HomeMy WebLinkAbout03132001 1225 MAIN STREET ,,, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561} 589-5537 ii FAX (561) 589-2566 PUBLIC M~ETING CITY OF 5EBASTL~ 1225 MAIN STREET iNDiAN RIVER CQUNTY FLQRIDA THE SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WILL HOLD THEIR REG~ MEETING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2001 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. S CfE{ -Y ANN BP, ACK, RECORDING SECRETARY SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS iS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. TWO OR MORE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE OF THIS MEETING. PUBLCMTG.DOC 1225 MAIN STREET w SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE ($61) S89-5537 · FAX (561) 589-2566 SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MARCH 13~ 2001 -- 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ANNOUNCEMENTS OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: REGULAR MEETING - 2/13/01 EXPERIOR EXAM: EASTERWOOD JR., LEWIS G./ALUMINUM .DUPREY, MICHAEL W./ALUM UM/CONCRETE BARBER, MATTHEW L.flRRIGATION 'BONNER, RYAN C./PAINTING 'SILVER III, ALTON M./RESiDENTiAL CONT. .BAUGHMAN, DREW C./MC "B" VIOLATION HEARINGS BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS BOARD MATTERS ATTORNEY MATTERS REORD SCORES iN SCOREBOOK 15 MiNUTES TO PUBLIC ADJOURN NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY iN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE. CONAGEN.DOC CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH '13, 2001 Vice Chairman Louis Nicolini called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: ALSO PRESENT: Meredith Fox Scott Taylor Chuck Neuberger(a) Chmn. Holdridge, Garland, Jr. Kathy Nappi, Secretary Ann Brack, Recording Secretary VC Louis Nicolini Andrew AIIocco Jim Morris Pierre Paquette(a), Frank APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (2/13/01) MOTION by Taylor/Fox I'd like to make a motion we approve the minutes from February 13th, 2001 regular meeting. A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: EXPERIOR EXAM: 1, EASTERWOOD, JR., LEWIS G. /ALUMINUM Mr. Lewis Easterwood, Jr. was present and was sworn in by Vice Chairman Nicolini at 7:04 pm. Questions by Board members were answered satisfactorily. MOTION by TaylorlAIIocco I'd like to make a motion that the Board approve Lewis Eastarwood, Jr. to take the Experior Exam for Aluminum Contractor, Specialty .Contractor. Roll call: Chuck Neuberger(a) - yes jim Morris - yes Scott Taylor - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes VC Louis Nicolini - yes Meredith Fox - yes CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 13, 2001 The vote was 6 - O. Motion carried. 2, DUPREY, MICHAEL W. I ALUMINUM/CONCRETE Mr. Michael W. Duprey was present and was sworn in by the Vice Chairman at 7:07 pm, Questions by Board members were answered satisfactorily. MOTION by Fox/Taylor I'll make a motion that we okay Michael William Duprey to take the Experior Exam, Specialty Contractor, Aluminum with Concrete. Roll call: Scott Taylor - yes VC Louis Nicolini - yes Chuck Neuberger(a) - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AIIOcoo - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 6 - 0, Motion carried, 3. BARBER, MATTHEW L. I IRRIGATION Mr. Matthew Barber was present and was swom in by the Vice Chairman at 7:11 pm. Questions asked by Board members were answered satisfactorily. MOTION by TaylorlAIIocco I'd Iiketo make a motion that the Board approve Matthew L. Barber to take the Experior Exam for Specialty Contractor Irrigation, Roll call: Meredith Fox - yes Jim Morris - yes Scoff Taylor - yes VC Louis Nicolini - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Chuck Neuberger(a) - yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carried. 4. BONNER, RYAN C. I PAINTING Mr. Ryan Bonner was present and was sworn in by the Vice Chairman at 7:14 pm. Questions asked by Board members were answered satisfactorily. MOTION by Taylor/Fox I'd like to make a motion that the Board approve Ryan Comell Bonner to take the Specialty Contractor Experior Exam for Painting. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 13, 2001 Roll call: The vote was Meredith Fox - yes Chuck Neuberger(a) - yes Scott Taylor - yes VC Louis Nicolini - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Jim Morris - yes 6 - 0. Motion carried, 5. SILVER III, ALTON M, / RESIDENTIAL CONT. Ur. Alton Silver III, 915 11th Avenue, Veto Beach, FL., was present and was sworn in by the Vice Chairman at 7:18 pm. Mr. Silver responded to all questions from the Board members. MOTION by TaylorlNeuberger(a) I'd like to make a motion that the Board approve Alton McCoy Silver III to take the Experior Exam for Residential Contractor. Roll call: Meredith Fox - yes VC Louis Nicolini - yes Scott Taylor - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Jim Morris - yes Chuck Neuberger(a) - yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carried, 6. BAUGHMAN, DREW C. I AJC "B" Mr. Drew C. Baughman, 470 8~ Manor, fi204, Vero Beach, FL was present and was sworn in by the Vice Chairman at 7:21 pm. Mr. Baughman responded to all questions from Board members. MOTION by Taylor/Neuberger{a) I'd like to make a motion that the Board approve Drew Baughman to take the Experlor Exam for Class B Air Conditioning. Roll call: VC Louis Nicolini Andrew AiIocco Chuck Neuberger(a) The vote was 6 - 0, Motion carried. VIOLATION HEARINGS: BUILDING OFF!C!AL MA~ERS: yes Scott Taylor - yes yes Meredith Fox - yes yes Jim Morris - yes None Not present. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 131 2001 BOARD MATTER.~,,:. Kathy Nappi asked for direction in reference to required verifications and background for applicants to qualify for approval for testing. She noted that to date, the Board is not always consistent in this area and she is confused. There was a lengthy discussion on this issue. The discussion included the issue of W-2 tax forms. In summary, the comment was made by a Board member that additional documentation would be welcomed by the Board. RECORD SCORES IN,,,$C,Q,,,I~EI~OOK: Mr, Taylor and Mr. Neuberger recorded the scores in the scorebook, Mr. AIIocco noted that he.still has a problem with the issue of financial disclosure of the applicants. He indicated that he feels that he is receiving conflicting information from the Department of Professional Regulations with the State of Florida compared to information provided by the Sebastian City Attorney. He suggested that the Board request that Mr. Stringer attend the next meeting to answer some questions for this Board. There was discussion on this issue. Mr. AIIocco had E-mail printouts .of the responses from DPR and agreed to furnish copies to all Board members for discussion at a future meeting. There was further discussion of the license screening'process. MOTION by Taylor/Morris I'd like to make a motion that the Board make a formal request that Attorney Stringer attend, for the purpose of Attorney Mattem, our next Board meeting in April to substantiate his letter concerning the elimination of financial disclosure information for applicants, Discussion: Mr. AIIocco suggested that Mr. Moore, City Manager, also attend this meeting. There was more discussion. Roll call: Chuck Neuberger(a) - yes Andrew AIIocco . - yes Scott Taylor - yes VC Louis NicOlini - yes Meredith Fox - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 6 - O. Motion carried. There was more discussion about financial disclosure and it was noted that most surrounding municipalities require financial disclosure and/or credit report from their applicants to be tested. Vice Chairman Nicolini adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm. (3/1,5/01 AB