HomeMy WebLinkAbout01271986Jim Gallagher Mayor City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 127 [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958-0127 TELEPHONE (305) 589-5330 Deborah C. Krages City Clerk SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD HEARING JANUARY 237~d~9~f-6 ;~? ]: O0 P.M. CITY VS. ROBERT GUMMEROUS CITY VS. PAUL JULIN/RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTIONBOARD - SPECIAL HEARING-'- JANUARY 27~ 1986' MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY CHAIRMAN BALLOUGH AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: MR. HOFFMAN MR. DOMINIX, ALTERNATE VZCE CHAIRMAN CAREY MR. HALLGREN ATTORNEY PALMER CHAIRMAN BALLOUGH MR. TRIPP, EXCUSED RIZIO, UNEXCUSED ROGER CLOUTIER, BUILDING OFFICIAL MR. IxA~AN CAME IN AFTER THE START OF THE MEETING. (ALTERNATE) HEARING - MR. PAUL JULIN, MR. ROBERT GUMMEROUS MR. CLOUTIER WENT OVER A MEMO HE HAD PREVIOUSLY SENT TO THE BOARD. (SEE ATTACHED.) MR. JULIN STATED THAT EVERYTHING PRESENTED WAS FACTUAL. HE..~SUMMED IT UP BY SAYING THAT ORIGINALL HE DID HAVE A CONTRACT TO BUILD THE HOUSE, BUT NOT BEING LICENSED IN SEBASTIAN, MR. GUMMEROUS WAS GOING TO GO AHEAD AND START BUILDING. HE SAID HE KNEW HE HAD MADE A MISTAKE BY NOT PROPERLY FOLLOWING PROCEDURE. MOTION BY MR. DOMINIX, SECONDED BY MR. HOFFMAN TO FIND JULIN CONSTRUCTION IN VIOLATION OF SEC. 7-100, SUB-PARAGRAPH B(2) OF THE SEBASTIAN CODE. CARRIED. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN CAREY, SECONDED BY MR. HOFFMAN TO PUT MR. JULIN ON 6 MONTH PROBATION AND A $250.00 ADMINISTRATION FINE, P~YABLE PRIOR fOi~FEBRUARY 20, 1986. CARRIED. ATTORNEY PALMER TOLD THE BOARD THAT THE PROBATION WOULD BEGIN AS OF THE DATE OF THIS MEETING. IN REGARDS TO MR. GUMMEHgS.? ATTORNEY PALMER TOLD THE BOARD THEY HAD NO JURISDICTION OVER HIM AS AN OWNER-BUILDER. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN CAREY, SECONDED BY MR. HALLGREN TO ADJOURN MEETING. CARRIED. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:00 P.M. Jim Gall.gher of SeOas n POST OFFICE BOX 127 El SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958,,0127 TELEPHONE (305) 589-$330 RQger Cloutler M ~ ~ O RAN D U M DATE William Ballough, Chairman, City of Sebastian Conetruotion Board, & Members ~ogsr Cloutier BuS. lding Official December 3, 1985 Please accept this Memorandum of ~ues[ ~or your action against' Mr. ~obert Gum~erus, Paul Julin and Juli~ Construction Cos~]~my. Mr. Robert Gum~erus came into the Building Department on 11-19765 ~o obtain an application for a Building Permit. ~e was aoco~anied by another ,mq, introduced as Mr. Paul Jul in. I ~hen asked what rel&tions~ he had with Mr. Gumm~rus and he stated that he was a friend helping I noted Mr. Julin was doing most of the inquiring. O~ 11-25-85 Mr. came in ~o this office with all the paperwork to apply for a Building Permit, si~ned by Mr. Gummerus. I asked him where Mr. Gu~aer~ was he answered, "he is working. He works at Harris Corporation". I then ~sk~d him, again, what relationship he had ~o Mr. Gumm~rus and he said he was a friend helping him. I said it was O.K., but be sure Mr. G~4m~rus does the contracting and paying of all the bills, for if I found a receipt ~or a bill paid by someone else ~his could be evidence of someone else doing ~he contracting. He said he understood and he then proceeded ~o write check and paid for the Pexlait wi~h a Company name on i~ of Julin Construc- tion Co. any. See F~hibit "A". I then checked wi~h Mrs. NePal ~o see he had a curren[ license. He does not have one. I called Indian ~iver County Licensing on 12-2-85. I was informed Mr. Paul 3ulin was registered as a lice~a~d electrician, but ~s not dated. On 11-26-85 I had called East Coast Trenching and they verified ~ha= had a Con2ract and installed a septic ta~k only on Lot 20, Block 500, Uni~ 15, Sebastian ~ighlands, for a Paul ~ulin Cons~r~c~i~n William Ballough, Chairman, City of Sebastian Construction Board & Members December 3, 1985 O~ 11-26-85 I called Sunnyland Lot Clearing ~o ver£~y they had a con~ract or proposal with Mr. Julin 'or Paul Julin Construction C~n¥ or Mr. GU~erUS. They could not find any records of such. On 12-2-85 Mr. Paul Julin called to see i~ he could pick UP was instructed ~o come in and see me. He came in on 12-2-85 but I was out ~o he called me on 12-3-85 and I told him I had a problem wi~h ~his. ~e asked to meet with me a~ld we did at approximately 11~00 a.m. I what ! had ~nd that he shauld contact Mr. Gu~rus as soon as possible ~o he could come ~n and I could explain to him what Z felt were viul~tions seek advice from our City Council. met wl~h Mr. Thomas Palmer, City Attorney, and he agreed teed ~o this Board for action. Wi~h ~hese facts, I believe you will ~ind Mr. Gmmaerus in violation of City Article VII, 7-100.2, aiding and abetting an ~ncertified ~rson ~o evade any provisions of this Article~ 1) check writing by another person 2) septic ~ank contracted by another person 3) septic tank pern~t obtained with ~he aid of another p~sO~ 4) snergy form signed as another person as A~en~ 5) Notice of Commencement declaring Mr. Gum~eru~ as .O~ner ~d Julin Construction Company as Contractor 6) O~ Statement of Fact signed by Mr. Gum~erus an~ notarl~4; 1) states he alone will act as Contractor and, contractors As for Paul Julin and/or 3ulin Construction Company, all ~he deace indicates ~hat Mr. Paul Jul~n is ac~ing in ~he with no licens~ in this category. ~C/dhm