HomeMy WebLinkAbout01171978Minutes of Meeting of the sebastian ·Licensing Board TuesdaY, janaurY 17 1978- All members were present: Ed Schmucker, Ed paluch, Jim Harris, Merle Masson, Terr~ Verner, Houston TriPP- A correction to the minutes of last week'S meeting was made concerning the normal appointment for a member on this board, which is two (2) yearS, not three (3) yearS. autonomist organization' After the original appointmentS' this board will be an paragraph on the second (This correction was made to the last sentence of the first page of last week'S minuteS.) was brought up as to the.number of members who constitute a quorum. there are seven (7) members on this A discussion has to be made, what then? We had put five (5) as the number, but, if week'S minutes and is · until the next meeting- This the board and only six (6) show up for a meeting and a vote suggestion was to postpone the action of the vote ~as then decided: ( ' tahc~ shall meet to One - ond paragraph) Tn~_. ~h- effective date the board constitute a sec . =._~ a~u=~ --- . -'ye (5) members of all - -rac~x~-e ~ed to act and, if a split vote. occurs on soon as ~4 om its member~hxP- ect off~cer~_~ e will be req~__~4~llv.require a second hea~ing with el ~ma~u~tY rot _ -~11 autOm~ quorum- ~ ~ · any particular action, this seven (7) members of the board present- Ail Atthis point, a motion was made to accept the minutes of last week'S meeting- ob- in favor; .none opposed. Mr. Paluch asked Art Mayer his opinion of the revenue situation. Art had no ~ections, as long as the City was, in no way, involved in paying for any of the printing, etC of·this board- The board will contribute as soon as the licensing ~- not a problem, brought up as to t's reai~ ' us 'on was startS, so i -~-Dh (2) (a), a d~c~ ~at, if a man t~ok certification, was times, then W' In section ~-_ could take =~ ~_=~a the test ~our_~, ~ ~=teao~Y. I~ a ..... many times a man .... ~ear and fa~ =--~ in a dif~eren~ ~' ~ problem- ~" -~/-_ ,~% times in u~.~ { _ ~ ~ook t~e ~==~ have some kind of test zour %=, - = ~n. unless ~'~ - he must not take the tes~ =~--~epeatedlY fails it,"then only allowed to take the test a certain number man takes the test and ~ mefore we determine how many times a man Florida, you're within the state o~ all you're allO~eU-_ ~ we're going to do, as far as the exam of times and that zs . --~ ~o aecioe'wna .... ire an exam?' It was suggested can take the test' we've 9v~ ~is board goxng ~u. ~ (4) times a year. For how many tzmes ~ .... ' (3) monthS, four Make no goes. ALSO, - you give that this board give the test every three. this area, you-shouldn't'haVe' to give the" test more often than thiS- strictionS as.to how many'times"a'man could take the test. As often'as ' verity-five percent (75%) be the' test·, if a man wantS to pa~ the fee let him take the test. was decided that se_ , lenathY discusSZOn, all as .the'Passing grade,'it board, and after ° ~ - As far . '·This grade is up to the' the'graoe- ~eventy_fiwepercent (.75%) as the passing grade. agreed·to hage , _ ation,.one member.O~ the ..... = the person s ed~C~ s~me people wlt~ · " .~_ ~ theinves~igat~°~ ~'to b~ investigateu' -on who didn't eve~ n discussio~ ~_~ tion sh°ul~n't"~aT~,~,,-4nss and even a.per~.-4~ess. One member .- . ut-.in, business' ~f h college e???~ ~_~l:can do ]us= ~T~:~,, should be strU¢~ ~a 'uate nzgn ~'-- ~_~ ~snonsiDz~¥ when a man starts_°~a, out in business ugested that ~nanc~ ~ - was t~- _ _~, have s=~ ''at is ~ers°nd1' The'argument but how man~ ...... doesn't th .... 'S a good starter, got $1,000.~, n= was stated that this financial investigation with this much money~ It The credit report would be the majOr he could .. from and this stipulate how much money a man has to have. thing. If aman has been working at his trade before taking the test, bring in letters of credit from people that he'S bought materials biggest will tell how his bills were paid. Your credit report is pr°bably.Y°ur. tool in determining how competent amah is at paying his bills. After this discussion, it was stated that the objection to the investigati°n of a cer- education be withdrawn. This board decided not to have any bonds as a prerequisite to issuance of tificate. They will require liability and workman's compensation' On page 8 of the palm Beach county certification Law, paragraph (6) was discussed and the final decision was to just leave it out completely- The same goes for ~each book, was anybody who has paragraph (7) on the same page. . rom the date'that this page 9 in the palm is A question as to paragraph 9 on .. asr 12 montes.f_= ~ m{ ¥ license? ~n - . within the i - -~ be ~ssueu ~ an active permit"length of time snax~ any P~rs°n'~h°'!has .pulled. a permit, within a certain sebastlan..aatlng~back to accepted, · · t into effect February 1,1978, City of ~on~actor, ' ' ' ered in as a gener&l other wordS, if th~S ~s ~'-truction w~se, ~n the . -contractor, a permit, of any sort, cuu= grandfath .... d to him as'a February 1, 1977 would be automatically, permit was ~ssu~ anybody.whO is an owner-builder' etc? The response was that only if the . . asea'On that, he'wil~ then he is that person. In other wordS, not and,lthat~.s their working in this town now because he holds a state certificate, -= the BU~ld~ng ==~- is effectlve' is issued, tha~ credential, anu ~ the date %~'~ .... hermit must be. set'UP ac so. ~-- ~,A. DeZor= ~ = date continue to proof of insurance, ..... fee. An effective 'etC- This will mand to see chase whatever we set up, as a licensing and so it was decided that within 90 days of the effective aate'~ never infringe on the rights of the owner~builder' concerning the paragraph (1) of section 6. (1) super- this A very lengthy . . hat one member o~,,~ not be inclUOeu ~" p~ople in __~ coruorat~ons' ~ ~__ organization ~_d the professional Firms.~ . t~ ~ the busings= ~ helplng any of vising employe= ~ that isn't graph. By leaving this out, has.tO be the holder this town, it is helping the ultimate consumer. state that that licensed holder The state says that one supervising employee of an organization that company- So, what haPpenS of the certificate of competency, but it goes on to board and the man says that he was is responsible for all actions and operations of happening to them°neY'''the board is that when these .individuals come before the s the responsibility was nse $omeDuu~ = ~a~theCOm~ just on this project, I didn't know what ..-~.. he ta~e -=any is left when you'lice .... a-ains~. ~' --, the superv~sx~ is going to take act If you haw=,", he will be says that that'S too baa. . .. ~o~ ~ ' and that'S who the board ' to hold-the licenses, title and th~S scott-free- One man per company , - -ire this man a made an officer, he carries employee of the business organization, ~ .he's only carrying responsible for his mistakeS,-because once legally 'lit of the corporation on his shoulderS.- without that, he'S ~he llab~ .Y -' s~lf- Tf a ~ob looses his qualifier person, then they ought the reputation of n~m give that company 90 ~ayS to replace that man- to shut the job down, not