HomeMy WebLinkAbout05081990City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 I:] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN STREET INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA THE SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, iNDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WILL HOLD THEIR REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 8,1990 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. K. NAPPI, SECRETARY SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD NOTE~ IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 8, 1990- 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, 4/10/90 SPECIAL MEETING, 4/24/90 OLD BUSINESS: ATTORNEY MATTERS: BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: NEW BUSINESS: LETTER OF RECIPROCITY CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM L./HARV "B" CHANGE OF STATUS LOSEKE, HUGO, R./BUILDING CONTRACTOR BLOCK EXAM - GAINESVILLE TOMLINSON, ROBERT J./TiLE & MARBLE WHITMAN JR., WILLIAM N.,/RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR REECE, THOMAS M./PAINTING SUB-CONTRACTOR DISCUSSION: JOHN MASLOW, MASLOW CONSTRUCTION - SUB- CONTRACTORS DISCUSSION: NUMBER OF TIMES BLOCK EXAM CAN BE TAKEN WITHIN A PERIOD OF A YEAR. DISCUSSION: ROGER L. REESE/BRUCE FERGUSON VOLUNTEERS FOR BLOCK EXAM - MAY 12, 1990 REGISTER SCORES IN SCOREBOOK 15 MINUTES TO PUBLIC ADJOURN NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON T H E A B OV E __ MAT T-~:!~'~ ~__HE ~?~{E. '. W ILL.. ~._R E_CQ~_O~_ ._..~']~.,~ , ~ PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOAR____~_D REGULAR MEETINg MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY VICE CHAIRMAN LAMAN AT 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: MR. KELLEY MR. NEUBERGER MR. DERNBACH VICE CHAIRMAN LAMAN ABSENT: CHAIRMAN CAREY - EXCUSED MR. CAPP - EXCUSED MR. HANEY - UNEXCUSED ALSO PRESENT: MR. COOPER, BUILDING OFFICIAL; CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR MR. BONACCI, APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION BY MR. NEUBER~ER, SECONDED BY MR. KELLEY THAT THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 4/10/90 AND THE SPECIAL MEETING OF 4/24/90 BE ACCEPTED AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS LETTER OF RECIPROCITY CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM L./HARV "B". MOTION BY MR. NEUBERGER, SECONDED BY MR. DERNBACH TO ACCEPT THE LETTER OF RECIPROCITY FROM WILLIAM CHRISTIAN TO BE A HARV "B" CONTRACTOR- CARRIED. CHANGE OF STATUS LOSEKE, HUGO, R./BUILDING CONTRACTOR MOTION BY MR. DERNBACH, SECONDED BY MR. KELLEY TO ACCEPT MR. LOSEKE'S CHANGE OF STATUS. CARRIED. BLOCK EXAM - GAINESVILLE TOMLINSON, ROBERT J./TILE & MARBLE WHITMAN JR., WILLIAM N.,/RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR PAGE 2 SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD - 5/8/90 BLOCK EXAM - GAINESVILLE cont REECE, THOMAS M./PAINTING SUB-CONTRACTOR MOTION BY MR. NEUBERGER, SECONDED BY MR. KELLEY THAT WE ACCEPT THE APPLICATIONS OF MR. TOMLINSON, MR. WHITMAN AND MR. REECE AND SPONSOR THEM FOR THE BLOCK EXAM IN GAINESVILLE. CARRIED. BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS MR. COOPER TOLD THE BOARD THAT IN REGARDS TO THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE 0-90-03 WHICH IS THE 1990 ELECTRICAL CODE DRAFTED BY THE ATTORNEY, HE HAD CHECKED WITH THE STATE AND WAS TOLD THE STATE HAD ADOPTED THE CODE IN JANUARY OF THIS YEAR. THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE WILL BE ON THE AGENDA NEXT WEDNESDAY FOR A FIRST READING BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING. IT SHOULD BE ADOPTED WITHIN THE MONTH. ALSO, 0-90-04, THE AMENDMENTS DISCUSSED BY THE BOARD CONCERNING CHANGING THE SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE COUNTY, AMENDMENTS IN THE LICENSING EXAMINATION FEES, REQUIREMENT OF THE COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE, DELETION OF 7-95, WILL BE UP FOR A FIRST READING NEXT WEDNESDAY ALSO. LAST MEETING THERE WAS A QUESTION ON A FINE BEING IMPOSED IN REFERENCE TO WHETHER OR NOT MR. VAETH COULD BE FINED INDIVIDUALLY ON SEPARATE HOUSES AS TO WHAT AMOUNT. LOOKING AT THE OLD CODE AND TALKING TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITHOUT REALLY LOOKING INTO THE CASE, HE SAID EACH CASE COULD BE BASED ON ITS OWN MERIT. IT WAS NOTED THAT ALTHOUGH A MOTION WAS MADE AT THE 4/10/90 MEETING BY MR. HANEY AND SECONDED BY MR. CAPP TO FINE MR. VAETH THE MAXIMUM $500.00 ON EACH VIOLATION, MR. COOPER SAID HE WOULD CHECK WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY ON THE AMOUNT AND WHETHER OR NOT THE BOARD COULD CHARGE $500.00 ON EACH VIOLATION. THEREFORE THE MOTION AND SECOND WERE WITHDRAWN. SINCE MR. HANEY AND MR. CAPP MADE AND SECONDED THE ORIGINAL MOTION, AND THEY ARE NOT PRESENT AT TONIGHTS MEETING, THE BOARD FELT THIS MATTER SHOULD BE HELD OVER UNTIL THE JUNE MEETING. SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD - 5/8/90 BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS cont MOTION BY MR. NEUBERGER, SECONDED BY MR. DERNBACH TO TABLE THIS UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING WHEN THE TWO MEMBERS INVOLVED ARE PRESENT TO TAKE UP WHETHER OR NOT THEY WANT TO RE-INSTATE OR RE-ADD THE FINE TO MR. VAETH IN THE THREE SEPARATE VIOLATIONS. CARRIED. IN REGARDS TO THE AMOUNT OF INSURANCE REQUIRED FROM THE CONTRACTORS, MR. COOPER SAID HE DID NOT HAVE A CHANCE TO GET CONFIRMATION ON THE AMOUNTS. ALTHOUGH THE BOARD FELT THE AMOUNTS SHOULD BE LEFT AS THEY ARE, MR. COOPER SAID HE WOULD STILL CHECK INTO IT JUST FOR THE INFORMATION. DiSCUSSiON: JOHN MASLOW, MASLOW CONSTRUCTION - SUB- CONTRACTORS VICE CHAIRMAN SWORE IN MR. MASLOW. MR. MASLOW TOLD THE BOARD THAT IN REGARDS TO THE FOUR PERMIT APPLICATIONS, GREAT LAKES DRYWALL DID THE WORK AT 372 EASY STREET. MASLOW CONSTRUCTION DID THE WORK AT 285 JOYHAVEN DR., 909 FULTON WAY AND 709 DOCTOR AVENUE. HE PROVIDED THE BOARD WITH COPIES OF HiS PAYROLL RECORDS ON THE EMPLOYEES WHO DID THE WORK ON THE LAST THREE LOCATIONS. IN REGARDS TO GREAT LAKES DRYWALL, ROBERT VETA, THIS MATTER HAD ALREADY BEEN DEALT WITH. MOTION BY MR- NEUBERGER, SECONDED BY MR. DERNBACH THAT WE FIND NO CAUSE FOR ACTION IN THE CASE OF MR- MASLOW ERRONEOUSLY LISTING SUB-CONTRACTORS HE DID NOT USE. CARRIED. DiSCUSSiON: NUMBER OF TIMES BLOCK EXAM CAN BE TAKEN WITHIN A PERIOD OF A YEAR. MR. HAROLD DUFFY EXPLAINED TO THE BOARD THAT HE HAD TAKEN THE WRITTEN PAINTING EXAM ONCE AND THE ORAL EXAM TWICE. HE HAD REQUESTED TO RETAKE THE ORAL EXAM AGAIN BUT WAS TOLD THAT THE EXAM COULD ONLY BE TAKEN THREE TIMES IN THE COURSE OF A YEAR. PAGE 4 SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD 5/8/90 DISCUSSION: BLOCK EXAM cont MR. COOPER RECOMMENDED THAT AFTER THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MOVED INTO THEIR NEW OFFICES THAT WE TRY TO COMPILE EVERYTHING THAT WE CAN AS TO WHAT HAS BEEN ADOPTED AS RULES AND CORRELATE IT AND BRING IT BEFORE THE BOARD FOR A MOTION TO ADOPT IT AS THE OFFICIAL HANDBOOK. MOTION BY MR. NEUBERGER, SECONDED BY MR. KELLEY THAT THIS BOARD EXPRESS THAT THERE IS NO SET LIMIT AS TO HOW MANY TIMES A PERSON CAN TAKE THE TEST PROVIDING HE MEETS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS. CARRIED. DISCUSSION: ROGER L. REESE/BRUCE FERGUSON MR. COOPER EXPLAINED THE SITUATION TO THE BOARD. (COPIES OF LETTERS ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES.) A BRIEF DISCUSSION FOLLOWED. MOTION BY MR. DERNBACH, SECONDED BY MR. KELLEY THAT THE BOARD DOES NOT FIND ANY CAUSE FOR ACTION IN THE COMPLAINT OF REESE VS FERGUSON. CARRIED. VOLUNTEERS FOR BLOCK EXAM MAY 12, 1990 VICE CHAIRMAN LAMAN AND MR. DERNBACH VOLUNTEERED TO MEET THE BOARD SECRETARY AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER TO SIGN IN THE APPLICANTS FOR THE BLOCK EXAM. MR. NEUBERGER AND MR. KELLEY REGISTERED THE SCORES INTO THE SCORE BOOK. THERE WAS A BRIEF DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE QUALIFIER IN A BUSINESS HAD TO TAKE AN ACTIVE PART IN SUPERVISING THE WORK. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:30 P.M. City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 o SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-S89-5570 April 20, 1990 Roger L. Reese 1596 East Lake Lane Sebastian, FL 32958 Dear Hr. Reese: I have attached a copy of Mr. Ferguson's response to your allegations concernin9 whether or not Mr. Ferguson did the roofin~ on his model home located at the corner of Barber Street and Conchs Drive. The information you have submitted, I have determined the Chevy Van, license 685FZT belongs to Richard Ostrowsky. which, Mr. Fer~uson has indicated as an employee of his firm in his letter dated 4/8/90. At this time I can find no violation of the city code but', I will be forwardin9 this matter to the Construction/Licensinq Board meetin9 of May 14, 1990 (?:30 P.M.) for their review and the Board will determine if there is sufficient information to request a hearin9 on this matter. ., I will try to answer your questions concernin9 "Can a first time home builder do whatever he chooses after he pays lip service to the City by fillin9 out a form that may or may not have the truth printed on it? What rights does this leave for a buyer of these types of properties?" First, these types of properties are single family houses that must meet minimum applicable codes. As in any form attestin9 to be true and correct, it is presumed to be correct unless otherwise verified. The City requests the name of subcontractors to verify whether or not the subcontractors are properly licensed and insured. The City 9ocs one step further and requires a Roger Reese 4/20/90 Page 2 ,/ postcard to be made out to the subcontractor listed on the application and the City will notify this contractor that his or her name is utilized on the permit application. Also, if a contractor is listed and is not properly licensed or insured, the City requires a statement of fact that the contractor is aware of this situation and will not use that contractor until such person becomes licensed and insured. Of course, this is more of an enforcement tool to be used in case we find that he is not telling the truth. ! will also be hiring a part-time enforcement officer to work during the week and weekends to verify licensing of subcontractors. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 589-5537. Sincerely, · ' Director of Community Development BC/gk reese.doc April 10, 1990 Roger L. Reese 1596 East Lake Lane Sebastian, FL 32958 Dear Mr. Cooper, As per our conversation on Friday, April 6th, 1990, I am putting into writing the situation we talked about on Monday, April 2nd during a phone conversation. As you are aware, a contractor by the name of Bruce Ferguseon is building a model home on the corner of Barber St. and Concha Dr.. I protested the fact that he is building the house by letter to the planning and zoning board, but my protest and that of my neighbor were ignored and the model home was allowed. I can live with that. But, if I have to, then the contractor will live up to his end of the deal by constructing the house within the codes and in the manner stated on his building permit application. After all, the public will be entering the premises on the assumption it was built correctly. On that subject, Mr. Ferguseon listed himself as the roofing contractor. However, He did not do the job nor was he there to supervise the roofing nor was anyone other than the four men physically doing the shingling ever on the roof. What does this mean? Can a first time home builder do whatever he chooses after he pays lip service to the city by filling out a form that may or may not have the truth printed on it? What rights does this leave for a buyer of these types properties? "Buyer Beware" was not meant to be the the city motto. ~ I stated earlier that what I Want is for this builder to do the things he stated he would on that building application, if he doesn't, then I will be questioning his intentions with more phone calls and letters and make you and the city do the right thing. There were four men doing the roofing on Saturday, March 31st. They had two vehicles on the job site most of the day. One vehicle was an older pick-up truck and the other was a blue chevy Vandura, Fla. License No. %685-FZT. I watched them do. the work and I will swear they had no supervision from Bruce Ferguseon. I woUld like to know if these people were licensed to do this kind of work. If they are emPloyees of Mr. Ferguseon in which case they would be on his payroll and he could produce records to prove that fact. If they are licensed contractors, why were they not listed on the application. I want you to know that I am watching over what goes on, not as some person with nothing else to do but as a person with concerns about how this city operates and it's ability to protect its citizens. Sin ely~ _~ ~er L. Reese RECEIV'ED APR 1 0 1990 bt/he ~)