HomeMy WebLinkAbout08081979Sebastian Construction Board Meeting August 8, 1979 Ail members present, except for David Hines (who did attend the later portion of our meeting)' First item of discussion was the matter of Mr. John Svandrlik, who had hired a local sub-contractor to add a glass r6om enclosure to him home on981 SW ChelSea Avenue, SebaStian Highlands, Sebastian. Mr. sVandrlik's letter was then read by Arthur Ma~er , to the Board, for the' re=ord. Mr. Svandrlik also had written a registered letter, 'with a return receipt, to Mr. Adams telling him about his displeasure with this job. Mr. Adams, himself, signed and picked up the letter so he was well aware of Mr. S~andrlik's request. Mr. Svandrlik had submitted pictures, which were passed around to all the members of the Board. ~ Mr. Svandrlik stated hi~d&ss&t~efa~/~with the mechanical abilities of Mr. Adams and felt that Mr. Adams should not be licensed in the City of Sebastian to do any type of work whatsoever. Mr. Svandrlik also stated that all building permits be stamped with a warning that sa~s, more or less, that no owner should pay for a construc- tion job until that particular job passes a Final Inspection by the Building OFficial. After a lengthy discussion, it was the decision of the Baord that Mr.. Adams and Mr. Svandrlik b~ informed of our next meeting and invite both to attend. We will hear b----oth sides of the story and decide w~e.ther or not we will hold a hearing. Mrs. Marion Loseke was next on the agenda. She had resubmitted her application for a grandfather certificate. She presented the Board with a letter, which explained her present situation. She had been denied a certification by this Board previously on No~ember 7, 1978. She was reapplying, with the hopes of being.grandfathered but, as we explained to her, the grandfathering period is over and she would have to take the B~ock exam to qualify for certification. Mrs. Loseke w~s informed by the Board that she shows the experience necessary to take the exam. She will be notified of our decision. Mr. R. W. Rogusta was present at this meeting, He, too, is having a problem with the Mr. Adams. Mr. Rogusta resides at 971 SWCChelsea 'Avenue, Sebastian, Florida. He had a contract with Mr. Adams to do a job but, when Mr. Rogusta sawaall the problems that his neighbor, Mr. Svandrlik was having with Mr. Adams, he asked Mr. Adams if he could withdraw that contract and~ his $100 deposit returned. As of this date (August 8, 1979) Mr. Adams has not =eturned the $100 deposit, although he agreed with Mr. Rogusta that he would let him out of the contract. Mr. & Mrs..Frank Hoher, Jr., 465 SW Peterson Street, Sebastian High- lands, had a complaint with Balcor, Inc., who had built their new home. They had submitted a letter, which Arthur read for the record. The letter was addressed to ~r. William Tollman, Jr., Balcor, Inc., Sebastian, Florida.~ After hearing all the complaints that Mr. & Mrs. Hoher had concerning the construction of.their home, the Board felt that we do not have jurisdiction over their complaints. They were advised to take Balcor, Inc. to Small Claims Cou=t, as the complaints are not code complaints, they. are quality complaints. This home passed all the inspections re- quired an~ these inspections ~nsure safety and health. If a house has bad base boards, wrong windows, etc., you take these complaints to the State Attorney or the Small Claims Court. Mr. Milo Kaeding submitted an application for certification by this Board. Mr. Kaeding had submitted photostatic copies of his licenses, and a letter from E. R. Flynn, Palm Beach County. Mr. Flynn s~ated in this letter that Mr. Kaeding had taken a test--a Palm Beach County exam in January, ~63, This was not a Block, proctored exam. We have in our Ordinanc% governing 'licensing in this CitY, that we will honor Block proctored and/or equivalent exams. Mr. Kaeding was advised to obtain a letter from Block and Associates stating that this Palm Beach Countytest is the equivalent'to a Block test and, until we receive said letter, we will not issue Mr.Kaeding a certificate, through reciprocity, by this Board. .Mr. Kaeding will obtain such letter and submit it to the Board. Mr. Michael Richardson submitted an application for certification through reciprocity with Brevard County. His~application was complete and a letter from Brevard County was included, stating his grade and that the exam was a Block, proctoruexam. He will be issued one of our certificates. The item of licensing sub-contractors, who do not need a permit to do their particular line of wOrk, had been brought up at this meleting. Tht$~had been mentioned at the last meeting (June) and the'Board felt~ that we cannot confirm a person's competency if we don't test them; therefore, if a person wants a license to work in the City of Sebastian, they must take an exam, or prove that they'have already taken a Block, pro--red exam and~obtained a grade of 75% or better. Arthur stated that a sub-contractor should' be able to fill out an appli- cation, produce the ~roper insurance and workman"s compensation and be issued a license without testing them. Of course, the fee would be greater than the fee we require of all those subs who are currently licensed by...us. We will, therefore, ask the City Council to prepare an ordinance saying as muc~ as is stated above. A motion was made by Ed Paluch, seconded by Chris Kirrie, that'we recommend to the City Council: Contractors doing work, which does not require a permit, be allowed to operate under a special city license, issued by the City Clerk, who will require proof of insurance and maintain accurate records of same. City Clerk to also notify Building Department of coverage lapse and card holders of deficiencies and renewal notices. The fee - $50. Ail in favor, none opposed. Arthur feels that by doing this licensing, we will have just about every one, who is currently working in Sebastian (that is, working 'fo~ the general contractor by the hour), coming in to get a license, if they don't have to take a test. All of those persons, who currently hold~.a Certificate of Competency, even if~utheir trade do~s not ~equ~re a permit to work, will not be requi~ed to buy.'this special license.' They will maintain their ori- ginal license, issued by the Construction Board, as long as they meet the insurance requirements. A letter, submitted by the Rev. Jimmy L. FOxwort~ was read. He is-the pastor of the Church of God, N. Central Avenue, Sebastian. They are interested in applyin~ for, and receiving, a building permit for some additions they wish to do to the present church. They are asking to be given the permits themselves, as they are not~:_in the business for profit and it is for the community of the church. It is the decision of this Board that this particular request is not within our authority to grant. This is a public' building, tolbe"used by different members of the community and all permits issued for con- struc~on on commercial property, must be secured by a licensed con- tractor. Grace will write him an answer to '~his letter telling him that, we cannot, as the Sebastian ConStruction Board, grant hi~ per- mission to secure the permits for the church job. There were four applications approved, at this meeting, to take the Block, proctored exam, which will be given on September 8, 1979. One application had been given approval prior, at a previous meeting, so the total number of applicants to take the test is actually five. They are: Shane Lawrence Tom O'Neal Jerry L. Doutrich Lee W. Rattray Francis J. Oberbeck These applicants will be notified, in writing, of the date of the test and the location, etc. Block and Associates will also be notified of same, and the different categories of tests to bring. Three terms of office expire at midnight at the end of the fiscal ymar~ They are: The concerned citizen me~ber, the MARV contractor~' and the plumber contractor. These terms of Office must be advertised, in the local paper, by state law. We will run an item in the newspaper ad- vertising these openings and sta.te that all applica'tions'must be in City Hall prior to September 5, 1979. We will also publish the require- ments they must meet. A letter from Burney J. Carter, who is representing India~ ~ive~ Plumbing and Electric was read. Mr. Carter is asking fora grandfather certifi- cate for his client. Huston Tripp made a motion that we notify Mr. Carter and"informhim that the grandfather period is closed. EffortS'wereJ.~made bythiS Board to advertise to the p~hlic of this licensing in the City of Sebastian. We would be glad to accept an application for examination. Chris Kirrie seconded that motion. All in favor, none opposed. A letter from Dorothy F. Schneider, from Breezy Village, was read. She is not a citizen of the City of Sebastian, she is a resident of Indian River C0'unty..Her complaint was with one of our licensed sub-contractors but, as Breezy Vil~age~is~.~'t ~o~a~e~thin the city limits of Sebastian, and this is where the faulty workmanship took place, that this was out of our jurisdiction. We will suggest that she contact the agency where the permit was pulled for the particular job.she had done and have them take necessary action. An application, submitted by Winston Air Conditioning with a check for $50, indiaated that the gentleman wanted certification through recipro- city. No letters were attached as to where the Block, proctored exam was taken, therefore, if he wished to, submit another check for $25, he would qualify to take the test here. We will~-adv±se Mr. Winston~ of our decision.' An application from Mr. Harold Den/non, who has taken and passed the Block, proctored exam in Sanford, was reviewed. M~. Denmon's appli- cation was in order for reciprocal agreement, therefore, he will re- ceive one of our certificates. Mr. Dennis Brodsky, who holds City of Sebastian Certificate of Compe- tency #Rl120, wishes to place his certificate On Inactive status. This was brought up, as a matter of record. Letters of reneWal will be sent by the end of August to all of our licensed people, stating that their licenses will expire at midnight at the end of September. In the letter of renewal, it will be stated that current certificates of insurance must be in the Building Department and that, all those who are required to registem with the State of Florida, and have not done so, will not be issued a renewed c~rtificate. A notice will appear in the local newspaper informing those persons to renew their certificates prior to October 1, 1979. Grace had a question for the Board~. What do we do with those contrac- tors who have moved and failed to inform us? This will mean a change on'their certificates and it is in the ordinange that ~ny, and all, changes of status must be sent to the proper persons for update. The Boerd felt that, if that person fails to inform us of any changes, we do not issue any permits to him. The minutes of June 13, 1979 were read. The only change was the elimin- ation of a phrase in a motion of Huston Tripp, with r~gards tO Robert White, and the words to be eliminated are: "and any application in the future." A motion was made by Ed Paluch, seconded by David Hines, that we accept the minutes of June 13, 1979. All in favor, none opposed. ,',4,/?:?