APRIL 11, 1979
All members present except for Ed Paluch.
The minutes of March 13, 1979 were read. Jim Harris made the motion, Da~d
Hines seconded it, to accept the minutes of March 13, 1979. Ail in favor,
none opposed.
Cliff Hoose made the motion, Chris Kirtle seconded it, to accept the minutes
of the hearing of Mr. Paul Wakefield on March 13, 1979. All in favor, none
Huston Tripp, acting chairman in the absence of Ed Schmucker (arrived at a
later time) and Ed Paluch, had a matter of discussion concerning our Ordin-
ance 0-78-4-A. This is the amendment to our licensing ordinance with the
reduced insurance requirements for all sub-contractors. Huston felt that
a letter should be sent to all the sub-contractors, who are licensed by
this Board, stating that the insurance requirements, for them, has been
reduced. Theyare now required to carry $100,000 Public Liability and
$50,000 Property Damage. Grace will type up a form letter and inform
all the sub-contractors of this change.
Grace had a question as to stamping all the license~, of all the persons
who take the Block exam here in Sebastian, with the ~=ds "BLOCK EXAM."
She had been informed that ~s was not necessary as we will be asked to
supply the pertinent information on any applicant who wishes to go toa
another area to work.
Grace also brought up the fact that we require ail of our licensed people
to register their certificates of cDmpetency with the State. Atthis time,
the State does not require an aluminum specialty contractor to register with
them. Terry Verner had informed Grace that we, the Board, should write a
letter to Jacksonville and ask~ them ~o register aluminum specialty con-
tractors. If they agree, then'we will require all of our local aluminum
specialty contractors to have a State Registration before they couLdpull
any permits in the city.
Jim Harris made the motion, Chris Kirrie seconded it, that we write aletter
to the Florida Construction Industry LiceRsing Board in Jacksonville and ask
them to require aluminum specialty contractors ~ register with the State.
All in fevor, none opposed.
A gentleman by the name of J. Dou~lasHorton had applied to the Building
Department to be on the Construction Board, whenever a position was avail-
able. After discussing this, it wasdecided that, if this gentleman took
his time to show concern in this Board, then we should write this man and
inform him that he does not have the qualifications necessary to be on the
Board. He would not qualify as a ConcernedCitizen member, as he lives
in Veto Beach and he did not indicate being a contractor, of any kind,
in any field. Grace will write him a letter thanking him for his concern.
Two applications were submitted for a certificate from t~is Board, on a
reciprocal agreement. The two applicants had taken a Block, proctored
exam in different areas. Attached to their application forms were letters
from the area in which they did take the test and these letters indicated
their passing grades and that the test was a proctored one from Block.
One applicant was Mr. Louis Drees of Drees Plumbing, Veto Beach. He
has taken A Block, proctored exam and had letters stating this. He
had submitted an application that contained more than enough informa-
tion, except he lacked the letter from the Secretary of State of his
incorporation. We would need that letter before we actually ~sue him
a certificate. We williissue him a certificate with the stipulation that,
~ntil he submits that letter from the Secretary of State, he will not be
given that license.
Jim Harris made the motion, David Hines seconded it, that we accept the
application of Louis Drees as submitted as long as we are forwarded a
letter of indorporation from the Secretary of state. Two members were
opposed, three in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Harvey Erp, Tri-City Aluminum Products, Ocala, Florida also submitted
an application for certificate through reciprocity. He has taken, and
passed the Block, proctored exam for Residential contracting. His appli-
cation lacked the required photograph.
Chris Kirrie made the motion that we accept this application with the
provision that he present the required photograph before we issue him a
certificate. Cliff Hoose seconded that motion. Ail in favor, none opposed.
At this point, the meeting was turned over to the Chairman, Ed Schmucker.
We discussed the matter of Kenneth Conner, Aztec Home Development, who has
been sent three registered letters stating that he must correct all the
electrical problems at the home located at461 SW Hazel Street. To date,
none of the~.~ork has been done. Oneeattem~t had been made, on the eve of
this meeting, to correct one of the three problems.
In aur last letter that we sent to Mr. Conner, we asked him to please correct
the three problems or we would have a hearing on this date. We also asked
him to contact the Building Department if he would be unable to attend this
hearing. He made no attempt to contact us, in any way.
He is currently working in the City of Sebastian doing electrical and plumbing
It was the decision of the Sebastian Construction Board, that this man's
electrical ~icense, to do electrical contracting work in the City of Sebas-
tian, be suspended until all the electrical proble~, are corrected and we
hear from the owner, Mr. Frank Oberbe~k stating his satisfaction. Mr. Conner
will also be required to appear before this Board prior to us activating his
license in the City of Sebastian.
Huston Tripp made the motion that Ken Conner's electrical licsmse , in the
City of Sebastian, be suspended until all the electrical problems are correc-
ted. We must hear from the owner, Mr. Oberbeck of his satisfaction and also,
Mr. Conner must appear before the Board before his license will be reinstated.
Cliff Hoose seconded this motion. All in favor, none opposed.
Two applications were submitted to be reviewed for the Block exam, to be
given in May, 1979.
The first one was submitted by Guy Kolmel, who was applying to take the
plumber's test for residential work. His application was reviewed and
the Board felt that, since his application was submitted incomplete, he be
denied to take the test.
He lacked:
a credit report
He did not show sufficient eveidence of working in the plumbing
field for a minimum of five years, three of which must be in a
supervisory capacity.
He did not have any verification of construction experience from
former employers.
Jim Harris made the motion that his application be denied for the ~est as
he did not have the above mentioned items included in his appl_ieation.
Huston Tripp seconded that motion. All in favor, none opposed.
Mr. Ben Murphy was. the other application submitted for the test. He was
also denied to take the test as his application was incomplete.
A motion was made by Chris Kir~ie that Mrl Murphy be denied to take the
Block exam due to lack of verification of the required experience for a
Residential contractor's license. David Hines seconded that m°tion. All
in favor, none opposed.
Cliff Hoose was not awa~e that we, the Sebastian Construction Board, had the
authority from stopping anyone tot~ake the test. He was informed that, as
we are the sponsors for anyone taking the test in the City of Sebastian, we
could deny anyone, who we felt was not duly qualified to take the test. ~?
There are certain requirements, as set forth by the State Licensing B~rd,
which we must check of any applicant who is applying to take the test, here
in Sebastian.