west coast of Florida. Cost was analyzed, as was the amount ta be charged in the sale. There was discussion on how many needed ta be sald and the transpartation/shipping issue. (Inez Fielding arrived at the meeting at this point.) A price range of $30 to $40 per brick was suggested, and several methods of advertisem�nt were suggested. MOTION by Barrett/Barcxyk I'd like to make a mation that we use Sign Masters as aur brick Company unless in the even# we find another Campany that may be closer and better. A voice vot� was taken. 5-- 0, motion carried. There was discussion about placing a mail-in order form in the newspaper for the purpose of residents being able to purchas� a paver brick. � The issue of location was discussed. Terry Hill not�d that utility poles, etc, at the Main Street — Indian River Drive location can be maved. He also noted that there could be • 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE • MINUTES O� R�GULAR MEETING OF AUGUST $, 2000 � drainage problems at the CR 512 — Indian River Drive Iocation. He suggested that the Main Street location might be less expensive ta renovate. He also commented that using several parking spaces n�ar Riverview Park could be contentious, since parking is a very big issue in that area. After more discussion, it was noted that a full Committee should be present to make a final decision. It was also suggested to k�ep Mr. Moore fully informed of this Committee's decisian so that he may keep th� Council infarmed. It was determined to place this issue on the agenda for the n�xt meeting. Julianne suggested that information an shipping costs for the paver bricks might be obtained before the next meeting. MOTION by Barczyk(a)/Cardinale I move that the price will not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) for the pavers. A voice vate was taken. 5-- 0, motion carried. Other ongaing projects: The secretary reported on a staff meeting with Terry Hill, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Stringer where there was a discussion on this Committee's December Street Party, Parade, Juried Art Show. She reported that the new Code allows the City Cauncil to approve the � use of alcohol at a special event, and any Committee members that can attend should b� at the Council me�ting the following evening if they wish to suppart this item. She then comm�nted that Mr. Maare is not in favar of having a two-day event on Indian River Drive in December, but is in favor of a one-day event. He indicated that if a two-day event is held, then it should be down on the CAV-COR property by Riverview Park. T�rry Hill noted that closing Indian River Drive for two days between Hiram's and Hurricane Harbor is not an easy matter b�cause of the possible impact on businesses. Closing it at Riverview Park is not such a problem. The secretary then indicated that Mr. Maare is opposed to a parade, but would like to see the Street Party expanded with music on a stage that is available. She also indicated that JoAnn Osmundson is not �pposed to doing away with the parade, but alsa has some good contacts for other entertainment and food vendors. The question was asked why these opinions were surfacing now when these plans have been know far many months. There was further discussion on this issue, and it was requested that a special meeting be called with Mr. Moore ta clear this up and make a final decision. These decisians are necessary as soon as possible to complete the flyer that Lisanne Manier is sending out. MOTION by Barrett/Barczyk(a) 1 make a motion we call a sp�cial meeting for next week as sa�n as � possible, as soon as the City Manager can meet with us late in the day, between 4:30 and 5:00 preferably. 4 � � 75TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITT�� � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 8, 2000 A voice vote was taken. 5— p, motion carried. Terry Hill noted that he will not be in tawn next week for this meeting. B. Financial report: Julianne Barrett questioned the charge to the Committ�e for the "Lift Rental". There was discussion on this issue, including the picture in the newspaper of removing the banners. Terry Hill commented that he will check on this charge. There was discussion about the banners along the riverFront. Terry mentioned that two of his men, Steve DiTrapano and John Dwyer, are working an a better system of hanging the banners and attaching the bottoms. The Committee members wanted to extend their appr�ciation to Steve and Jahn. The secretary nated that a sponsor letter was returned as undeliv�rable far Bay Street Optical. Jayne read a letter of response from Governor Bush's office to her invitation ta the 75t" Anniversary celebration in December. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None � MEMBERS MATTERS: � Charles Cardinale expressed his thanks for being on the Committee. STAFF MATTERS: None Acting Chmn. Barrett adjourned the meeting at 5:00 pm. 4 ($/96/00 AB)