HomeMy WebLinkAbout07291998C~y of Sebest~mt 1225 MAIN STREET I-1 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561J 589-5330 a FAX (5611 589-5570 PUBLIC NOTICE BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF SEBASTIAN INDiAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA The Budget Advisory Committee will conduct a meeting on Wednesday, July 29, 1998 at 1:00 p.m. or soon thereafter, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Budget Advisory Committee with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and my need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (286.0105F. S.) In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who need a special accommodation for this meeting should contact the City'sADA coordinator at 589-5330 at least 48 hours in advance of this meeting. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 [] FAX (561) 589-5570 CITY OF SEBASTIAN BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 29, 1998 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APPROVED AT MEETING HELD N~/~~, SECKETAKY CITY OF SEBASTIAN BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 29, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 1:02 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: Present: Mr. Barczyk Mr. Connelly Mr. Napier Mr. Smith Ms. West Mr. Bishop Excused Absence: Mr. Munsart Also Present: Thomas Frame, City Manager Janet Isman, Finance Director Nancy Veidt, Recording Secretary Chuck Neuberger, Council Member Dennis White, Police Chief Pat Cerjan, Golf Pro Martha Campbell, City Engineer AGENDA MODIFICATiONS - none APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7/22/98 MOTION by Cormelly/Napier I move to accept the minutes of the July 22 meeting. Voice vote was taken. The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carded. OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS - Discussion of budget items POLICE Mr. Frame noted that the most significant increase in cost was the additional personnel, one Police officer, which is supported by grant funds, and one communications technician. Chief White presented a brief overview of his budget. He is seeking to add an additional officer to keep abreast of the growth in the conununity. Previous Council had approved a ratio of two officers per thousand of population, which is below the average for City's our size in the area. The COPS Grant will pay $75,000 for three years and the City makes up the difference. The Police Department is trying to replace one-fourth of his fleet per year. They need reliable vehicles. He is trying to match the car to thc need. The cars have extended warranties for 5 years or 75,000 miles. The cost for warranty are $700 to $1200 per ear. There is a need to staff dispatch around the clock. Currently there are 7 dispatchers. We would need 8 or 9 dispatchers to fully staff around thc clock. Mr. Smith expressed concerns regarding the costs of keeping the dispatch system in-house. He questioned whether the response times are slower keeping our current system compared with having the County handle the calls. Chief White explained the current dispatch system along with the advantages oftmmfel-ring the dispatch operations to the County. Mr. Smith questioned whe0~r we are spcading more money for a slower response time that we could have for less money. ChiefWhite respomted "Absolutely". Mr. Smith feels the Committee needs to send a message to the Council to take another look at this issue. The Committee decided to listen to presen~ from other departments and come back to this issue. There was discussion regarding a Police employee who is not working within his job title for medical repons and possible resolutions to the issue. Mr. Connelly questioned the officer working for the County's MACE Unit. ChiefWhite explained the advantages. Questions were asked regarding the increase in Object 410 - Communications and Postage - Chief White explained the addition of Intemet Access, 800 Mhz Lines, and ANI/ALI Transfers. Questions w~re asked regarding Object 527 - Uniforms and Shoes - Chief White explained that the City planned on replacing 6 ballistic vests at $450.00 each. An explanation of Object 151 - ~tive Pay - was requested. It was explained that the City is reimbursed from General Revenue Sharing from Traffic Tickets and Criminal Charges. The Officers take specified courses and are paid each month for their training. It was explained that the City anticipated reduction in Object 431 - Electric - due to the new air conditioning system being more efficient. Chief White explained Object 351 - On line services - is used for background investigation on suspects. The average call is 8 minutes per inquiry, we are budgeted for 20 hours. It was quea~ioned why money was budgeted in Object 359 - Investigations - since it was never used. Chief White explained that it was them if we needed it. It has been used in previous years. Ms. Isman advised the Committee that $17,750 for defibrillators has been deleted from Object 640. GOLF COURSE Mr. Frame explained that thc Golf Course was not subsidized by tax payers. Thc Golf Course operates off of it's revenues and is totally supported by it's fees structures. The management and maintcxmnce of the Golf Course is contracted out to private companies. The advantages and disadvantages of using Goff Course Revenues for the General Fund were discussed. The advantages of the addition to the restaurant were discussed. Mr. Frame explained that the 2 maintenance contract calls for ISS to supply all equipment and there is some confusion on the matter. There was discussion regarding fee schedules and membership fees. Ms. Isman explained the effects of Capital Outlay and Depreciation on anticipating the actual net income of Enterprise Funds. ENGINEERING Martha Campbell presented an overview of the Engineering Department. There was a substantial decrease in Professional Services (Object 310) due to the fact that there is an on-staff engineer. There was an error in computation for the handheld radio (Object 640). The 640 budget will be cut from $2,280 to $1,170. The Public Work Director's salary was incorrectly shown at $45,000, it should be $51,000. Mr. Connelly lei~ the meeting at 2:55. Mr. Bishop questioned the lump sum bonus. Mr. Frame explained that this amount was dropped due to contract negotiations. ROADS AND DRAINAGE Ms. Campbell gave a brief presentation of the restructuring of the Roads and Drainage crews with the addition of two positions. She also explained the requests for a walking excavator and vacuum truck. Mr. Frame explained the need for additional overtime for the 4~h of July celebration. BUILDING MAINTENANCE Mr. Frame explained that the budget was down due to the reduction of Capital Outlay. CENTRAL GARAGE Ms. Campbell explained cut backs in operating supplies and capital equipment and the increase in telephone for Internet access. Mr. Frame explained that safety shoe costs were in the process of PARKS Mr. Frame explained that the budget was down due to the reduction of Capital Outlay. There was discussion regarding user fees for recreational facilities. The Little League Concession stand and a possible Skate Board Park were also discussed. Mr. Frame explained liability issues. NON DEPARTMENTAL Mr. Frame explained that total non<~perating expenses were cut almost in half. The most significant impact was that "Undistributed" was dropped from $250,000 to $125,000. He doesn't anticipate drawing on this fund next year. Ms. Isman explained the Paving Loan was the beginning of a 15 year loan. This is the last year on the CavCorp Loan. CDBG Ms. Isman explained that this for in for developing the CavCorp Property and adding some sidewalk and lighting along the Riverfront. Except for the auditing costs, the entire fund is funded by the Grant. DEBT SERVICE FUND Ms. Isman explained that this fund was solely for the Riverfront Waterline Assessments. We paid for the project through a loan and are collecting thc assessngnts and paying back the loan. AIRPORT Mr. Frame explained that this is an Enterprise Fund. The Revcaues come from the tenants at the Airport. The largest single tenant is the Golf Course, which pays $51,000. We collect rent and fuel flow from the tenants. Mr. Frame explained improvements which have been done and improvements scheduled in the Capital Improvement Budget. STAFF COMMENTS - none COMMITTEE COMMENTS - none PUBLIC INPUT - none ADJOURNMENT - Meeting adjourned at 4:15 pm 4