HomeMy WebLinkAbout07221998 CITY OF SEBASTIAN BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 22, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 1:02 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: Present: Mr. Barczyk Mr. Connelly Mr. Munsart Mr. Napier Mr. Smith Ms. West Also Present: Thomas Frame, City Manager Janet Isman, Finance Director Nancy Veidt, Recording Secretary AGENDA MODIFICATIONS - none APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7/14/98 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING MOTION by Connelly/Barczyk I move to accept the minutes Voice vote was taken. The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carded. MEETING PROCEDURES Mrs. West suggested that meetings be informal and held in a discussion fashion. She also suggested that they proceed in an orderly fashion through the budget taking one item at a time in order. All were in agreement. MISSION STATEMENT Mr. Smith presented a proposed Mission Analysis with Specified and Implied Tasks, Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Statement of Principles. This information was compiled from information received from the City of Safety Harbor, Village of Wellington, Sebastian City Council input, and the Budget Advisory Committee input. The Committee discussed whether they wanted to include a Vision Statement along with the Mission Statement. It was decided to focus on the Mission Statement. Mr. Munsart suggested that the opening paragraph of the Mission Statement include a time frame of when a written report would be given to Council. All were in agreement that they would attempt to have the report to the Council by the 19' of August, however, the wording in the Mission Statement would be "but not later than August 26*. It was discussed that Mr. Smith's proposal was more suitable for a permanent on-going Committee rather than a temporary Committee and the information would be helpful if a permanent Committee was formed. Either the Mission Statexnent should contain a rider stating that the goals were set for an on-going Committee and this Committee would accomplish as much as possible as time permits, or the Committee would need to zero in on the most important goals. Mrs. West suggested that since there were time constraints and some redundancy in the goals the Committee should focus on goal numbers 1, 3, 5, and 10 of the proposed Mission Statement. MOTION by Barczyk I move to include paragraphs 1,2,3,4,5 and I0 in our Mission Statement. There was discussion as to which paragraphs Mr. Barczyk was identifying. The proposed Mission Statement contained an opening paragraph and bullets. Mr. Barczyk then Amended his Motion. MOTION by Barczyk/Napier I move to include bullets 1, 3, 5 and 9 in our Mission Statement, with modifications to the first paragraph to read "not later than August 26" A voice vote was taken. The vote was 6-0 - Motion carried. DISCUSSION ON BUDGET ITEMS Mrs. West suggested that the Police Department Budget not be reviewed until the next meeting when a full board would be present. Budget Message - Mr. Frame explained the drop in property values, spending patterns in individual departm~ts, and the City's contingency fund. Sunmm~ of Expenditures by Department - Mr. Frame explained that Community Development had been divided into Growth Management and Building Department. Funding Sources - no comments Employee Distribution - Mr. Frame noted that the Roads & Drainage Foreman Position has been reclassified to a Maintenance I. Staff concluded that a worker was more desperately needed at this time and Staff did not want to reorganize the department until a Public Works Director was hired. All Funds Summary - Questions were asked regarding building permit fees, impact fees and fines and forfeitures. Explanation was given by Mr. Frame and Ms. Isman. General Fund Summary of Revenue and Expenditures - no comments 2 General Fund Revenues -Ms. Isman explained the Appropriated Beginning Balance and Revenues received from the State. Legislative - no comments City Manager - Typographical errors were noted in line item 512-490 and line item 512-400. Mr. Frame explained travel policies. Ms. Isrnan explained that there was an additional need for computer supplies since the Purchasing Agent had acquired a new computer. Mr. Frame and Ms. Isman explained Year 2000 compliance for the City's computers. City Clerk - Ms. Isrnan explained computer paper and copy paper purchases which were budgeted in City Clerk and Finance. She also explained that there was 2 years let~ on the Capital Lease on the copier. Mr. Frame explained that salaries are plugged with a 3% increase. Since the City is in the process of Union negotiations, they do not know what the actual outcome will be. Mr. Frame explained the City's deferred compensation. Finance - Ms. Isman explained that there was an additional need for overtime due to the purchase of a new financial system. Systems will have to be run side by side for 3 months. Legal - Mr. Frame explained that Council had added $30,150.00 to the Professional Services budget since the City is examining alternatives of hiring a new City Attorney. Police - Mr. Munsart requested that he obtain some input on the Police Budget since he will not be attending the next meeting. Chief White was called. Mr. Munsart questioned the new vehicle purchases. ChiefWhite explained that the City had a policy of Take ~ cars for officers who live in the City limits. The Department currently has 28 vehicles plus a military surplus truck. Based on usage and mileage, the cars need to be turned over at 75,000 miles while there is still some residual value. The biggest element of wear and tear is not the mileage but the time on the engine. The Department gets 3 to 4 years out ora vehicle, ffthe City maintains the Take Home policy, there is a need to replace one fourth of the fleet each year, which is 7 vehicles. If the cars were used around the clock, they would have to be replaced every year. The Chief explained the advantages of Take Home car plans. Questions were asked regarding the additional personnel. Chief White explained that the depammmt would like 2 officers per thou~ residents. He noted the population growth and commercial grown in the City. Chief White does not anticipate any decrease in overtime with the addition of the new officer. He explained that overtime is 50% mandated by Union contract and the rest is to fill in shortages. He has made a commitment to City Council to have four officers on duty around the clock, and will have to use overtime to meet that. He explained dispatchers scheduling needs and the need for an additional position. The Police Budget will he addressed again at the next meeting. Human Resource - Mr. Frame noted that Professional Services were moved to Regular Salaries since an m-house Human Resource Director is being hired. The need for additional money for Employee Background Test is for drug testing for new employees and CDL drivers, which is a Federal Requirement, and $3,000 for Police Officer physicals to che~ fitness for duty. Growth Management - Mr. Frame noted that this is a split of the old Community Development Deparlxnent. The Digital Camera is for Code Enforcement. Right now we have to buy Polaroid film, this will reduce costs for film, provide better pictures and better storage. The camera will also be used for other purposes. The Mapping Software is for setting up a mini GIS system. There is a CAD system in Public Works and they are adding a work station in Growth Management to have capacity for Zoning Maps. The soRware is necessary to support this system. The legal fees are for an attorney for prosecutor for the Code Enforcement Board. Some of the money can be attributed to start up costs. Florida Statutes state the City Attorney can represent the Code Enforcement Board or the Staff, however the City Attorney cannot represent both. Building Depamnent - Mr. Frame explained that this Department is a break out of the old Community Development DepmOnent. The revenues for Building Permits will not be mixed with General Fund Dollars. Any money not expended will roll over into Building Department surplus. There are no comparative budget numbers since this is a new department. The goal is to operate as the depamnent as self supporting. Some work done in the department does not generate revenue. There was a question asked regarding the ratio of staff to secretaries. Mr. Frame explained that secre~xies do additional work outside of secretarial jobs such as permitting clerks, permitting technicians, and contractor licensing. He stated that job titles do not reflect the actual work being performed by clerical staff. General Questions - It was noted that Salaries and Benefits constitute most of general fund. Ms. Isman stated that 68% of non-capital outlay in for personnel services. The $300.00 per month for health insurance was questioned. Ms. Isman explained the City pays only employee coverage and the employee pays for all dependent coverage. Mr. Frame explained that several years ago the City Council opted to up some salary issue, in exchange for dropping ~t coverage on health insurance. At that time a number of employees secured their own depogient health insurance because they were able to buy it cheaper. The City ended up with the adverse selection and a much smaller pool. STAFF COMMENTS - none PUBLIC INPUT - Ben Bishop - Suggested that the Public should have input wlum Department heads are present so experts will bc available when questions arc asked. The Committee agreed that Public should be able to speak when necessary through out the meetings. ADJOURNlVlENT Meeting adjourned at 3:52 p.m. 4 CITY OF SEBASTIAN BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE MISSION STATEMENT THE BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE REVIEWS THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN ON BEHALF OF ALL THE CITIZENS OF SEBASTIAN AND PROVIDES FEEDBACK AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN A WRITTEN REPORT TO BE FORMALLY PRESENTED AT A CITY COUNCIL MEETING BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUDGET BY THE COUNCIL, BUT NOT LATER THAN AUGUST 26, 1998. IN CONDUCTING ITS REVIEW THE BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE WILL ACCOM?LISH THE FOLLOWING: REVIEW THE BUDGET AND INSU1LE THAT ALL EXPENDITURES ARE JUSTIFIED AND ADVISE THE COUNCIL ON AREAS THAT NEED ADDITIONAL SCRUTINY. REVIEW THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN'S BUDGET ANALYZING NOT ONLY EXPENDITUI~S BUT ALSO PROJECTED AND REALIZED REVENUES. REVIEW AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE PROPOSED BUDGET OF THE CITY, CONSIDERING PUBLIC NEEDS, CURRENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, AND THE OVERALL FISCAL CAPABILITIES OF THE CITY. PUBLISH REPORTS CONCERNING THE COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND FINDINGS AND TO INCREASE PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN FISCAL DECISIONS COMING BEFORE THE CITY.