HomeMy WebLinkAbout02261980SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD MEETING February 26, 1980 Ail members present. Also present were: Dan Kilbride, City Attorney Raymond Mangicapra, Ray Capra, Inc. John Lyons, Superintendent, Ray Capra, Inc. Frank Oberbeck, Oberbeck & Peters Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Conners This was a special called meeting for a hearing on the suspension of Kenneth Conners' Electrical Contractors License. All Board members reviewed the minutes of previous meetings on January 9, 1979, March 13, 1979, and April 11, 1979. Mr. Conners' license was suspended as.of April 11, 1979 for failure to correct'electric problems on a house built for Frank Oberbeck on 461 SW Hazel Street. Mrz.Conners first statement was that he was not responsible for the house because he was working for Aztec Home Builders. He also stated that there was nothing wrong with the electrical work that would be dangerous to anyone. All the work was~corrected by the dead-line set by the Board. Mr. Conners asked the Board to explain what was wrong and what was the reason for the suspension. There was much discussion as to the actions of the Board on this matter. It was.pointed ou~by Chairman Ed schmucker that several certified letters were sent to Mr. Conners and every attempt was made to make him aware of. the problems and the action the Board was going to take. Mr. Conners asked about the electrical p~oblems. They are: 1. Cover over outlet by the water heater. ~ 2. Electrical outlet Under water line in kitchen. 3. Circuit Breaker for Air Conditioning Mr. Conners stated that the circuit breaker was installed before the dead-line. The outlet under the kitchen sink was put there for the dishwasher disposal; therefore, there was no reason for it to be any different This was not in violation of the National Electric Code, but any inspector that finds an outlet in that position would have it moved. The outlet should be off-set to the side, not directly under the water line. Mr. Palluch then stated that the reason for the suspension was not so mUch ~he infraction of the codes, but the fact that the Board tried repeatedly to contact Mr. Conners but he never gave the Board the courtesy of answering any of' the four certified letters that was sent to him. Mr. Conners said he misunderstood the letters. He thought he was to contact the Board if he did not intend to do the work. The work was completed before the deadline of the last letter~ He also stated that Mr. Oberbeck did not work with him in letting him in the house to complete the work. All the work was completed except moving the outlet, under the sink, which Mr. Conners felt was not necessary. Mr. Oberbeck made a brief statement outlining all Of the ~ectrical problems. He also stated that Mr. Conners had every opportunity to get into the house. His office is right in town and his wife just went to work this past February, so she was home most of the time. He had to call in an air conditioning man to correct the heat p~oblem. Page 2 Mr. Palluch's opinion was the Board should stand by their previous decision which was that until Mr. Oberbeck's complaints were satisfied, noa action could be taken to re-instate Mr. Conner's license. Mr. Oberbeck was questioned by the Board as to what could be done to satisfy his complaints. There is much discussion at this point as to the~any faults with the house. Since this is a hearing on the electrical problems only, Mr. Conners was instructed by the Board to correct the two remaining problems. 1. The outlet cover by the water heater. 2. Move the outlet under the kitchen sink. The circuit breaker.'for the heater was corrected the day before the Board meeting of April 11, 1979. Art Mayer was asked to go with Mr. Conners to Mr. Oberbeck's home on Saturday, March 1st and correct these two items..The ~oard will discuss the matter of re-instating Mr. Conners license at the next scheduled meeting. It was brought to the attention of the Board that Mr. Conners was doing electrical work withouta license. DiscusSion of this matter was tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Ray Capra, ContractOr, asked the Board what could he do to continue th9 work on four houses which he has under construction at this time. Mr. c~pra had obtained a list of contractors from the Building Department, in February of last year. Mr. Conners' name was on the list as an electrical contractor. The Board suggested to Mr. Capra to obtain a different contractor to complete the ~lectrical work on these four houses from this point on. New permits would have to be pulled. The Board would not permit Mr. Conners to complete the work. Any work that has been inspected, would not have to be re-done. Discussion of this matter was then closed, until.the next meeting of the. Board. The next discussion was on the problem of contractors changing sub-contractor.s without notifying the Building Department. Art Mayer asked the Board for some type of procedure to use that would help alleviate this problem. Ed Palluch suggested that all sub-contractors sign for and pick-up their own permits for each job they have contracted to do. In the event that a Builder changes subs in the middle of the job, the new contractor will be responsible for the whole job. There wasdiscussion of a release form to be signed by both~.contractors' This was decided against at this time b6ca~se of the mmny aspects involved,· such as the sub-contractor leaving town; or asking for money before signing a release- There was a motion by Jim Harris that all Ele6tric, Plumbing, Air Conditioning and Heating contractors pull and pay for the permits before the job is started. Seconded by Ed Palluch. Ail in favor, none opposed. Page 3 There was discussion about the owner-builder problem discussed at the last meeting. Ed Palluch and Art Mayer went to the City Council to try to get a resolution passed requiring all applications for owner-builders to be reviewed by the Board. The Council tabled the matter. The Building Depart- ment has sent out letters to surrounding areas regarding this problem. We are waiting for letters back. The Brevard County Building Officials have formed their own association and they have told Art that he is welcome to ~oin. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. The next meeting was set for'Wednesday, March 19th, at 9:00 a.m.