HomeMy WebLinkAbout01061997 CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZAN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 6, 1997 Chairperson Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:07 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT:' Chprsn. Ruth Sullivan David Dabrowski George Reid Anthony Donini Stanley Kmlikowski ALSO PRESENT: Bob Massarelli, Community Development Director Ann Brack, Recording Secretry APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of minutes of December 17, 1996. Chairperson Sullivan noted several changes to the December 17 minutes on page two (2): 1. (paragraph three (3) Chairperson Sullivan commented at this time on the removal of Fellsmere Road, or closing it. She was adamantly opposed to closing Fellsmere Road, or accepting the conceptual drawings presented tonight, which she "said specifically showed Fellesmere Road removed". '~ 2. (paragraph five (5) Chairperson Sullivan noted that on every set of conceptual plans it says "removal of road by others". She indicated that there was no agreement on "closing the road". There "had been" no vote on it. '~ 3. (paragraph nine (9) Chairperson Sullivan again refused to accept "the plans as shown, saying 'the conceptual plans should have shown the road as it exists and open, since changes on the road were not covered by the grant'". ~ MOTION by Krulikowski/Donini I make a motion we accept the minutes as read and corrected. A voice vote was taken. 5 - 0 motion carried. CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1997 Chairperson Sullivan stated "when this committee was formed, we agreed that the agenda format would be the same as followed by the City Council. And that is, that the MEMBERS MATTERS would be down with CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS, STAFF MATTERS, etc. at the end of the agenda where there are items that would not be acted on, because I think it's illegal. It's certainly a violation of government's open air requirements, to put something on which you are going to act that night, without identifying the matter. I think that this was done innocently, I don't think it was done deliberately, but I don't want to see it repeated because it not only violates our agenda format, but any proposed action taken under a blind agenda item like that is a hidden action from the people of the community. It's a possible violation of laws governing the requirements to advise the public of agenda items that are to be acted upon by this or any other committee. Having stated that, I will go ahead and open that item. And I know what it is and I'm not going to challenge that it be moved anywhere else because I know it concerns me". MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Donini inquired about appointment of alternates to this committee, and commented that a resolution is going before City Council this week to add two (2) alternates to this committee. If the Council approves, the City Clerk will advertise to the community for two (2) alternates to this Committee. He complimented the Mayor for making this recommendation. Mr. Krulikowski asked to be informed of the events of the December 17, 1996 meeting, and Chairperson Sullivan did so. Mr. Reid offered information that he noted on Saturday, during the Craft show at the Park, how many cars and trailers were parked on the CAV CORP property. He is opposed to the wording of the grant in reference to "blighted area". OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR CAV CORP PROPERTY At this point, Chairperson Sullivan read into the minutes of this meeting, a flyer titled "Closing Fellsmere Road", a copy of which is attached. Chairperson Sullivan also gave parking lot counts from New Year's day, January 1, January 4 and January 5, 1997 at the CAV COP& property. Mr. Phil Kautzman of 1526 Haverford Lane, Sebastian, asked ifa study was ever done as to where the vehicles come from. Chairperson Sullivan responded that they come from all over, and by law, the Mare Street boat ramp must be open to all, as it was built with Federal funds. CITIZENS ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1997 Mr. Massarelli, at this point, was asked to show the site plan on the overhead screen. He also explained the history of the development of these conceptual plans, starting with a special, advertised meeting on October 22, 1996, at which time approximately fifty (50) people attended. This assembly divided into five (5) groups, each group working up a suggested plan. These suggestions were turned over to CRA Engineering in Tallahassee, who worked up conceptual plans from these suggested plans. He displayed the engineer's plans plus a plan worked up by staff. He also noted that these plans depict sixty-four (64) boat-and-trailer spaces which would equate to one hundred twenty-eight (128) car spaces, and plans reducing parking to sixty-four (64) car spaces which would equate to 32 boat-and-trailer spaces, which would be the minimum required to meet the grant requirements. He proceeded to depict a plan for low maintenance, low impact design using mostly grass, some landscaping and benches. Retention-type ponds would only be used if necessary. He noted that this group of people from the public was very strong about maintaining park area. One of the plans proposed mukiple use of the property, depending on the need at the time. He emphasized the fact that there is no thought to paving this property except at the entrances for the purpose of traction for heavy vehicles. He also noted that the grant provides approximately two hundred ninety-five thousand dollars ($295,000) for this project. He explained that the estimated costs for the low maintenance, low impact proposal is considerably less than the aforementioned amount, which would allow a remainder to be used for benches, lighting, repaying Indian River Drive, landscaping, or recreation facilities. Mr. Krulikowski inquired about the continued practice of renting the park for church carnivals, etc. Mr. Massarelli responded that City Council has directed staffto develop a use policy for the parks and similar properties. Mr. Krulikowski suggested that a couple of access points be placed at this property, the rest of the area lef~ as is, and the grant money spent somewhere else. Mr. Massarelli noted that City Council had already made the decision to apply for this money, they have approved the concept of putting parking in this area. He also noted that the committee here tonight is charged with determining the best plan or design for utilizing the grant money. There was discussion on what could possibly happen if the grant money is not used. Chairperson Sullivan suggested that since there is probably a majority of this committee that is not happy with these plans, that "we have the authority to make any recommendations that we care to to the City Council, and then it is up to them to decide what they want to do". Mr. Massarelli asked for input from the committee as to what would make this a viable project. Chairperson Sullivan inquired about the idea of closing Fellsmere road and extending the park across the road thereby closing offthe road. Mr. Massarelli addressed this subject with information that the Department of Transportation and Indian River County are doing some design changes associated with the twin pairs project that CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1997 makes the closing of this area of Fellsmere Road not a viable choice. He felt this should be put to rest. Chairperson Sullivan asked if Main Street is viable for closure. Mr. Massarelli responded that Main Street is one of the streets that must remain open for access to Indian River Drive. He also gave information about directional turning from other streets in this area onto U.S. # 1 in connection with the twin pairs project. Chairperson Sullivan read a list of several issues that she felt were negative toward development of the parking area at the CAV CORP property. She referred to another property previously purchased by the City at Main Street and Indian River Drive, behind the Chamber of Commerce, and loss of parking area to drainage. She also brought up the issue of charging for parking at the CAV CORP property, and the requirements that go along with using grant money. She also noted that the present use of this property is good and doesn't need to be changed. Mr. Donini suggested improving this property without interfering with the parking on it. He suggested using some money to improve the property, be in compliance with the grant, and still have plenty of parking available, add some landscaping, but eliminate any curbing. He felt that the City has an opportunity to use Federal funds to greatly improve on the natural resources by the river. Mr. Massarelli suggested trying to use any one of the present plans as a beginning and working from it to make the changes needed. Chairperson Sullivan noted that the property as it is presently being used is multiple purpose, and any improvements, such as landscaping, would take space away from the parking area, and she wasn't in favor of any of the plans presented. Mr. Massarelli again asked if there was anything that could be done to improve the property, or was it perfect as is. Mr. Dabrowski noted that this property at its current use fulfills its design criteria perfectly. It could be made prettier with some landscaping. The last conceptual drawing was the least offensive, but not the most approved. He understands stabilizing the ground, but pointed out that after having been used for parking for some years, there hasn't been a problem with the ground. He could visually accept what staff was proposing. But he felt that City Council may not have made a good decision in this matter.. He suggested that improvements on this property could be done minimally, in-house, as time and money become available, possibly without grant money. He mentioned improving boat ramps, possibly with grants specifically designed for this. He suggested sending the grant money back. Mr. Reid suggested that the grant money be used, applying a small portion of it to create one hundred fifty (150) parking spaces, some of it for landscaping, and the rest for the other items. CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1997 Mr. Massarelli noted that we would not have to re-apply for the grant, that we could obtain a grant amendment, but it must be for items identified in the original plan. Dr. Ralph Monnett of 12509 Roseland Road spoke against the grant. Mr. Donini noted that if alternates had been in place at the last meeting, we could have avoided the issue of Chairperson Sullivan having to remove herself. Ms. Carolyn Corem spoke in favor of landscaping and some large trees. Mr. Massarelli noted that Community Development Block Grant money is not typically used for boat ramp programs. There are other grant programs for this. Mr. Charles Silva of Tulip Drive in Sebastian reported a vehicle count taken at various times, recently. He also noted that at one time, the normal traffic increase in Sebastian was 6.9% per year. He was in favor of some charge being made to park. Discussion took place on annual passes for parking, being made available to everyone. Mr. Don Parker, a Sebastian homeowner and boat owner, was in favor of larger boat-trailer parking spaces and wider turning areas. Mr. Craig Swit~ of Sebastian spoke in favor of a twenty (20) foot apron at the access area at the Main Street boat ramp. Mr. Ray Kemp of 1301 Thomh/ll Lane spoke in favor of leaving the CAV CORP property as it is and sending the grant money back. Mr. John Saltvedt of 1155 Coverbrook Lane spoke in favor of keeping the CAV CORP property as is. Mr. Larry Paul of 1701 Sunset Lane, who had been at the October 22, 1996 meeting, was in favor of seeing the City of Sebastian grow and progress, and suggested a compromise between the two groups, and using the grant money to enhance the parking area. In response to a question from Chairperson Sullivan, Mr. Massarelli noted that if we do not proceed ahead with the parking project, we will not have enough points to maintain our eligibility for the funds, so we lose all of the money. If we proceed with a parking project, we have to abide by City codes with a ten (10) foot wide landscape buffer along the edge. He suggested working up a plan for minimal improvements to the property, but just enough to satisfy the grant requirements. He stressed the fact that any one of the conceptual plans could be severely changed to satisfy the desires of this committee and the public. Mr. Dennis Green, 143 Filbert Street, a Sebastian homeowner and boat-owner spoke in favor of keeping property as it is. CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1997 Captain Mike Mayer of Vero Beach spoke in favor of keeping the property as it is. MOTION by Sullivan/Krulikowski I move that the proposals - the plans that were submitted to the Task Force Committee, all four of them, be rejected, that the park be lef~ in its natural state for public parking, and that, with the understanding, of course, that Fellsmere Road is - will be - remain open, and that the grant - staff can (write) work with the grants writer to see if there are any other areas that are in keeping with what the desires of the people are, for improving the area, and I'm not talking about the Park area. Discussion: Mr. Donini asked for clarification on the phrase "natural state", do you mean completely untouched or do you mean adding a few amenities to comply with the grant and still provide parking for all the people who use it now? Chairperson Sullivan responded that she was "calling it a natural park, and I'm saying leave it in its natural state". Mr. Reid asked for the motion to be read back. Chairperson Sullivan added to the motion" further grants that would pertain to boat ramp improvement, refurbishment, and that kind of thing". Mr. Massarelli noted at this point that if the grant is amended to delete the parking, there will not be enough points to remain eligible for the money. Mr. Donini again suggested using the grant money minimally on the CAV CORP property to meet minimum parking requirements of the grant, and use the remainder of the grant money on other items such as lighting, etc., thus blending the grant availability with the wishes of the people. He urged compromise. Mr. Reid suggested that this council recommend to the City Council that the City staff rework the proposed grant project to spend minimal to satisfy the grant requirements for the sixty-four or more spaces, and reapportion the remainder of the money to landscape, lighting, benches, etc., as specified. Mr. Krulikowski asked how the points were applied in this grant. Mr. Massarelli explained how the grant is rated and our ranking. We were the lowest ranked for funding. If we lose points such as would happen if we take away the parking, projects below us would have more points than we would, therefore we would lose the funding. 6 CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1997 At this point, Chairperson Sullivan noted that she was prepared to call for the question, people can decide if they want to keep the park in the natural state, or if they want to accept any of these plans. If they want to accept any of these plans, then they vote no; if they want to keep the park in the natural state, they vote yes. She called for the question. Mr. Reid - No Mr. Donini - No (Only two members voted.) The motion failed. MOTION by Donmi/Reid I move that we accept the preliminary site plan, as prepared by City staff, to comply with the sixty four (64) parking spaces, while leaving at least eighty per cent (80%) of the property for open use. We recommend no impervious paving except at driveways and aprons, and we recommend that there by no curbing added. The remaining grant funds are to be used to improve - meaning repave - Indian River Drive, to add landscaping, park benches and unobtrusive lighting along the DOT walkway, along Indian River Drive; we recommend that a minimum amount of grant funds be spent on the CAV CORP property, and that Fellsmere remain untouched. Discussion: There was much discussion on where impervious paving would be used, drainage, what eighty percent (80%) of open space represented, and analyzing possible amendments. At this point, Mr. Donini amended the motion: MOTION by DoninilReid I move that we recommend to City Council that a minimum amount of the grant funds be spent on the CAV CORP property to comply with sixty-four (64) parking spaces, while leaving eighty per cent (80%) or greater of the property for open uses. We recommend no impervious paving except at driveways and aprons. There will be no curbs added. The remaining grant funds are to be used to improve - repave Indian River Drive; to add landscaping, and unobtrusive lighting along the DOT walkway; and add park benches in the public park areas. We recommend that Fellsmere Road remain untouched; and that the landscape buffer along the edges of the park be grass, only. A voice vote was taken. The vote was 5 - 0, motion was unanimously earned. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS: None STAFF MATTERS: None CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1997 Chairperson Sullivan adjourned the meeting at 9:26 P.M. Closin~ Fcllsmcrc. Road .~?~d"h V.-:q!~.,m~,~,'c !.~,;.,,;'.d :~d '~'t:_~iu '~t'reer are the oniv nra direct road~ CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APPROVED AT MEETING HELD ', ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY GERRY KUBES, SECRETARY City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 n FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1997 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 17, 1996 4. MEMBERS MATTERS: 5. OLD BUSINESS: 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR CAVCORP PROPERTY 7. PUBLIC INPUT: 8. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS: 9. STAFF MATTERS: 10. ADJOURN: NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. CATF.DOC City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET g SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [:] FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN STREET INDIAN RIVER COUNT~ FLORIDA THE CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WILL HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING ON MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1997, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. GERRY ~S, .qECRETARY ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY iN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. CATF.DOC