HomeMy WebLinkAbout05041999 City of Sebastian Charter Review Committee May 4, 1999 7:30 PM Minutes Chairman called the meeting to order Roll Call: Mr. McCollum, Mrs. Fielding, Mrs. McCann, Mr. Hill, Mr. Connelly, Mr. Neglia, Mr. Generazio, Mrs. Damp, Mr. Napier, Mr. Thomas, absent excused, Mr. Paul, Mr. Barnes, Mrs. Cartwright, absent excused, Mrs. Kautenberg. Public Input: - None Approval of Minutes 4/26/99 - Motion to approve as written by Mr. Barnes, second Mr. Generazio passed unanimously. Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Recording Secretary, and Rich Stringer, City Attorney Old Business: Section 102.2 Attorney research - This section as written would allow the City to operate a marina with gasoline or lease it out. A motion to approve as written was made by Mr. Generazio second Mr. Paul passed unanimously. Section 1.05 - attorney states this has been in the Charter since 1978. The attorney feels this belongs in the zoning code not in the Charter. Several of the members agreed. A motion to delete this section in its entirety was made by Mr. Napier, second Mr. Neglia. Under discussion it was suggested that a memo be sent to Planning and Zoning to consider this matter. The motion passed 12-1 with Mr. Paul voting Nay. Section 2.04 (A) - Mr. Neglia feels that 3-year terms should be the norm. - Mr. Barnes and Mr. Hill agree with 3 years. Mr. Paul feels 4 is better. He states that candidates will take more concern for the City if they have to make a four-year commitment. A motion to change the term to 4 years or until a successor has been duly appointed was made by Mr. Paul, second Mr. Napier. Motion passed 7-6. Chairman asks if term limits should be included in this section - suggests we include 12 years or three terms Mr. Davis feels should be two terms maximum. A motion to not include term limits was made by Mr. Barnes second Mr. Hill passed 7 to 6. Section 2.04 (B) - Mr. McCollum feels if election is in November new people should take over in January. A motion to change section 2.04 (B) to the 3~d regular meeting following the election made by Mr. Generazio second Mr. McCollum passed unanimously. Section 2.05 - Compensation - Mr. Paul feels all 5 members should get the same amount. A motion to pay all members $300 month was made by Mr. Connelly, second Mrs. Kautenberg. There is discussion regarding the extra work the mayor has to do with regard to signing documents and public appearances. The motion failed 1-12. With Mr. Connelly voting yes. A motion to pay $300 to Vice Mayor and Council and pay the Mayor $450 was made by Mr. Connelly second Mrs. Fielding passed 12-1 with Mr. Hill voting No. Recess was called at 8:30 PM back at 8:40 PM. Chairman states the committee should write a letter to the City Manager and Council since this is budget time to be sure the funds are available for the advertisement costs for the charter changes when public hearings are required. He feels these will be lA page ads and wants to be sure the City has funds available. The committee agrees to allow him to send the letter under his signature. Section 2.06 (a) - Mrs. McCarm says everyone she has talked to would like to see the mayor elected by the people. This would require the candidate to state which seat he is mrming for. A motion to leave this section as is subject to cleanup by the City Attorney was made by Mr. Barnes second Mr. Hill passed 8-5 with Mrs. McCann, Mr. Davis, Mr. McCollum, Mr. Generazio and Mr. Neglia voting No. Section 2.06 (A-l) - A motion to leave items I and 2 as is was made by Mr. Generazio second Mr. Napier passed unanimously. Section 2.06 (B) - Mr. Napier feels the City Manager should be allowed to sign contracts not the mayor - This should be taken out of the mayors' duties and put in the City Managers duties. Mrs. Damp had to leave at 9PM. A motion to change the mayors duties in the last sentence to read "The mayor shall sign all Ordinances, Resolutions, and Proclamations of the City Council or other documents as required by law" made by Mr. Napier second Mr. Paul passed 11-1 with Mr. Neglia voting no. Vice-Mayor (c) - A motion to remain the same subject to clean up by the City Attorney was made by Mr. Barnes second Mr. Generazio passed unanimously. Vice-Mayor (d) - Attorney says senior member would be the one who is sworn in first. A motion to keep this section as is subject to clean up was made by Mr. Paul second Mr. Generazio passed 11-1 with Mr. Connelly voting no. Section 2.07 - A motion to leave this section as is was made by Mr. Barnes second Mr. Napier passed unanimously. Section 2.08 (a) - A motion to leave this section as is was made by Mr. Generazio second Mr. Neglia passed unanimously. Section 2.08 (b) - items 1,2,3 and 4 - A motion to leave this section as is was made by Mr. Hill second Mr. Paul passed unanimously. Section 2.08 (c) - A motion to delete number (2) and substitute with "A special election be called if unexpired term exceeds 6 months made by Mr. Barnes Second Mr. Napier under discussion a request was made to add leave number I and add a special election be called if no general election is coming up. Passed unanimously. Chairman says next agenda will start with section 2.09 through 2.16 and have Article III under old business and show no new business next meeting. The attorney states that section 3.03 should be considered when 2.09 is discussed because they go together. Also Mr. Napier states that Chapter 112 Part 5 section 311 to 326 should be given to the committee for review. Chairman states next meeting will be May 18, 1999 at 7:30 PM. Mr. Napier states he will be absent for the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET I, SFBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32~]58 TELFPHONF (561)589-54~]0 F~ FAX 1561) 58~]-620~] AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MAY 4, 1999 7:30 PM 1) Call Meeting to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Input from Public 5) Approval of Minutes- April 26, 1999 meeting 6) Old Business Section 1.02.2 - Attorney Research Section 1.05 - Attorney Research Sections 2,04 through 2.16 7) New Business Article III - Sec. 3.01 through 3.09 8) Member comments 9) Staff Comments 10) Adjourn ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THiS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. 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