HomeMy WebLinkAbout10191998City of Sebastian ]225 MAIN STREET rq SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 tELEPHONE IS61) S59-5537 [] FAX 156]1 589-2566 AGENDA CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1998 3:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL: 4. MINUTES: APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING OF 6/10/98 5. OLD BUSINESS: 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. DISCUSSION OF LIGHT POLE LOCATIONS B. DISCUSSION OF DRIVEWAYS ON CAV CORP PROPERTY 7. PUBLIC iNPUT: 8. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ADJOURN: NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE. AGENDA. DOC City of Sebastian ]225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 r~-LEPHONE (56~)S89-SS37 [] FAX (S6~)S89-2S~ PUBLIC MEETING CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN STREET INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA THE CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WiLL HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1998, AT 3:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. GERRY KI~ES, SECRETARY ANN BP.ACK, RECORDING SECRETARY CITITI~,N ADVISORY TASK FORCE 'NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON TIlE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SIr[E WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILiTIF-S ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOU'RS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. TWO OR MORE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE OF THIS MEETING. PUBMTG.DOC CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APPROVED AT MEETING HELD ~VI~~ D~ROWTi' CHAiRI~ERSON ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY GERRY KUBES, SECRETARY CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE BOARD MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1998 Chnm Dabrowski called the meeting to order at 3:10 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Thomas Connelly Chmn. Dabrowski Cindy Lou Dierkes(a) Anthony Donini Salvatore Neglia Chuck Neuberger(a) EXCUSED ABSENCE: George Reid ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Ann Brack, Recording Secretary (Mr. Thomas Frame, City Manager, and Ms. Martha Campbell, City Engineer were also in attendance.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (6/10/98) Mr. Donini noted that on page 2 of the minutes of 6/10/98, sixth paragraph, there was a typo error on the remainder balance, and his figures did not match those of the minutes. His figures were $435,550 for the contract amount, and $37, 658 for the contingency amount, which agreed with Joe Miller's letter of May 12. MOTON by Cormelly/Donini I move we accept the minutes of June 10, 1998 meeting as amended. A voice vote was taken. 5 - 0 motion carried. The secretary noted that an alternate member would be voting today, and it needed to be established who would fill that role. Mr. Neuberger (Councilman and CATF Board member) was chosen to vote, and he expressed his desire that Cindy Dierkes be allowed to vote in place of George Reid. A consensus of Board members agreed with this decision. NEW BUSINESS: A. DISCUSSION OF LIGHT POLE LOCATIONS on Indian River Drive. Mr. Joe Miller from CRA Engineering was present. He noted that also present are Bud Clarke, Pres. of CRA Engineering and Pres. of CRA Consulting, Frank Shannon, Electrical Engineer, Frank Dooner, job inspector, and Ryan Herold, Project Manager for Ranger Construction. He CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1998 also noted that a representative from TADCO electric is not present at this time. Mr. Miller proceeded to give information on several issues that were called to his attention the previous week, such as: 1. a coupling not being used in the flexible conduit connection to the pvc conduit; 2. conduit at boardwalk was not buried; 3. contractor not observing instructions for placing the prismatic lenses towards the correct direction; 4. a piece of boardwalk was damaged; 5. they were using oversize wire going up the pole. He indicated that he sent a memo to the contractor on October 12, 1998, stating what these shortcomings were and noted that the last four issues were immediately addressed by the contractor. He then noted that the contractor will put in the coupling that is required between the flexible conduit and the pvc, and summarized by noting that the above five issues are behind us, either corrected or irt the process of being corrected. He also noted that Frank Dooner, the inspector, will inspect every pole that is corrected. Mr. Miller then spoke about the issue of 240 volts versus 480 volts. He noted that the lighting project is designed to use 240 volts, and the decision to use 240 volts was made by the electrical Engineer, Frank Shannon, himself, and FPL when they met at the site. He also explained that this decision was reached because 240 volts was readily available on Indian River Drive, and 480 volts was not, and he has since verified this with FPL. It would also cost more money with 480 volts. He spoke on another issue, lights deleted. He noted that the contract called for eighty-six lights, but he also noted that a couple of them could not be placed where originally designated, and two lights were designated for Fellsmere Rd. next to the park. It was also suggested to do a change order and purchase one more light to be included on Fellsmere Rd. He then indicated that copies of the plan have been provided to the City of Sebastian throughout this process. He noted that copies were not specifically mailed to this Task Force, however, he believed he was in compliance, and new copies were given to the City Planner. On the adjustment of the lights, Mr. Miller indicated that during his visit on August 27~ and 28e', he studied the lights as staked out by the surveyor, and determined that some lights needed to be adjusted. He then handed out a lighting layout and explained which ones were adjusted and why. He then invited questions from the Task Force members. After some discussion, Mr. Miller indicated that once the project was under way, he felt that some adjustments would have to be made, and at no time was he trying to not keep the task force informed. Mr. Neglia commented that he thought it was the City's responsibility to keep this Task Force informed about changes, etc. Mr. Neuberger started a discussion on the electrical system for these lights. He also noted the 2 CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1998 change from fiberglass fixtures to aluminum, and the change from high-pressure sodium lights to metal halo (?) lights. He noted that he corrected it at an earlier City Council meeting in going over the bid documents. There was continued discussion about the items that are in the bid versus the decisions made by the Citizen Advisory Task Force. There didn't seem to be any knowledge of when the changes were made, as Mr. Miller gave information about specifying high-pressure sodium in the plans after a CATF meeting which included Russ Lowe of Halophane Lighting. He noted that the next set of plans that came out had the high-pressure sodium lights and changes to aluminum poles on it. The issue of the City having a qualified employee to maintain this lighting system was discussed. Mr. Miller noted that Mr. Neuberger did not have the latest set of plans. He also noted that they changed to the aluminum pole after the bid, and corrected the high-pressure sodium a~er the bid. He indicated that the latest drawing does not have the realignment of the road, has the corrections on the aluminum pole and the high-pressure sodium, which were made after the last Task Force meeting. R was determined that City Council eliminated the road realignment because of funding. Mr. Connelly commented that it was hard to recognize this project as a product of this Committee. He noted that he was not in favor of using 240 volts on this system. Mr. Frank Shannon, Electrical Engineer, gave a presentation on the electrical voltage, etc., and discussed this issue at length with Mr. Neuberger. Mr. Frank Dooner spoke on the above issue. It was determined that the change to 240 volts was more or less determined by the power company. Mr. Neuberger then noted that the pole lights are too close to the road. There was discussion on this issue. Mr. Miller noted that FDOT will have to move some fireplugs and take out a couple of trees for the sidewalk. Mr. Neuberger mentioned the issue of staggering the lights, and other determinations that were made by this Task Force, that didn't seem to be continued over into the bid documents. There was discussion on the sidewalk placement in front of the Philley Eatery and GJ's Saloon. Mr. Frame noted that FDOT indicated to him that some modifications could be made at the time of installation of the sidewalk. Mr. Miller noted that he would get together with Mr. Frame and go over the plans for this area. Mr. Neuberger referred to the minutes of May 27th, and he read Mr. Massarelli's summary of "sodium lamps, enough spacing for uniform lighting for safety, staggered pattern, and style of lighting". He also referred to minutes from the August 20~ meeting, noting that Mr. Stouts indicated that "... CATF is required by DCA for this grant, and it be involved in the application process and involved when, and if, significant amendments to the contract occur". CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1998 Mr. Bud Clark of CRA was present, and indicated that the CATF is advisory only to City Council, under CDBG. He noted that if the City wants something else done, the City needs to instruct them. He also reminded members that this project started with a parking area and some lights in the Fall or Smmner of 1996, but it has changed dramatically to lights and somewhat of a parking lot. He noted that the parking lot has also changed from the original drawings. It was established that there are no electricians presently on the payroll with the City who could be trained to maintain these lights. Mr. Frame spoke on not being notified of the above issues till staff finally informed him. Mr. Cormelly commented that because this Task Force worked so long and hard to make recommendations on this project, they should have been informed about what was taking place. He indicated that there seems to be a problem between this Task Force and staff. He noted that the changes were not passed on to the Task Force, who were trying to give the people what they wanted. Mr. Neuberger asked who was responsible for the sign on this project at the comer of Fellsmere Road and Indian River Drive. Mr. Neuberger pointed out that his name is horribly misspelled. B. DISCUSSION OF DRIVEWAYS ON CAV CORP PROPERTY Mr. Neglia noted that the three driveway entrances on each side of the CAV Corp property were approved by this Task Force, so there is nothing to discuss. Mr. Miller asked if he was free to proceed with the alignment of the lights. After some discussion with Mr. Neuberger, Mr. Miller indicated that he and his crew would go to the lighting site and do some checking on the electrical lines. MOTION by Donini/Neglia I move that the Task Force recommend to City Council to authorize Mr. Miller and CRA to proceed with the project according to our discussion today. Roll call: Anthony Donini - yes Thomas Connelly - yes Salvatore Neglia - yes Chmn. Dabrowski - yes Cindy Lou Dierkes(a) - yes The vote was 5 - 0. Motion carried. Mr. Neuberger asked about the plans from FDOT for the sidewalk. Mr. Frame noted that these drawings are 100%, and are being put out for bid. He noted that the present plans don't have a lot detail for placement of the light poles. He also mentioned that FDOT has indicated that the City will have a great deal of flexibility in working with their contractor in the placement of that sidewalk. 4 CITiZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1998 Mr. Miller noted that he has the sidewalk plans from FDOT, and he has been in touch with FDOT and is using their plans to coordinate the lighting. Mr. Bud Clark noted that this grant must be completed by January of next year (1999), which means that the City cannot wait for FDOT to complete their sidewalk. He also mentioned an Administrative closure on the grant, even though the sidewalk is not completed. Chrnn. Dabrowski adjourned the meeting at 4:44 pm. (10-23-98 AB)