HomeMy WebLinkAbout02201979'Sebastian Construction Board Meeting February 20, 1979 Ail members present except for Jim Harris and Chris Kirrie. The hearing with Paul Wakefield has been cancelled again~ The sub- peona has not been served on Mr. Wakefield by the Brevard County Sheriff. This meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 13, 1979 at 10 a.m. Huston Tripp made the motion, Ed Paluch seconded it, that we accept the minutes of February 6, 1979. Ail in favor none opposed. Ed Paluch mentioned the fact that Grace is asking all those persons · who show no Workman's Compensation on their insurance certificate to bring in a letter stating that they have no more than three, employees, and that this law will change in July. First item of discussion was brought up by Art Mayer. He found an unlicensed plumber doihgr"some work On an owner-builder's home. This man had been before the Board to try and get licensed but, he did not qualify under the grandfather law. He (the unlicensed person) knows of our laws and he is breaking them. What can we, the Board, do to such persons? Art can Shut the job dow~ until a licensed person is hired to do that work. ~t will contact this unlicensed person and ask him to appear before the Board at our next scheduled meeting. Terry Verner was present at this meeting. We asked him if we could impose a fine on a contractor. He said that we could but, only if that contractor is licensed by this Board. We cannot fine an unlicensed person. In regards to the matter Of Robert White, it was requested that the owner of the house be present at this meeting. Mr. Louis Lochirco was present and he expressed his views on the workmanship of Mr. White. Mr. Lochirco is very dissatisfied with what work is there. Mr. White had a contract with Mr. Lochirco to build this house and have it finished by October 20, 1978. To date, this horse is still incom- plete. Mr. White had depleted the bank account Mr. LLochirco set up for him to buy materials, etc. with. Mr. White did not buy any of the ~' applicances, rugs, cabinets and he did not build this house the wa~ his contract was set up with Mr. Lochirco. Ed-Paluch made a4~otion, Cliff Hoose seconded it, that when we do have all seven'memberS-present,-the status of the applicant in question, which.is Mr. Robert White, be brought up for a final vote. All in favor, none opposed. Mr. Votrobek, from Eas.t Coast Trenching, was. present at this meeting. He had.submitted an application, during the grandfather period, to be licensed in Sebastian to do septic tank ~nstallations. He failed to put that he do~s well drilling also. He has' no license from the State to do well drilling and he explained to ua that because of the type of wells be'drills, a State license in not needed. We have a letter from the Dept. of En~i=onmental Regulation and they indicated that a State well drilling licease is not required of any person if they are doing sand point wells only, which is exactly what Mr. Votrobek does do. After a lengthy discussion on this. matter, Ed Paluch made the motion, David Hines seconded it, that we recommend this matter to our attorney. All in favor, none opposed. Ed Schmucker will contact Buck Vocelle and discuss this with him. O~r next meeting will be March 13, 1979. Hopefully, this will be the hearing with Paul Wakefield. Special Meeting of the Sebastian Construction Board February 20, 1979 Ed Schmucker had talked with Buck Vocelle, they'.attorney, with regard to the application of East Coast Trenching. Buck advised Ed that it was within the legal pre/~ise of this Board to amend an applica- tion if. the original intent was to file for a septic tank and well drilling, as was so stated by the applicant. It was reflected in the application that they are in the septic tank and well drilling business. It would be proper for this Board to say that there is a typographical error in the original application and that we could amend that appli- cation to the original date of the'application and issue a license for well drilling to East Coast Trenching. HUStOn Tripp made the motion, David Hines seconded it, that we amend that application as So stated by the Chairman and that East Coast Trenching be notified that his application has been amended and the he come in and correct the error and present the Board with th~ proper fee. All in favor, none opposed.