HomeMy WebLinkAbout11142000CI1Y OF • � J � r�,,a:a : r�� ���� . _ �-,�,.� � .�, �___�.aJ�'^�..�, - - -_ ���i � h101kiE �F P�LICAN ISIANl3 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHON E(561) 589-5537 ■ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2000 3:00 PM � 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 10/24/00 6. NEW BUSINESS: • A. Discuss creation of a City letter and Committee letter for placement in Time Capsule. B. Discuss other items for Time Capsule. � C. Determinte estimated budget for Anniversary Celebration 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. Discuss progress of Anniversary celebration on 12/16 & 17; 1. Form volunteer list with duties 2. Specify Plans for Beer Garden 3. Specify Parking and RV accommodations 4. Specify Food Vendors list 8� contract / Verify Coca Cola sales 5. Check on advertising banners 6. Specify plans for City Photograph with public invitation 7. Specify plans for complimentary breakfast for Artists 8. Specify plans for security 9. Finalize program & location map 10. Discuss advertising posters, etc. 11. Discuss stage acquisition and entertainment (Liz Caldwell) B. Clarify Essay Contest "Class" and "Grade" and the number of prizes/medals required. Finalize awards presentation event/locate essay display area C. Reports: Paver Bricks and Banners, Health Fair • D. Financial report 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 2 • NOVEMBER 14, 2000 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMOOATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. � u � � � �- -. ,. � J��1. _ . . �, CITY OF SEBASTIAN , . � , - � � �, ; �rv r V . ;. �d �-n �r� , �� 75�H ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � �v . .ri ��' � / /. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ��r���� �,�,��, � �' . j.. _ NOVEMBER 14, 2000 Chairman Coniglio called the meeting to order at 3:06 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Inez Fielding Julianne Barrett �etsy Connelly Chmn. Coniglio Jayne Barczyk (late) �XCUSED ABSENC�: VC Kautenburg and Charles Cardinale ALS� PRESENT: Terry Hill, Public Works Directar Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Ann Brack, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alice Russell from the Sebastian River Art Club was present and presented a check for � $500.00 to the Committee for the Clock Tower proj�ct, and read a statement for the record suggesting a location at the southeast corner of the intersection of Main Street and U.S. 1, alongside the Historical Saciety. Chmn. Coniglio thanked the generosity of the Art Club and welcomed their presence at the celebration on December 16th and 17t" at Riverview Park. Inez Fielding noted that she had a card from a vendor. The S�cretary passed araund a photograph and letter from a resident of the state of Missouri showing a City Clock. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Fielding/Barr�tt I move we accept the minutes. (10/24/00) A voice vote was taken. A� — 0, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discuss creation of a City Letter and Cammittee Letter for placement in Time Capsule. � There was discussion on this issue. � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUT�S OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 14, 2�00 MOTION by Cannelly/Fielding L. J I make a motion that Ray Coniglio pen a sample letter from the 75th Anniversary Committee to whoever opens the Time Capsule in the year 2075, in which we send aur salutations and greetings, and also request a letter from the City Council. A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. B. Discuss other items f�r Time Capsule. There was discussion on this issue, and, so far, there are the above mentioned letters, and the essays from the school children. It was noted that the size of th� capsule will be a 6" x 24" cylinder. Julianne B. suggested some seeds from plants that may not be here in the future, such as native vegetatian. Betsy C. suggested 3 ar 4 representative phatos of well known sites in the City. The City photo will be included, as well as coins of 200Q, and a newspaper of the day. The Chairman suggested that the Committee members come to the next meeting with their suggestians. Sal Neglia suggested a rost�r of the Sebastian Praperty awners be included. C. Determine estimated budget for Anniversary Celebration. � The Chairman commented that he does nat have an approximate budget total as yet, but listed the following items: entertainment, stage lighting, security 8� welcome breakfast, prize money and cost of ribbons, advertising with posters and distribution, photagrapher for the City photo, part-a-lets. Stages will be two flat-bed trucks being donated by Hale Groves, and plywaod donated by Mesa Park, and the Chamber of Commerce will donate their tent as a cover. At this point, Terry Hill passed around a photo of a city clock in Barberville, FL, provided by Sal Neglia. Terry noted that the cost of this clock was $5,000 and he had a card identifying the clock company. OLD BUSINESS: A. Discuss progress of Anniversary celebration on 12/16 8� 17 ART SHOW: Lisanne Monier reported that there are approximately farty (40) exhibitors signed up for the event, and she stressed that advertising is the next most important item. She also requested that small signs and name badg�s be created for the exhibitors. 5he then asked Nancy Veidt about cutting checks for the prizes. Nancy will check on City palicy on this issue. Lisanne noted that four (4) prize ribbons need to be purchased. She then commented that she has abtained ane judge who has a degree in art, and there was a � suggestion to ask an art instructor fram SRHS to b� the s�cond judge. • � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUT�S OF REGULAR M�ETING O� NOVEMBER 14, 2000 � The Chairman requested that Lisanne get the Iocation mapping information to Terry Hill as saon as possible. Lisanne asked for volunteers and the secretary furnished a list obtained at a previous event. ENTERTAINMENT: Liz Caldwell report�d that five (5) separate bands are lined up and four (4) of them are volunteering their time. The fifth band will cast about $1,000 and a donation of $5�Q is being obtained. They will play on Saturday night from 6:00 to 10:00 pm and will bring their own sound system. She th�n noted that she will attempt to obtain some portable type lighting from schools. If she is unable to accomplish this, she may need some funding to rent lighting. She will also att�mpt to obtain some decarating far #he stage from a landscaper, and she is attempting to line up some ather types of entertainment. There was discussian about developing a pragram listing all th� �vents for the two days. There was also a suggestion to sell adds to pay for the pragram, but it was determined that there was not enough time or personnel to accomplish this. Chmn. Coniglio suggested that if there were any volunteers to take this project on, it might be accomplished. � BEER GARDEN: The Chairman noted that there are two volunteer bartenders to serve beer at the beer garden and Sal Neglia and Terry Hill volunteered. Sal also noted that he is speaking ta his organization about this issue. The hours discussed were noon until 10:00 pm on Saturday, and noon to 5:00 pm on Sunday. Julianne Barrett volunteered to buy the tickets that will be sold. Nancy V. suggested that City employees may be required to sell the tickets and handle the money, and she will check on this. It was also noted that the area designated for drinking alcohol will be on the corner of Indian River Drive and Fellsmere Road, in the volleyball area, clase to the food vendors and the entertainment. The Chairman nated that the tables from the Park will be moved to this area. Liz Caldw�ll noted that she has heard many comments about there not being enough places to sit down to eat, etc. It was suggested that newspaper articl�s suggest that people bring lawn chairs for seating, and Terry H. noted that bleachers can be moved to that area. PARKING AND RV ACCOMMODATIONS: The Secretary furnished copies of the City Code pertaining to RV parking. Lisanne asked abaut artists coming into town with RV's and it was suggested to get approval from City Council for overnight parking an the Good Guys property. FOOD VENDORS/COCA COLA SALES: � Chmn. Coniglio mentioned that several food vendors are waiting for a contract. Four of the vendors are: John Dinello- Ital. Sausage; NNR Concessions, Palm Bay — Sausage, . 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITT�� � MINUTES OF REGULAR M�ETING OF NOVEMBER 14, 2000 � turkey legs, strawberry shortcake, & funnel cakes; Doug Ran, Blooming Onion — Blooming onians and hamburgers; Heavenly Wings from T 8� M Gardano, Vero Beach — BufFalo wings and hot dogs; Caribbean Cove, Coca Beach — fried and steamed conch, barbeque ribs and fried chicken and fish. These vendors will be signing $200 contracts. Coca Cola — Chamber of Commerc�, with all proceeds to the Committee. No contract as yet from the Beer vendor. The Chairman noted that all of these vendors have very nice presentations of their sales areas. ADVERTISING BANNERS: The Chairman mention�d the Coca Cola banners containing the event information, which he receives about a week befar� the event. Permission from the City to hang these banners will be obtained. He suggested placing some on U. S. 1. Nancy mentioned the names of the Riverfrant Bann�r sponsors and asked if they wauld be included an these banners. She indicated that there are about 4 or sa names. Chmn. Coniglio agreed to check on this. Liz Caldwell sugg�sted that checking for I.D.'s is very important in selling alcohol. She commented that the serv�rs should be trained in this issue, and if the user doesn't look at least 35 yrs. old, they shauld be carded. Servers need only be 18 yrs. of age. CITY PHOTOGRAPH/PUBLIC INVITATION: • Lisanne M. noted that John Goss has volunteered to do the photo, and she will verify this. It was noted that a"bucket" truck must be arranged. John Keyes name was mentioned, along with Ken Vickers of Charter Communications. The Committee agreed to pay for th� film and developing, but the photos are needed the next day (Sunday). COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST FOR ARTISTS: It was noted that City Council has agreed to cooperat� on funding for the breakfast. Nancy V. will check into this. Th� Chairman will check on it also. ���]=.��T�1S:1���1 The Chairman will meet with Lt. Ewert about what is needed in the area of security for the Artists and the alcoholic beverages. Lisanne commented that the artists will be on site from 6:Q0 am until closing. • : • : _ u �. •I�C•1►I'Jj]a The Chairman nated that Lisanne is doing the map, and a volunteer is needed to do the program. ADVERTISING P05TERS: � The Chairman noted that he is waiting for a caunt of the Artists and types of art, and the � � • 75T" ANNIV�RSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF R�GULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1�1, 2pQ0 � J names of the Bands, and the posters wili be ready. The Banner sponsors will be included on these posters. ESSAY CONTEST: As Jayne Barczyk had not arrived yet, the Secretary reparted that the Essay contest had been completed and the winners determined, the medals have been ordered and paid for. The Chairman requested that Jayne prepare a list of names with first, second and third place winners in each class for the press on the night that it goes before City Council. PAVER BRICKS: A sample paver brick was displayed for all present, and it was suggested that it be displayed in City Hall with the order forms. Nancy noted that eleven paver bricks have been arder�d. Lisanne asked if there is a gift card available for paver bricks that are purchased as gifts. Betsy C. suggested a certificat� type form for this purpose. This issue was discussed. Chmn. Coniglio agreed to check into this. (Jayne Barczyk arrived at the meeting at 4:1 Q pm.) BANNERS: • Chmn. Coniglio asked if the members wanted to purchase separate banners to advertise the Celebration event on US 1. Betsy suggested postponing this conversatian until word comes from Coca Cola about including the danors names on their bann�rs. HEALTH FAIR: Inez F. reported that she and L.ouise K. attended the Health Fair and distributed many forms for the paver bricks, and sold one pav�r brick. She noted that many people indicated that they would buy these bricks for Christmas presents, and suggested that the gift card idea previously discussed would be a very good idea. She also noted that they had a picture of the clock on display and it received a good reception. T-Shirts were not available at that time. Betsy C. volunteered to design a generic gift certificate for the paver brick program. It was suggested that a gift certificate at a cost of $1.00 could be displayed by the clock picture and order forms. FINANCIAL REPORT: Jayne Barczyk turned in $34.00 for the sale of T-shirts, and noted that there are two (2) shirts that did not sell. Nancy V. submitted the financial report. � � � 75�" ANNIV�RSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 14, 2000 CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBERS MATTERS: � Betsy Connelly submitted her phvtos of the Iocation at th� CAV COR property with the City Clock superimposed into the photo. Jayne B. read the letters of invitation to the entrants and winners of the essay contest and nated that she ordered thirty-seven (37) m�dals for the winners. After some discussion, it was detcrmined to change the time af entering the winning names into the time capsule to 2:00 pm on 12/17/00. Jayne invited sugg�stions from other members for any ways to make this project even better. More discussion ensued. At this point, Chmn. Coniglio announced that Jayne Barczyk has been appoint�d by City Cauncil as a full Committee member to replace JoAnn Osmundson. STAFF MATTERS: Nancy V. noted that after speaking with Mark Mason, Finance Director, it has been determined that City employees will sell tickets for alcoholic beverages at the Celebration. � The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:35 pm. u 6 (11/28/00 AB)