HomeMy WebLinkAbout03161999 CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE BOARD MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 16, 1999 Chairman Dabrowski called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Thomas Connelly Chmn. David Dabrowski George Reid Anthony Donini Salvatore Neglia Cindy Lou Dierkes(a) EXCUSED ABSENCE: Chuck Neuberger(a) ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Martha Campbell, City Engineer Ann Brack, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (11/18/98) MOTION by Donini/Neglia I move that we approve the last meeting's minutes. A voice vote was taken. 5 - 0 motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: None A. DISCUSSION ON THE USE OF THE REMAINING CDBG GRANT FUNDS OF $6,OOO Mr. Hass reported that the actual dollar amount is six thousand three hundred sixty-three dollars and thirty-two cents ($6,363.32) left over from this Grant. He proposed the following options: 1. Send the money back to DCA. 2. Choose items directly related to the lighting along Indian River Drive or the CAV COR property, such as banners on the lights. CRA had received a price of two hundred dollars ($200) each for approximately thirty-three (33) banners. Installation would be done by City staff. Several different options would be available for these banners. 3. Additional landscaping or landscape lighting. 4. Bike racks at the CAV COR property. CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF MARCH 16, 1999 Mr. Hass noted that whatever the expenditure, it must be directly related to either the CAV COR property or the lighting. He also suggested doing benches and trash receptacles along the walkway. He noted that the Grant proposal included the possibility of purchasing twenty (20) benches, which means that fewer benches would not be considered. He went on to explain the effect this issue would have on obtaining future Grants. There was much discussion on the option of benches. An approximate price on quality benches was around $700 to $800 each. Chmn. Dabrowski suggested that the banners and trash receptacles may be more sensible because of the cost involved. During the discussion, Mr. Reid suggested pricing some benches made out of reclaimed plastic, which seem to be very strong. Mr. Connelly mentioned that some people are criticizing the lights as far as placement and wattage. Landscaping was discussed, as well as trash receptacles. Mr. Hass noted that from information he has received, this money will have to be spent by late in April. He also explained what the ramifications would be on future Grants if fewer than twenty (20) benches were considered as it would be a violation of the present Grant. in addition, he noted that permission from property owners would have to be obtained to place benches at the edge of the walkway. There was discussion about bike racks and landscaping, and installation costs for benches and trash receptacles. Different types of benches were discussed. MOTION by Donini/Reid I would like to make a motion that the Citizen's Advisory Task Force recommend to City Council that we use the remaining sixty-three hundred dollars ($6,300) in the HUD Grant for the purchase of twenty (20) benches along the dverfront; the simplest, most inexpensive within that budget, and the simplest, most inexpensive to install and maintain. Discussion: There was much discussion on the motion along with other issues. One Board member questioned the need for a motion. Roll call: George Reid - yes Anthony Donini - yes Salvatore Neglia - no Thomas Connelly - no Chmn. Dabrowski - yes CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF MARCH 16, 1999 The vote was 3 - 2. Motion carried. MOTION by Neglia/Connelly I'd like to make a motion, we recommend to the City Council that staff looks into spending the monies for landscaping and banners on the poles for Christmas decorations. Roll call: Thomas Connelly - yes Anthony Donini - no Chmn. Dabrowski - yes Salvatore Neglia - yes George Reid - no The vote was 3 - 2. Motion carried. There was further discussion on which issue should be priority #1, and which would be priority #2. Mr. Hass indicated that, tomorrow he would discuss these issues with the representative from CRA for further input, before presenting it to City Council. MOTION by Connelly/ I move that Mr. Tracy, in his meeting with Mr. Johnson, I think slated for tomorrow, to investigate other possible avenues in which to consume this sixty- three hundred dollars ($6,300). Mr. Hass noted that his understanding is that Mr. Johnson wanted this Board to do this, and then Tracy would take the priorities back to Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson would then investigate further to see how the Grant would treat these priorities and which would be feasible. After further discussion, Mr. Connelly withdrew his motion above. Mr. Hass noted that CRA will determine if holiday banners would be permissible or if they must be year-round banners. There was a consensus that the recommendation for benches is the first priority, and the recommendation for landscaping and banners is the second priority. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Donini requested that these meetings be scheduled in the evening from now on, as it is very, very difficult for him to attend in the afternoon. Chron. Dabrowski noted that he has the same problem, as did Cindy Dierkes. Chron. Dabrowski adjourned the meeting at 4:15 pm. (Secretary's note: Cindy Dierkes' vote should not have been included, but removal of her vote did not change the outcome of any motion or consensus.) (3/17/~9 AB)