HomeMy WebLinkAbout09122000� U City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 3:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 8/22/00 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discuss updating City web page 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. Project reports; 1. Finance Report - Veidt 2. Management meeting report 3. Essay Contest — Barczyk(a) 4. Health Fair - Fielding 5. School Concerts — Coniglio 6. Street Party, Parade — Expenses and budget, Alcoholic beverages, Flyer for Juried Art Show 7. Time Capsule - Coniglio 8. Clock Tower — Paver Brick — Selling price, shipping costs 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULO CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) • 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. � . � RECEIVED CITY 4F SEBASTIAN QFFICE OF CITY CLERK �000 OCT 2y ��1 3 16 • CITY OF SEBASTIAN 75�" ANNIVERSARY COMMITT�E •�.,_, , 7 ` V - T..y�._ ,,-�� . ., . �'1 71'. . �l�t/ � V �'a,� r EF , � ° �°� 7�� . . ... `��� �`� � ��,���. , � �� .:, . _ • MINUTES OF REGUL.AR MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 2Q00 Chairman Caniglio called the meeting to ord�r at 3:05 pm. The Pledge of Allegianc� was said. ROLL CALL: PR�SENT: VC Kautenburg (late) Charles Cardinale JaAnn �smundson (late) Julianne Barrett Chmn. Coniglio Jayne Barczyk(a) EXCUSED ABSENCE: Inez Fielding and Betsy Connelly ALSO PRESENT: Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Mark Mason, �inance Director Ann Brack, Secretary Councilman Barczyk ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Coniglio read into the r�cord a I�tter of thanks from Mesa Park in reference to °The Salute America Festival" on Saturday, July 15t 2000 APPROVAL. �F MINUT�S: (8/22/00) MOTIDN by Barczyk(a)/Cardinale I would like to move the minutes of August 22nd, th� 75th Anniversary Cammittee, be approved. A voice vote was tak�n. 4— 0, mation carried. N�W BUSINESS: A. �iscuss updating City web page. Charles Cardinale asked for input on information for the web page. There was discussion and it was agreed that the schedule of all events be included, and information on how to participate with the banner program and obtain T-shirts and caps. Information an the Essay contest will be included as it unfolds. The Clock Tower and paver brick programs will be included as the program is formulated. It was also agreed that messages could come back to the City in care of this Committee, and will be disbursed to the members. � (VC Kautenburg arrived.) � � � �J � � . 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTE� MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 ULD BUSINESS: A. PROJECT REPORTS: 1. Finance R�port - Nancy Veidt distributed the report to Committee members. Mark Mason gave an explanation of how the finance repprt is calculated and noted that it is a bookkeeping aid only. He also noted that there is no funding for this Cammittee, but accounting must be kept for the cost of the: 75th Anniversary activities. A f�w specific items were discussed including goal setting. There was discussian on the fund raising process for the Clock Tower and paver bricks, and the location of the Clock. 8. Clack Tower — Paver 8rick — Selling price, shipping casts. Sal N�glia made comments about paver bricks and maney spent on Committee activities. Julianne Barrett reported on infarmation she obtained abaut the paver bricks from Signmaster's of Florida. For 1,000 bricks, at a selling price of $35.00 per brick, less shipping charges, this Committee could raise $22,600. She not�d that this Company has available an application form that can be dawnloaded, cvpied, and utilized for advertising the paver bricks, and must be used for ordering each brick. Jayne Barczyk noted that the Red Cross is selling paver bricks for $75.00 p�r brick. MOTION by Barrett/Osmundson I make a motion we charge $35.00 per standard terra cotta paver, 4" x 8" x 2.25", with a maximum of three (3) lines, with fourteen (14) characters and spaces per line, from Sign master's of Flvrida, using the price on 501 to 2,000 pieces which will include shipping of $650.00, and $75.00 packing fee, a price of $11.65 per brick. Roll call: Charles Cardinale JoAnn Osmundson VC Kautenburg The vote was 6— 0. Motion carried. - yes Chmn. Coniglio - yes - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) - yes - yes Julianne Barrett - yes There was a brief discussion an obtaining sample bricks from Sign master's. There was discussion abaut presenting these decisians to City Council. There was also discussion on the location of th� Clock Tower. � �J r� � � • � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUT'ES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 MOTION by Caniglio/ I would like to make a motion that we make a presentation ta the Council that one of the desirable spots for th� clock would be on the northeast corner of U.S. 1 and Main Street. This motion dies for lack of a secand. MOTION by Kautenburg/Barrett I will move that we recammend placing the clock on the city owned property, at the location as indicated by the Clock brochure mockup. Discussion: Sal Neglia opined that the clock should be on Main 5treet and U. S. 1, not on the river. Tut Cannelly doubted that there was room at Indian River Drive and Main Street fvr the clock and paver bricks. Ghmn. Coniglio favored a site along U.S. 1 because of the recent dedicatian of U.S. 1 as a scenic highway. There were various other attitudes expressed an this issu� by various members and public. JoAnn O. suggested that more than one site should be recommended to the Council as first and second choice. Several members agreed that this Clock Tower should be a meeting place and a city center. Roll call: JoAnn Osmundson VC Kautenburg Julianne Barrett The vot� was 6— 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Osmundsan/K�utenburg - yes Chmn. Coniglio - yes - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) - yes - yes Charles Cardinale - yes I'd like ta make a motion for a second recommendatian to City Council, that the Clock Tower be placed on Indian River Drive and Main Street, on the southwest carner. Discussion: It was noted that this is a passive park and there is room for benches. 3 � • • • 75'�" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 Roll call: JoAnn Osmundson - yes VC Kautenburg - yes Charles Cardinale - yes Chmn. Coniglio - yes Julianne Barrett - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) - y�s The vote was 6— 0. Motion carried. (A break was taken from 4:20 ta 4:2$ with all members previous�y present returning.) 2. Manag�:m�nt meeting report. Julianne and Chmn. Coniglio reported that the management staff were very suppartive and coaperative in r�ference to the street party, art show and parade in December. Staff also suggested that all events be held at one location. 3. �ssay Contest. Jayne B. (a) reported that she personally visited all schools included in this contest and that they are all enthusiastic about participating. She also noted that the elementary school has volunt�ered to sing holiday songs for any special City events in December. Th�y are also available for patriotic songs. She then indicated that the schools have a November 15t deadline far the cantest, and she would like City Council members to � award medals to the top three from each school, and all cvntest entrants to attend the Time Capsule ceremony. There was discussion about school students who attend schools outside of Sebastian. Jayn� noted that the medals are available from Randy's for $3.00 each and he needs notified a few weeks ahead of time to get th� supply. She noted that she instructed the schools that by November 15t, she needs the names of all the students and their classes, and the teachers names, and the top three entrants. The schools contacted are Pelican Island Elementary, Sebastian �lementary, Sebastian River Middle School, Sebastian River High School, the Riv�r Schoal on Roseland Rd., and the new North Cnunty Charter Junior High. The Chairman asked Jayne to continue on and plan th� complete program, and she agreed. Chmn. Coniglia suggested that the elementary school choral group might be asked to sing at the Street Festival in December. 4. Health Fair — Inez Fielding was not present for a r�port. 5. School Concerts — Chmn. Coniglio suggested that flyers be made up ta be placed at various places around town to advertise the Sebastian River High School concert on Octob�r 6t" at 7:00 pm. He indicated that the program will open with Skydive Sebastian doing a fly-in, then the High School marching band will perform, and there is a passibility that the marching band from �SU may pertorm. Jayn� offered to send a publicity statement to Mr. McGraw from the radio station ta advertise this event. A letter of confirmation will be s�nt to Mr. Stutsky at the High Schaol. There was a bri�f discussion about the concert at the Middle Schaol and a letter of � verification will be sent and a clarification requested on the time of day for December 1 ��h. 4 • � � C� C� 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITT�E MINUT�S OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 6. Street Party, Parade — Expenses, budget, alcoholic beverages, flyer for Art Show After some discussion about decisions made at the managem�nt meeting, the following motions were made. MOTION by Barrett/Kautenburg I mak� a mation that we revaluate the motian made at our last meeting about the location of the stre�t dance. Roll call: VC Kautenburg - yes Charles Cardinale - yes JoAnn Osmundson - yes The vote was 6— p. Motion carried. MOTION by OsmundsonlKautenburg Julianne Barrett Chmn. Conigiio Jayne Barczyk(a) - yes - yes - yes I wnuld like to make a motion that the Committee go with the recommendation from the City to keep everything in the confined area between Captain Hiram's and Hurricane Harbor for whatever activities we hold for the December 16th and 17th Anniversary Party. Rall call: Julianne Barrett Chmn. Coniglio Jayne Barczyk(a) The vote was 6— 0. Motion carried. - yes Charles Cardinale - yes - yes JoAnn Osmundson - yes - yes VC Kautenburg - yes There was discussion on the parade route. The suggestion was made ta involve some children and th� High School Band, and as many past council persons and mayors as can make it. JoAnn not�d that these people should be honored. She commented that there will probably be a notice in the newspaper for information on signing up to be in the parade. There was discussion on the issue of a"lighted° parade, and JoAnn suggested that it be held at 5:00 pm instead of 6:p0 pm. This issue was not settled. The Chairman indicated that he is waiting to hear from Indian River Brewery and Budweiser, and Coco Cola has offered free beverage as long as they are included in the Committees advertising. VC Kautenburg noted that a decision is to b� made today on the issue of alcohol at this festival. MOTION by ConigliolKautenburg I mak� a motion that we continue to investigate the possibility of selling beer and wine at the Art Festival scheduled for December 16tn and 17tn ' � • . 7'ST" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUT�S OF REGULAR MEETING OF S�PT�MBER 12, 2000 Discussion: Chmn. Coniglio commented that h� wants to investigate prices and how the sale of alcohol would be handled. He noted that he sees how it is handled at other events with tickets sold at ane area, and the beverage served in another area. The subject of insurance was mentioned. Julianne commented that the County has tents available for use for a beer garden, etc. The Chairman noted that the Brewery and Budweiser have vehicles which contain the beverage and dispensers. He indicated that servers are needed to handle approximately two (2) hours at a time. The subject of a license to sell was discussed. Jayne noted that she is hesitant for this Committee ta sell alcahal at this event because it is a family event and things could happen by someon� taking advantage of the situation. She indicat�d that she would be more comfortable with it if it is sold and cansumed in a controlled area such as a beer garden, which would give greater control for the City and the Police. The Chairman commented on his experience at the Art Festival in Melbourne, the Friday Nigh street party in Vero Beach, and the Oceanside festival, and his opinion is that when you confine people to a drinking area, then it becomes a drinking area. Jayne reminded everyone that this is the first time it will be done in Sebastian by the City, and she is canc�rned. Julianne commented that there are two restaurants with � bars right in that area that will be open. The members all expressed their apinions on this issue. The secretary was requested to contact Chief White and ask him to inquire with the Melbourne and Vero Beach Police Departments as to whether there are any particular problems with alcohol consumption at the street affairs in their cities. JoAnn asked if there will be food vendars available. Julianne noted that a friend of hers has a big bar-b-que grill� and has offered to set up his equipment and cook at no charge, and all funds will go to the Committee. Chmn. Coniglio commented that the plan is to have uendors. Councilman Barczyk commented that there is a City Ordinance that says that no alcoholic beverage may be se�rved at any City function and if the City is sponsoring part or all of this event, it is a City function that has to be approved by the Council. He also noted that in the last five (5) years, there has never been a City function that had alcohol served or sold in a public park or street. He also noted that in December, it will be close to darkness at 4:00 pm, and with school the next day, there may be a limitation on haw many bands would be available. There was discussion on a budget for the December event. The Chairman noted that he will ask Lisanne Monier for a budget for the Art Shaw. He also indicated that he was contacted by an individual who wants ta give a presentation on providing entertainment such as finesse dancers during the day, and music in the evening. He commented that this individual seems to think she can obtain a lot of free entertainment. He will ask Liz Caldwell to attend the next m�eting to give a presentation. Julianne mentioned that she � had contact with a man whose daughter does the Irish highland dancing, and she will pursue this. . � � � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUT�S OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 � � There was discussion about an area for a stage to be placed along Indian River Drive. The Chairman explained where one could be placed and indicated that the County has a stage. JoAnn noted that the City has a stage, and tents can be obtained from the County and the Lions Club. JoAnn stressed the issue that insurance should be checked out, especially wh�re alcohol is going to be served. The Chairman will see Mr. Moore tomarraw morning about getting on City Gouncii agenda for a presentation about the December events and the Clack Tower project. The members noted the Concert in the Park this Thursday with cauntry-western music. The meeting was adjourned at 5:17 pm. 7 (9/19/00 AB)