HomeMy WebLinkAbout06122001CITY OF SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 12, 2001 Chairman Holdridge called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chmn. Holdridge Meredith Fox Pierre Paquette(a) Scott Taylor VC Nicolini Andrew AIIocco Chuck Neuberger(a) Jim Morris EXCUSED ABSENCE: Frank Garland, Jr, ALSO PRESENT: Kathy Nappi, Board Secretary/Contractor Licensing Ann Brack, Recording Secretary APPROVA..!,, OF MINUTES: MOTION by Taylor/Morris I make a motion we approve the minutes from May 8, 2001 regular meeting. Voice vote: 7 - 0, motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Holdridge announced that Pierre Paquette(a) will vote for Frank Garland, Jr. in his absence. (Mr. Garland was absent because of an emergency.) OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: EXPERIOR EXAM: 1. GOMERSALL, EDWARD/RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR Mr. Edward Gomersall was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:05. MOTION by Taylor/Nicolini I'd like to make a motion that the Board approve Edward James Gomersall to take the Experior Exam for Residential Contractor. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2001 Roll call: Scott Taylor - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Chmn, Holdridge - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes Jim Morris - yes VC Nicolini - yes Meredith Fox - yes The vote was 7. O, motion carried, At this point, Kathy Nappi explained to all applicants what the procedure would be for them after this meeting tonight. 2, GIDEON, JOSHUA I RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR Joshua Gideon was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:07 pm. MOTION by AIIocco/Taylor i'd like to make a motion that we allow Joshua Eric Gideon to take the Experior Exam for Residential Contractor, Roll call: Pierre Paquette(a) - yes VC Nicolini - yes Scott Taylor - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Chmn. Holdridge - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. 3, JONES, WILLIAM i PLUMBING CONTRACTOR William Jones was present and was sworn in by Chmn. Holdridge at 7:09 pm. Mr. Neuberger questioned a statement on a letter in the application for Mr, Jones that referred to his working "on and off", Mr. Jones explained satisfactorily, MOTION by TaylorlAIIocco I'd like to make a motion that the Board approve William A. Jones to take the Experior Exam for Plumbing Contractor, Roll call: Chmn, Holdridge - yes Scott Taylor - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes VC Nicolini - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. 4. McGUIRE, JAKEN I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR jaken A, McGuire was present and was sworn in by Chmn. Holdridge at 7:11 pm, CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2001 Scott Taylor noted that Mr. McGuire's experience is one week short of the required time required to obtain a license. Mr. Nicolini pointed out some other information that was lacking on the verification of experience. The Board discussed this application extensively. It was determined that the applicant should provide a letter of verification of employment for one additional week of experience. MOTION by Morris/Fox Roll call: I'm going to make a motion that we recommend Jaken Andrew McGuire for the Experior Exam (Electrical Contractor) conditional upon another weeks worth of verification of employment and approved by Kathy Nappi. Meredith Fox - yes VC Nicolini - yes Scott Taylor - yes Chmn. Holdridge - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. 5. CIVETTA, DOMINIC I AJC "B" CONTRACTOR Dominic Civetta was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:17 pm. There was discussion about the company that issued the letter of verification. MOTION by Fox/Nicolini I would make a motion that Dominic Civetta could take the Experior Exam for Class "B" A/C. Roll call: Chmn. Holdridge - yes VC Nicolini - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes Scott Taylor - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. 6, SCHUPPAN, ADAM I POOL MAINT, & REPAIR Adam Schuppan was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:23 pm, Mr. Schuppan was questioned extensively by Board members about the scope of work that he performs. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2001 MOTION by NicolinilFox I'd make a motion that Mr, Schuppan be allowed to take the Experior Exam for Specialty Contractor in Pool Maintenance and Repair. Roll call: VC Nicolini - yes Scott Taylor - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes Chmn. Holdridge - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Meredith Fox - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. 7. LEWIS, JOEL I CONCRETE FORMING & PLACING This applicant was not present. 8. PARRISH, MICHAEL I GLASS & GLAZING Michael Parrish was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:34 pm. Mr. Parrish's verification form and letter were questioned by Board members. There was much discussion and it was determined that Mr. Parrish should provide a current, clean copy of the Verification of Construction Experience form. MOTION by Morris/Fox I make a motion that we approve Michael Anthony Parrish to take the Glass and Glazing Experior Exam conditional upon proper verification of his experience by at least two (2) Board membere. Discussion: Mr. Nicolini wanted to be sure that Mr, Parrish would provide new paperwork, Kathy Nappi assured him that she would provide him with new forms and Mr, Morris noted that Mr. Parrish needs to obtain a new letter of verification written on letterhead from his boss. Mr, Parrish assured all that he would provide new paperwork, Roll call: Pierre Paquette(a) - yes VC Nicolini - yes Scott Taylor - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Chmn. Holdridge - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. 9. STASCEWSKI, MICHAEL I DEMOLITION Michael Stascewski was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:44 pm. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2001 MOTION by AIIoccorraylor i'd like to make a motion we allow Michael James Stascewski to take the Experior Exam for demolition. Roll call: Chmn. Holdridge - yes Scott Taylor - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes VC Nicolini - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. STA$CEWSKI, MICHAEL I EXCAVATION Michael Stascewski was previously sworn in. MOTION by TaylorlNicolini I'd like to make a motion that the Board approve Michael James Stascewski to take the Experior Exam for Specialty Contractor - Excavation. Roll call: Meredith Fox - yes VC Nicolini - yes Scott Taylor - yes Chmn. Holdridge - yes Pierre Paquette(a) o yes Andrew AIIocco - yes jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - O, motion carried, 10. McCULLERS, TIMOTHY I IRRIGATION Timothy McCullers was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:46 pm. MOTION by Fox/Nicollni I make a motion that we okay William Timothy McCullers to take his Experior Exam for Irrigation. Roll call: Chmn. Holdridge - yes VC Nicolini - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AiIocco - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes Scott Taylor - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0. motion carried. 11. RICK II, VINCENT I IRRIGATION Vincent Rick II was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:50 pm. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2001 There was discussion about Mr. Rick's paperwork. MOTION by Morris/Taylor I make a motion that we approve Vincent Paul Rick to take the Experior Exam for Irrigation. Roll call: VC Nicolini - yes Scott Taylor - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes Chmn. Holdridge - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Meredith Fox - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. 12. HAYNES, DARRYL I IRRIGATION This applicant was not present. 13. HOSKINS, DREW I IRRIGATION Drew Hoskins was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:52 pm. Board members briefly discussed the background of this applicant. MOTION by Fox/AIIocco I would make a motion that we accept the information that his father could provide, the professional experience that we need, and then he be able to take the Experior Exam for Specialty Contractor and irrigation, contingent upon the receipt of that Information as discussed, At this point, Bob Hoskins, who was sworn in by the Chairman at 7:57 pm, local president of the FIS (Florida Irrigation Society), noted that the FIS is recommending that everyone in the Irrigation business get State Licensed. He gave further information justifying this endeavor. He also noted that his son, Drew Hoskins, worked for him for ten (10) years and he would have no problem providing written verification. Roll call: Pierre Paquette(a) - yes VC Nicolini - yes Scott Taylor - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Chmn. Holdridge - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried. Board members noted that the above applicant should provide written verification of his experience, and it should be approved by Kathy Nappi. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2001 14. SCHROEDER, STEPHEN I IRRIGATION Stephen Schreeder was present and was sworn in by the Chairman at 8:00 pm. MOTION by Morris/Taylor I make a motion that we approve Stephen Dale Schreeder to take the Irrigation Experior Exam, Specialty Contractor. Roll call: Chron. Holdridge - yes Scott Taylor - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes VC Nicolini - yes Meredith Fox - yes Andrew AIIocco - yes Jim Morris - yes The vote was 7 - 0, motion carried, The Chairman recalled Joel Lewis and Darryl Haynes, who were still not present. Kathy noted that she will contact these applicants to appear at another meeting, Mr. Nicolini noted that he will be available to sign off on any additional information provided by any of the applicants here tonight. V!OLATION HEARINGS..'_ None BUILD!N,,,G OFFICIAL MATI'ER~: None A short break was taken at 8:04 with all members returning at 8:08 pm. .B,.OARD MATTERS: REVIEW I DISCUSSION: NEW CONTRACTOR APPLICATION Meredith Fox complimented Andrew AIIocco on the hard work that he put in on the draft of the proposed new contractor application form. All other Board members reiterated the same compliment. There was discussion on the various methods of company names and the fictitious name issue. It was noted that any new application form that is developed by this Board will ~have to be examined by the City Attorney before going to City Council. Discussion included: "Grandfathering" procedures; the lines for "sex" and "race" on the application; drivers license number; Social Security number; changes to the City Code of Ordinances; number of years experience in different categories; the numerous categories as listed; the use of journeyman and master credentials; reciprocal action with other states; and the different swimming pool and repair designations. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2001 Kathy commented that after attending a recent CLOAF meeting, she reali;,ed that Sebastian is way behind other localities in their licensing procedures. She noted that the State has very definite rules and wordage that must be used when it comes to handling violations. Andrew noted that the State does not allow a fine to be imposed for a first- time violation. The question was raised about which takes precedence, the State or Sebastian regulations. The subject of financial responsibility was discussed again. Comments were made about this Boards goal of making licensure a one-step process, and the fact that in recent months, this Board has not received any evidence of financial responsibility for any applicants. It was determined to change the bold print on page 1 of the application to read - "APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION EXAMINATIONILICENSURE". It was also determined to keep the proposed fee at $150.00. There was discussion about the other suggested fee prices. Meredith suggested that if any applicant has a problem with any of the procedures involved with filing an application, they should be directed to bring it before this Board. There was also discussion about the fact that "Master" and "Journeyman" classes do not need to sUpply credit worthiness since they cannot go into business, and there was discussion about entering wording into the application that these two classes are exempt from the financial requirement. There was further discussion about financial responsibility. Mr. Nicolini wanted to make a motion to adjourn but Kathy had another issue to cover. Kathy asked for clarification on who is qualified to sign the experience verification forms. This issue was discussed. There was also discussion about qualifying with education instead of experience. ATTORNEY' .MATTERS: Attorney not present. .RECORD SCORES ,iN SCOREBOOK: Meredith Fox and Andrew AIIocco recorded the scores in the scorebook. Chmn. Holdridge adjourned the meeting at 10:00 pm. (6/21/Ol AB) FIOM~ OF PF,,UCAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET · SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ,,, FAX (561) 589-2566 P..UBLIC iVIEETIN,G CITY..O_F SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN STREET INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA THE SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WILL HOLD THEIR REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS~ AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A. VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL iS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WiTH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA); ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMIVIODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589.5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. TWO OR MORE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE-OF THIS MEETING. PUBLCMTG.DOC 1225 MAIN STREET · SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ,, FAX (561) 589-2566 SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JUNE 12, 2001' 7;00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ANNOUNCEMENTS OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: REGULAR MEETING - 5/8/01 EXPERIOR EXAM: GOMERSALL, EDWARD/RESIDENTIAL CONT. GIDEON, JOSHUA/RESIDENTIAL CONT. JONES, WILLIAM/PLUMBING CONT. MCGUIRE, JAKEN/ELECTRICAL CONT. CIVETTA, DOMINIC/MC "B" CONT. SCHUPPAN, ADAM/POOL MAINT. & REPAIR LEWIS, JOEL/CONCRETE FORMING & PLACING PA'.RRISH, MICHAEL/GLASS & GLAZING STASZEWSKI, MICHAEL/DEMOLITION STASZEWSKI, MICHAEL/EXCAVATION MCCULLERS, TIMOTHY/IRRIGATION RICK II, VINCENT/IRRGATION HAYNES, DARRYL/IRRIGATION HOSKiNS, DREW/IRRIGATION SCHROEDER, STEPHEN/IRRIGATION VIOLATION HEARINGS: BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: BOARD MATTERS: REVIEW/DISCUSSION: NEW CONT. APPLICATION ATTORNEY MATTERS: REORD SCORES IN SCOREBOOK 15 MINUTES TO PUBLIC ADJOURN NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE. CONAGEN.DOC