HomeMy WebLinkAbout10242000C� � � • � � .a�'�� . _� _ �. � - ,: �r �_: � ,�. , , _v �� ,� Qa , CITY OF SEBASTIAN ` �� TH ,,,.,� .T����� .. ..,.,. . _ �,��.. 75 ANN�VERSARY COMMITT�� ��� MINUTES OF REGULAR M��TING OCTOBER 24, 2000 Chairman Coniglio called the meeting to order at 3:03 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Chmn. Coniglia welcomed Lisanne Monier, Chairwoman of the Art Shaw, and Debbie Robinson, reporter for the Pr�ss Journal. ROLL CALI.: PRESENT: VC Kautenburg Charles Cardinale (3 Inez Fielding EXCUSED ABSENCE: Jayne Barczyk(a) ALSO PR�SENT: Terry Hill, Public Works Director Mark Mason, Finance Director Ann Brack, Secretary ANNOUNCEM�NTS: Julianne Barrett 10) Betsy Connelly Chmn. Coniglio The Chairman noted that he erroneously mentioned food vendars at the last meeting, and he comment�d that he got his committees mixed up. As the members are being made aware of this today, and this topic is sch�duled for discussion an today's agenda, no carrection is necessary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOiION by Kautenburg/Connelly I move that the minutes be accepted as presented. A voice vot� was taken. 5— 0, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: ART SHOW - Lisanne Monier report�d that nineteen entrants have submitted their fe� for the Art Show, and eight more who have verbally committed, plus Lisanne and Bill Dixon, which totals twenty-nine (29) entries, and she hopes to have about forty (40). Sha listed the crafts that will be shown. There was discussion about an acceptance letter that she will be sending the entrants, and it was determined to request that Indian River Drive be closad on Friday, Dec. 15t", at �:QO pm so the artists can set up. Chmn. Coniglio noted that the City will provide security. � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING O�' OCTOBER 24, 2000 �� Lisann� sugg�:sted praviding coffee and daughnuts in the morning for the exhibitors as a gaodwill g�sture from the City. The Chairman mentioned that the Chamber might also consider a welcame of some type and he will tak� that idea to them for deliberation. Another suggestion was to make small signs with the artists name, where they are from, and include the 75th Anniversary Art Show, and Betsy volunt�ered to do this with a list provided by Lisanne. It was suggested to include a display site for the entrants of the essay contest chaired by Jayn� Barczyk. Lisanne will do a mapping layout for reproduction, and a schedule af events/program will be created. Chmn. Coniglio not�d that he has not yet received an opinion from City Council on a request far a"City photograph". It was requested that posters to advertise the �vent should be prepared, and Chmn. Coniglio agreed to handle this. Lisanne noted that she would like to s�e these posters in place a month before the event. Banners were discussed, as well as press releases and radio spots. The issue of where RV's or campers can park for overnight stays was discussed. Terry Hill suggested that City Council be requested to approv� the Good Guys property for this purpose. Lisann� turned over the money for the Artist entrance fees to Mark Mason. STRE�T PARTY -- Chmn. Coniglio noted that, accarding ta City Attorn�y Rich M Stringer, the City is permitted to get a three-day permit for beer and wine sales, and may have an ar�a for consumption. He suggested that the stage be placed about 3/a of the way down Fellsmere Rd, facing the river, and closing off the street from the stage east to include the one entrance to the CAV COR parking lot. He commented that the food vendors could be placed in that same general area, and the beer garden cauld be located n�ar the ret�ntion/valleyball court area. He suggested that the picnic tables be maved from the inside of the Park to this same area. Chmn. Coniglio then commented that he spoke to Atty. Stringer about providing a contract for food vendars to sign to verify licensing, �tc. He suggested charging them a flat f�e instead of a percentage af the profits because of the complications involved. Betsy suggested the entrance fee be included in the contract. There was discussion on this issue. MOTION by Barrett/Fielding I make a motion we give the vendors a deal and only charge them a hundred dollars ($10p.00) a day. (This refers to food vendors.) Discussion: VC Kautenburg cammented that $1 qQ.OQ per day is way tao cheap, hpwever, since there is no track record for this event, a Iower fee might be advisable this year, in the hopes that this could become an annual event, and rates would be raised in future years. C� � � • C� 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 24, 2000 � Betsy asked how many vendors are being cansidered, and Chmn. Coniglio suggested that the type of vendors should be limited so specific types of faod are not duplicated. Terry Hill suggested that a list of available vendors might be obtained from the Lions Club; Mark mentioned th� Occupatianal License list. The Secretary remind�d the m�mbers that JoAnn Osmundson was willing to prpvide any help she could to the Cammittee. Roll call; Charles Cardinale - yes Betsy Connelly - yes Inez Fielding - yes Chmn. Coniglio - yes VC Kautenburg - yes Julianne Barrett - y�s The vote was 6— 0, motian carried. Lisanne Monier suggested that the local vendors be contacted first for their participation, before going outside the area far other v�ndors. It was noted that food vendors will not be part of the Sebastian River Art Club show in the Park on the same weekend. It was also noted that it is not known yet who will sell the alcaholic beverages. Betsy C. asked if there is a provision to replace Committee members who resign, and it was noted that City Council should be notified and requested to appoint a new member to replace JoAnn Osmundson. Chmn. Coniglio agreed to draft a lett�r to Council to accomplish this issue. OLD BUSINESS: The Chairman announced that khe order forms are now availabl� for the paver bricks. He sugg�sted that these b� made available at the Chamber, at local businesses, at City Hall and on the City web site, and various other locations. Betsy suggested it also b� included in any press releases. Charles comment�d that Mr. Moare may try to include the order form in his quarterly newsletter. Betsy asked for clarification on the sites suggested for the Clock Tower, and she will b� taking pictures of th�m. Chmn. Coniglia noted that he will be attending the Council meeting the following evening and will speak on the requests for th� Street Party, etc. He also noted that he will write a letter to Council requesting appaintment of a new member for this Committee. Juliann� announced that a sample paver brick will be arriving at City Hall anytime. She also noted that Randy is keeping a running tab an the printing casts for the bann�rs. Terry H. commented that a new method of anchoring the battom of the banners is b�ing devis�d, and they will be reinstalled very soon. The status of the banner order from Sebastian River Medical Center was not known. � � � � � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF R�GULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 2�1, 20p0 � Inez F. reported that sh� and Louise K. will be at the Health Fair on 11/9/00 to represent this Cammitt�e. She alsa noted that indian River Memorial Hospital was not interested in donating ta this Committee's efforts. She was unable to get a response from Perkins Drugs. Chmn. Coniglio nnted that the Chamber of Commerce has an agr�ement with Coca Cola this year for free Coca Cola and a booth at any Chamber fiunctions an an exclusiv� basis. They also provide four (4) banners with the name of the �vent and the time. He indicated that th� Chamber has offered to provide this service to this Committee for the Art �estival, to do the preparation and man the booths with their volunteers and split the prafits from the Coca Cola sales with the Anniversary Committee. This proposal was discussed. It was noted that no other soft drink typ� could be sold at this event. This would not prevent I�monade or some other typ� non-soda type drink from being sold. MOTION by Kautenburg/Barrett I move that we accept the Chambers offer through their relationship with Coca Cola, ta pravide the booth, the manpow�r, and the advertising in return for half of the profits to be donated to the Committee. Roll call: Betsy Connelly Chmn. Coniglio Julianne Barrett The vote was 6— 0. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: - yes Inez Fielding - yes - yes VC Kautenburg - yes - yes Charles Cardinale - yes Chmn. Coniglio noted that he contacted Atty. Stringer about a contract for vendors. He has not received a reply as yet. M�MBERS MATTERS: STAFF MATTERS: ATTORNEY MATTERS: None None None The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:00 pm. (1 D/30/00 AB)