HomeMy WebLinkAbout11282000� C�fY OF �������� HC3ME OF' PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ■ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2000 3:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (11/14/00) . 6. NEW BUSINESS: 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. General Discussion of December Anniversary Event B. Discussion of Publicity C. Discussion of items for the Time Capsule D. Finance Report 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH D�SABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. � � � � � � � , : �:: y.,r CITY OF SEBASTIAN - � ���,` �����, � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � �`�°°° ��' � �'�.�. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ����,.,�� NOVEMBER 2$, 2000 Chairman Coniglio called the me�ting to order at 3:06 pm. The Pledg� of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALI�: PRESENT VC Kautenburg Inez Fielding Jayne Barczyk EXCUS�D ABSENCE: Charles Cardinale UNEXCUSED AgSENCE: Betsy Connelly ALSO PRESENT: Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Terry Hill, Public Works Director Ann Brack, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Julianne Barrett Chmn. Coniglio � .,.. � � � � � c.c� rv � Chmn. Coniglio announced that Charles C. is excused, and Louise K. will be arriving late. Inez F. nated that she did a presentation to AARP about the 75th Anniversary Committee and the plans for the Celebration event alang with information about the Clock tower. She alsa distributed forms for ordering paver bricks. Chmn. Coniglio nated that flyers for the December Celebration are available for distributian. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (11/14/QO) MOTION by Barczyk/Barrett I'd like to mave the minutes of the November 14th to be approved. A voice vate was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. N�W BUSINESS: None v �� � � � m � v� ��rn � � c7 ��rn -,'�� n r�*� � cn v �� rn � :z� x � • 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTE� • MINUTES OF R�GULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 28, 2000 OLD BUSINESS: � A. General Discussian of December Anniversary Event Lisanne Monier, Old Opera Hause Gallery, reported that 42 Artists have paid far booth space, plus Lisanne and Bill Dixon is 44, and she knows of at least 6 more definite commitments, plus 6 more on th� waiting list if room allows, so she is planning on at least 50 total. She noted that these are all good quality artists, and emphasized the importanc� of advertising for Sebastian's first, quality, juried show and suggested at least two newspaper articles that go inta depth about the type of warks being shown and why people should come. Nancy V. gave information about newspaper advertising and noted that the Committee shauld let her knaw what is needed and the price, for approval by City Council. There was discussion on this issue. Lisanne also agreed ta write up an advertisement for the newspaper. It was generally agreed that all facets of the Celebration should b� covered, including the fact that the profits will go towards obtaining the City Clock. It was alsa pointed out that all major spansor names should be included in all advertising. There was further discussion. Placing ads on the Sunday and Thursday before the event was suggested, which wauld be 12/10 and 12/14. A current list of major donars was discussed. � There was a consensus of the Committee to have Lisanne Monier contact Shelly Canupp to see about getting an article written about the Celebration event. � There was alsa agreement from the Cammittee to have Nancy V. check on the approved size of advertisement, then contact Lisanne for the content. Lisanne showed a sample of a boath sign that she created for the artists, and submitted a list of artist's names for name tags. She added that additional names will probably need ta be added at a later date. She also asked for 11" x 1�" manila envelopes for packets for the artists. Security and the camplimentary breakfast issues were mentioned. Lisanne is also going to attempt ta do a location map for a handout, and she mentioned press releases to local public radio stations such as FIT. Chmn. Coniglio volunteered to writ� something up and send it tomorrow to every radio station, if that is suitable to the Board. Inez suggested sending information ta Charter Communication Channel 35. TV coverage was suggested and the opinion was that it wauld be too expensive. Chmn. Coniglio nated that bath Florida Today and Sebastian Sun Newspapers indicated that they wauld like to put special articles in th� Time Capsule. There was discussion on this issue, and it was noted by various Committee members that the activities and plans af this Committee don't seem ta be common knowledge by the public at large, as yet. It was also noted by the Chairman that these newspapers want anly their article on the 2 � iSTH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 28, 2000 � 75t" Anniversary Committee in the Time Capsule. There was more discussion. Lisanne M. reparted that Jahn Goss does not have a wide-angle lens for his camera for the City group photo planned at the Celebration, and she requested help in trying to locate on�. Juliann� B. volunteered to call local photographers. Lisanne noted that it would need to be a 2 millimeter wide-angle. Terry Hill suggested that if the lens cannot be faund, but anather photagrapher has the proper equipm�nt and would tak� the photo for a fee, that his f�� should be obtain�d for Nancy for a decision about paying for it. There was discussion about the continental breakfast for the artists. It was estimated that there will be approximately one hundred (100) people attending. This discussian was pastpaned until Lauise K. arrived. Wayne Kroegle offered the use of his 35-millimeter camera with a wide-angl� lens for use for the City phato. Lisanne furnished Wayne with John Goss's phane number to dISCUSS thl5 155L1E. Wayne Kroegl�, Ex-Officio memb�r, affered to organize a parade far early January. He was advised to speak to City Manager Moore about this issue. (A break was taken from 4:03 tv 4:18 pm, with all m�mbers previausly present r�turning.) � VC Kautenburg arrived at 4:15 pm, and agreed to set up the complimentary continental breakfast for the artists at 7:00 pm at the Yacht Club, and will let Nancy know within two days what the cast will be. Chmn. Coniglio reported that plans for a stage have fallen apart, and that it could cost as much as $600 from a vendor for a stage with lighting, including set-up and removal. It was nvted that the County stage is already committed, and Mesa Park might have one that would be costly. It was also noted that the citrus industry is super busy that week- end and their equipment is being used. After much discussion, Wayne K. will attempt to locate two flatbed units, and the secretary will make an inquiry with Henry Fischer & Sons. Jayne Barczyk reported that she picked up 37 priz� medals and turned in the bill to the Finance Department far $111.0�. She also has 350 award certificates which will be delivered to fi schools tomorrow. 37 medals will be awarded to the recipients on Dec. 6tn by Mayor Barnes at 7:00 pm at the City Council meeting. Sh� th�n suggested that the winning essays be placed in the Time Capsule, and th� original essays be donated to the Histvrical Society. It was also suggested that Jayne contact the Press Journal for coverage of this issue. CJ • 75TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 28, 2000 MOTION by Coniglio/Barczyk • I make a motion that the Cammittee donate the original essays that have been submitted ta the 75t" Anniversary Committee for the cantest to be buried in the Time Capsule be donated to the Historical Society and with the stipulation that they do, from time to time, put them on display. A vaice vote was taken. �F — 0, motion carried. There was a brief discussion about the names of paid banner sponsors and other sponsors. Julianne will go through the banners and take inventory. There was discussion about items to be placed in the Time Capsule. Wayne Kroegel offered to donate some old phatos for the Time Capsule. There was discussion on this issue. Jayne B. suggested placing one of the small Sebastian phone books in the Capsule, and also "wishes" for the future of the City. Julianne suggested placing seeds from native vegetation, and a couple drawings fram the Charette group of visions for the City in the Capsule. � Inez F. suggested a photo of City Hall. Lauise K. suggested a catalog of hair styles, clothes, etc. Chmn. Coniglio suggested computer age items — a CD with information, also coins of the year 2000. Wayne Kroegle suggested photos of early police cars and fire trucks. The Committee was r�minded that the original thought was to place items from the year 2000 in the Time Capsule. Chmn. Coniglio suggested an aerial photo of the City, possibly through Terry Hill in Public Works. Nancy Veidt submitted the �inance Report. It was nated that Paver Brick order forms are available at the Chamber of Commerce, the City Clerk's office, the Press Journal office, and the Coldwell Banker Real Estate affice, as well as from all Committee members. The Chairman nated that this Committee will be sharing the Chamber's tent along with the Histarical Society. � Betsy Connelly had valunteered to design a gift certificat� for the pav�r bricks. 4 � 75r" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE ! MINUT�S OF REGULAR M�ETING OF NOVEMBER 28, 2000 Nancy itemized expenditure issues for this Committee as fallows: • Complimentary breakfast — Lauise K. — will report to Nancy within 2 days Ribbons for Art Show — have been ordered — price already obtained Posters — Chmn. Coniglio reported on this — no cost to date Newspaper Ads — will get prices Phatographer 8� film -- Julianne will line this up Portalets -- Terry Hill will get price Band — warst case scenario will be $1,0OO.Oa if na danations com� in Stage — worst case scenario - $600.00 Bucket truck far photograph — Ken Vickers has been contacted — na response yet Chmn. Coniglio asked that more flyers be copied for distribution. This wou�d be a minimal cost. Louise K. gave infarmation for an ad in the Press Journal on a Wednesday — 2 columns wide, 4 inches long, for $64.0�. There was further discussion on newspaper coverage. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:12 pm. � n LJ ��v8�oo ae�