HomeMy WebLinkAbout12122000Cmf Of r S���T��N Ho�, oF p�cacPw rs� u � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ■ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2000 3:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: ANNOUNCEMENTS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NEW BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: This will be the last meeting of this Committee. (11 /28/00) � A. General Discussion of December Anniversary Event B. Finance Report 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. C� Thes� minutes were �led without approval signatures because the board never met after this zneeting ta get them approved. Per Sally Maio, City Clerk - May 22, 2002 r 1 LJ �J � C� • � �� 'L, �.� � F CITY OF SEBASTIAN 75T" ANNIV�RSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2Qp0 ���.,r r-w ti; : :-�, �. , ���_,�x.�,,,�� t ' '' ., , . =- ��, ..-; -- , _ Fi : � �. . .." G y � .. �. E� . ,. ..... ., , r�M .. . .. .,_ ,,i �,.,_: � �,.�� .�� ,..:� ::.._....:,.�...� Acting Chairwoman Betsy Connelly called the meeting to order at 3:17 pm. Th� Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Inez Fielding Julianne Barrett Jayne Barczyk Betsy Connelly Chmn. Coniglio (arrived 3:27 pm) EXCUSED ABS�NC�: Charles Cardinale UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: VC Louise Kautenburg ALSO PRESENT: Nancy Veidt, Finance Department T�rry Hill, Public Works Dir�ctor Ann Brack, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Acting Chairwaman Connelly announced that this is the last meeting of the 75tn Anniversary Committee. Jayne Barczyk announced that she would be leaving this meeting at �:10 pm. APPROVAL O�' MINUTES: (11/28/OQ) Jayne Barczyk noted that on page 3, it should read 350 award certificates, and on the next line, it should read 37 medals instead of 35 certificates. MOTION by Fielding/Barrett I make a motion we accept the minutes. A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Julianne Barrett suggested that the 75t" Anniversary Committee have their own booth at the event at the Park on December 16t" and 17tn Lisanne Monier noted that her understanding is that the Anniversary Committee will be the only organizatian using the Chamber of Commerce tent. This issue was discussed and the Committee was satisfied. 75th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 12, 2000 T�rry Hill commented that the City employees will also have a booth to help ta promote the paver brick sales. Lisanne provided a sketch of the booth layout for the event. Issues were discussed. At this point, Chmn. Caniglio arrived to take over the meeting. There was discussion on the location of the stage and access ta electricity. There was discussion on th� suggestion for City emplayees to sell paver bricks from a different location. Nancy suggested a Iocation be determined for the four port-o-lets. Liz Caldwell noted that two bicycles were in the back of the room that were danated by Bike Depot ta be raffled off at the Celebration event. She alsa is providing posters to call attention to these bikes, and suggested they be displayed on the stage. Details of this raffle were discussed. It was determined ta purchas� two different color tickets, one for the youth bike and another far the adult bike, and have two separate drawings. Liz also noted that she had obtained a reggae band for $75.00 to replace Cherrisse, who could not make i#. Nancy reminded her to get an invoice to her befare a check can be cut. � Bike raffle tickets will sell for $2.00 �ach, 3 for $5.00. Discussian on people to man the Anniversary booth. Nancy informed the members how the money for the different sale items must be kept separate and the paver brick order forms and checks/maney must be stapled or clipped together. Several cash boxes will be provided. A sign-up sheet was suggested for attendants in th� booth. A container for raffle tickets was discussed. The drawing for the bikes will be on Sunday. A public address system was requested by Liz Caldwell for the stage. Terry Hill thaught he could get one from the golf course and will check on it. Chmn. Coniglio mentioned the vendors agreement. This issue was discussed. He noted seven (7) vendors including the coke and beer booths. Betsy Connelly submitted her draft of a gift certificate associated with the paver bricks. The members were pleased with it. There was discussian abaut asking Boy Scouts or the new Charter School for some childr�n to be present at the event to pass aut various forms and do some clean-up. D�veloping a"program" was discussed to include a schedule of bands and diagram of baoths. • Terry Hill noted that City employees will handle trash pick-up. • 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUT�S OF REGULAR MEETING OF D�CEMBER 12, 2000 Chmn. Coniglio invited all Committee members to the reception breakfast on Saturday morning, Dec�mber 16�h, at the Yacht Club at 7:00 am. Nancy inquired about the billing for the caterer, and asked if we know what pric� to charge for a cup of beer. The Chairman responded no, not at this time, and he noted that we hav�: no wine to sell. He nated that most of the beer servers are with the Homeowners Assaciation, and three bartenders from Captain Hiram's will be working. The reminder was made that age must be checked by both the beer ticket sellers, and the servers. There was discussion on this issue. Jayne Barczyk asked some questions related to the Time Capsule. She noted that she reduced the size of the list of winners of the essay contest, and copied them an to acid free paper far inclusion in the Time Capsule, the expense af which sh� is donating. She will notify the proper officials to be present at 2:00 pm on Sunday. She also submitted a note to be included in the Time Capsule. At this point, Jayne left the meeting. Julianne Barrett gave information about a local photographer, Michael Siegel, who is willing ta donate his time to take the City photo as long as his name gets on the phato. Lisanne then nated that John Goss from �ellsmere has purchased the prop�r type of camera and is ready to take the City photo. It was agreed that both photographers would show up for this project. • Betsy Connelly also had to leav� and expressed her pleasure at working with all of the Committe� members. There was some discussion about having another meeting, and it was requ�sted that the Secretary inquire about setting up an informal meeting in January, which is after this Committee afficially completes it's term on December 31, 2000. The date of January 9, 2001 was preferred. MOTION by Barrett/Fielding I make a motion we accept the draft of the letter for the Time Capsule, with additions coming from other members. A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. Inez Fielding asked if a location had been selected yet on where to bury the Time Capsule. There was discussion on this issue with no precise answer. Chmn. Coniglio adjourned the meeting at 4:30 pm. � (12/29/00 AB) � . LJ CItY OF 5���'�1 � .� Ho� oF� F�r.�cuv �s�uwn 1225 MAIN STR��T r� S@BASTIAN, �LORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ■ FAX (561) 589-256b City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHON� (561) 5$9-5330 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 MEMORANDUM DATE: December 18, 2000 TO: Sally Maio, City Clerk FROM: Ann Brack, Secretary � /�,� THROUGH: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Directo"r �" SUBJECT: 75t" Anniversary Committee The 75th Anniversary Committ�e has requested that a meeting be sch�duled for 3:OQ pm January 9, 2001 in City Council Chamb�rs to summarize the December celebration at Riverview Park. In view af the fact that this Committee expires at the end of December, 2000, please keep me informed of the outcome af this requ�st. Thank you.